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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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UP][100] JANY 1789

The importance of the spott at the Great Falls of the
Potowmack and the value of the property including it appear
from the following considerations—

First: The singular fitness of the situation for every species
of water works, merchants mills, Forges, Slitting & Plating
[sic] mills, Sawmills &c, &c, may be erected here with greater
advantages from nature than at any place perhaps within the


Page 322
whole compass of the United States. The spot was long ago
marked out by a very sagacious undertaker, for these purposes,
and has been left unimproved from no other cause
than the want of Funds. The addition made to the natural
advantages of the place, by the opening of the navigation
above requires no explanation. Wheat, Timber &c. can by
that means be collected from an extent of Country which is
capable of supplying them in the most ample quantities that
can be desired. Iron ore also & mineral coal are distributed
along the main River & its branches in great abundance,
and can be brought to the works on the best terms.

Secondly the importance of the situation as a resting place,
for an extensive commerce.—That the commerce through this
Channel will be extensive, will be best shewn, if all proof be
not superfluous, by a few plain & known facts. The main
river is already navigable miles above the falls. A Boat
of tons burden came down last fall from with a
load of and the navigation of that part of the river
will be ready for general use as soon as the spring season comes
on, or at farthest before the ensuing Summer is over. The
Shanandoah branch may and probably will be, very soon,
made navigable for 150 miles from its mouth which is miles
above the Falls. The south branch is equally capable of the
same improvement for 100 miles from its mouth, which is
miles above the falls. There are a number of smaller streams
running into the Potowmac above the falls, which are either
already navigable, or may easily be made so, not only on the
Virginia but also on the Maryland sides. By means of the
latter no small part of the produce now transported by land
to Baltimore, from the upper parts of Maryland & the skirts
of Penna. will be drawn into the navigation of the Potowmack.
The great region of country embrac'd by these several
waters is in general extremely fertile, particularly in the
parts through which they immediately flow, is already settled
attd cultivated, and is found excellently adapted to almost
every article which has been raised within this State. But


Page 323
the commerce of the Potomack will not be limited to this
region, extensive as it is. Another prospect presents itself
on the western side of the Alleghany mountains. The communication
between the Atlantic and the western country,
can be more easily established through the Potomac than
through any other channel, the source of this river lies nearest
to the sources of those which run westerly; its course forms
the most direct line with the course of the latter; and having
such of its natural obstructions as require locks all at one
spot, it has commanded advantages over other channels for
attracting the produce & supplying the consumption of great
part of the fertile country on the Ohio and its upper branches,
if not on the lakes also and the streams running into them.—
That the scite in question will be one of the resting places for
this extensive commerce results from several circumstances.
1. Wheat the staple article to be exported through this channel,
will be here most conveniently turned into flour for the
purpose. It will therefore be here purchased by the merchants
or rather agents of the merchants, residing at the
Seaport Towns; who will of course, keep at the same place
mechandize, in order the more easily to pay for the produce,
one side of commerce necessarily attracts the other. The
place of buying will always become the place of selling also.
There may be other articles, which will undergo some manufacturing
process before exportation, and to which the same
remark may be applied, But the arrangements established
for a principal article will extend themselves to others which
would otherwise require or produce them. 2. The navigation
above being open two weeks earlier than below the falls, and
the Town of Alexandria to which a good road may be made
being not more than 17 miles distant there will be a farther
inducement to make the falls a place of Exchange for exports
and imports. 3. The navigation above being already fitted
for use, & that below being not likely to be open for some
time, and on account of its peculiar difficulties, perhaps a long
time, the Falls will if proper measures be accelerated, have


Page 324
the habit of commerce in Its favour & might be continued as
the entrepot from causes not otherwise entirely equal to the

Thirdly. The convenience of the place for a manufacturing
Town This advantage is evident from the remarks already
made. In no place can materials or provisions be more
cheaply or plentifully assembled. Every branch of manufacture
with Iron or other water works, must be particularly
favoured at this spot, and as such are numerous and have
mutual relations again with many other branches, a better
seat for manufactories can scarcely be fancied. The place is
moreover healthy, is surrounded by a fertile and well wooded
country, and admits of an easy supply of every foreign implement
& article which manufactures may stand in need of.


So endorsed by Madison, the words "at whose request drawn up"
being in his penmanship when an old man. The report is a copy, as
are all the Lee letters.