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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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My Dear Sir

Your favor of the 29th ult: was received in N.
York—the pleasing one of the 19th Inst. found me in
this city, whither I had come with a view either to
return to N. York or proceed to Virginia as circumstances
might determine—I have not sooner acknowledged
your first favor, because it intimated that the
subject of it admitted of delay, and I did not wish
to precipitate a determination on it—although I did
not foresee any addition of lights to guide me—The
truth is I am fully satisfied that your calculations of
advantage in the purchase are in substance at least
well founded—I cannot be less so, that the proposition
to me is the genuine offspring of a friendship,
which demands the warmest returns and acknowledgements
—an opportunity of bettering my private


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circumstances cannot be prudently disregarded by
me—and I need not add that one more acceptable
could not be found, than that in which every instance
of profit to myself would be a pleasing proof of concurrent
profit to you. To these considerations
nothing is opposed but an inability to make the contributions
which would be due & necessary on my
part—and a fixt aversion to becoming a burden in
the contract, and to stand in the way perhaps of
other friends, who have an equal title to gratification,
with the requisite means of giving effect to the
plan—I do not know that within 12 months I could
command more than one or two hundred pounds,
unless I could dispose of property, which is not at
present practicable.

You will see from the above explanation that notwithstanding
my inclination, I dare not avail myself
of your friendship on this occasion—any further than
arrangements can be engrafted in the Bargain which
will make the bargain contribute itself the means of
fulfilling its obligations, and its objects. So far I
shall be happy in partaking its benefits in such proportion
as you may think fit—not exceeding the
reparation in your own behalf—How far the means
can be extracted out of the bargain you alone can
determine. I apprehend that one at least of the
gentlemen on whom you have cast an eye, is in no
condition at present to enter into such a speculation.
Wadsworth is probably able—but I cannot even guess
his dispositions on the subject—of the other I know
nothing—The measures pursued at Richmond are as


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impolitic as they are otherwise exceptionable—if
alterations of a reasonable sort are really in view,
they are much more attainable from Congress than
from attempts to bring about another convention.
It is already decided that the latter mode is a hopeless
pursuit—N. H—Mass—Con. N. J. Pena. &
Delaware having appointed Senators known to be
Bona fide friends to the constitution—From the Ist
State will be Langdon & Bartlett—from the 2d Bowdoin
& Strong—from N. Jersey, Patterson & Elmer
—the others you know—Maryland, S. Carolina &
Georgia will make appointments of the like complexions.
The elections of Reps for Pena is over, but
the result is not yet known from all the counties,
little doubt is entertained on one side, that it will
prove favorable, though the other side do not renounce
its hopes. In the city the majority was
nearly as five to one—In Lancaster county still
greater I am told, and in one or two others, the proportion
not less—The antifederal counties however
are farthest off, and have not yet been heard from—
In Berks where unanimity almost prevailed on that
side, the badness of the day and the height of the
waters reduced the number of voters to about 400—
although the county must contain several more—In
general a small proportion of the people seemed to
have voted—How far this is to be charged on the
weather or an indifference to the occasion I am not
able to say.

I am not yet entirely recovered from the complaint
which was reproduced by the journey from


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N. York hither—Nor am I yet absolutely decided
whether I shall go back in consequence of the reappointment
to Cong.—or proceed forthwith to Virga
—I mean to be a member of the H. of Reps if elected
to that service—and to take the proper steps for
offering my services. Those of a contrary character
I shall certainly decline. Even the electioneering
appearance of a trip to Virga. at this crisis is not a
little grating to me. Present me in the best manner
to Mrs Lee.

I am yrs affy