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CXXXVIII. Mekely we syng and seye to the: ‘Maria, spes nostra, salue.’


CXXXVIII. Mekely we syng and seye to the:
‘Maria, spes nostra, salue.’


Childryn of Eve bothe grete and small,
Here in this vale of wrechidnesse
With grete wepyng to the we call
For helpe and grace in oure distresse,
And, as oure tungis can expresse,
Mekely we synge and seye to the:
‘Maria, spes nostra, salue.’


Thou art, lady, and euer shalt be
Quene of mercy, moder of grace;
Therfore atte nede, o lady fre,
Turne vnto us thi glorious face
And confort us in euery case,
Syth we do syng and seye to the:
‘Maria, spes nostra, salue.’


Thoughe itte be muche, thatte we offende,
Yeit we be thyne foreuermore;
Therfore thy grace to us extende,
Pure virgyn after and before,
For syn that we be notte forlore,
Syth we do sing and seye to the:
‘Maria, spes nostra, salue.’


Thow doist habunde so in all wise
With goodnes, grace and all vertu,
So thatte oure laude can nott suffice
To the, sweete moder of Ihesu;
But yet oure prayers not eschewe,
Sith we do sing and seye to the:
‘Maria, spes nostra, salue.’


Sweete and benigne mediatrise,
Thyn eyen of grace on us thou cast,
Sith thou art quene of paradise,
And lete not oure hope be in wast,
Butt schewe us thy sonne atte the last,
Sith we do sing and seye to the:
‘Maria, spes nostra, salue.’



O meke and mylde, full of pite,
For us pray to thatt prince of pease,
Thatte we may cum to thatt cite,
Wheroff the ioye shall neuer sease,
Butte multiplie and euer encrease,
Sith we do sing and seye to the:
‘Maria, spes nostra, salue.’