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CXIV. Thys ys fulle tru, þis ys fulle tru (Who can sey ‘Nay’ to thys?): Mary ys modere of Ihesu, And god hys fadere ys.

CXIV. Thys ys fulle tru, þis ys fulle tru
(Who can sey ‘Nay’ to thys?):
Mary ys modere of Ihesu,
And god hys fadere ys.


An angelle bright came downe with light
A message for to do
Vnto that meyde, and thus he seyde
Fulle mekely here vnto:


‘Haylle, Mary mylde ay vndefylde:
The lorde god ys wyth the,
And his owne chylde so meke and mylde
Of the nowe born wylle be.’


Also he seyde vnto thatte mayde,
Thatte was so meke and fre:
‘Of women alle bothe grete and smalle
Ay blessyd motte thou be!’


Off thatte tydyng, thatt he dydde bryng,
This meyden meruelde sore,
Hou thatte hyghe kyng, þatt made althyng,
Of here wombe wolde be bore.


Thatte angelle bright þan seide full right:
‘Drede not, Mary so fre:
Thou hast founde grace before the face
Of god in persons thre.



In thy wombe thow shalt conceyue now
A chylde and bere the same.
Of highe degre this childe shall be:
Ihesus shalle be his name.


The lord of alle to hym gyffe shalle
A sete of mageste
A-bove in blysse, as right itte ys,
Wheroff none ende shalle be.’


Sche answerd than: ‘Telle, if thou can,
Hou this dede shalle be wrought,
Sith I intende notte to offende
With man in dede ne thought.’


‘The holigost of myghtys most
Fro blysse shalle lyght in the;
By whoys vertu of Crist Ihesu
The moder thou shalt be.


Beholde alsoo: Elizabeth, loo,
Thatte barayn long hath gon,
In here old age by highe suffrage
Hath conceyuyd saynt Ihon.


Thatt kyng and lord, þat with a worde
Hath made althyng of nought,
This dede in the now do shalle he
Atte his wylle with a thought.’


‘Beholde,’ she seyde, ‘goddis handmeyde,’
To hym, thatt maydyn mylde:
‘Thy worde in me fulfyllyd be;’
And soo she was with chylde.


Thatte angelle bright þo went full right
A-yen to heuyn blys,
And, as he seyde, thatt blessyd meyde
The modere of god ys.