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CI. Mary so myelde of hert and myende Hath borne a childe to save mankyende.

CI. Mary so myelde of hert and myende
Hath borne a childe to save mankyende.


Mary so myelde and good of fame
By vertu of the holygoost
Hath borne a chielde, Ihesus by name,
To save mankyende, the whiche was lost.


Marie so myelde in hert and myende,
As Gabriell to her behight,
Hath borne a chielde to save mankyende,
The son of god and king of myght.


Marie so myelde, that quene of grace,
Hath borne a chielde (scripture seith soo)
To bringe mankyende out of that place,
Where is bothe peyne and endeles woo.


Mary so myelde in worde and thought
Hath borne a chielde, Ihesus soo good,
The whiche ayene mankyende hath bought
On the roode tree with his hert bloode.


Mary so myelde in dede and wille
Hath borne a chielde, that made alle thing,
To whom althing obeyeth by skille,
As to theire prince, theire lorde and king.


Mary so myelde, so pure and clene
Vnto hir chielde, that hath no pere,
By hir mekenes she is a meane,
That we shalle come to heven quere.



Mary so myelde, moder and may,
Hath borne a chielde by hir mekenesse,
That shall bringe vs at domes day
Fro thraldom, peyn, woo and distresse.



Pray we to hym with worde and thought,
That myelde Marie now furth hath brought,
Whose infinite goodenesse may nought
Esse seca.