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Han shih wai chuan

Han Ying's Illustrations of the didactic application of the Classic of songs
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Master Ch`u-ch`iu[2] came dressed in a grass raincoat and wearing
a rope for a belt to see Prince Mêng of Ch`ang. Prince Mêng of
Ch`ang said, "Sir, you are old; your years are advanced. You are
frequently forgetful. What have you to teach me?"[3]

Master Ch`u-ch`iu said, "How can Your Highness call me old?
How can Your Highness call me old? I suppose you are going to
have me throw a stone or leap far? Pursue a chariot or run after
a horse? Chase a deer or capture a panther or tiger? In that case
I would die on the spot; what time would I have for growing old?
Or are you going to have me make deep-laid plans and far-reaching
schemes? Settle doubts[4] and decide uncertainties? Issue formal
pronouncements on meeting the feudal lords? In that case I am
just in my prime. How does age enter into the matter?"

Prince Mêng of Ch`ang blushed and the sweat poured off him to
his heels. He said, "I was wrong, I was wrong."

The Ode says,[5]

An old man, [I speak] with entire sincerity.


Hsin hsü 5.14b-15a is slightly expanded from this, quoting from the same Ode,
but adding another quotation from the Shih and one from the Shu.


Hsin hsü adds "at the age of 70" [OMITTED]. (Chou.)


One is unavoidably reminded of Father William.


For [OMITTED] Lei-chü 18.13a has [OMITTED], likewise TPYL 383.4a, with [OMITTED] for [OMITTED].
Chao (235) thinks this is correct: "Exert my energies to decide uncertainties?" It
is not easy to see how such a corruption could arise.


Shih 501 No. 254/4.