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XVII. Ecce, quod natura mutat sua iura: Virgo parit pura dei filium.

XVII. Ecce, quod natura mutat sua iura:
Virgo parit pura dei filium.


Beholde and see, how that nature
Chaungith here lawe: a mayden pure
Shalle bere a chielde (thus seith scripture),
Ihesus, oure sauyour.


Beholde, the flease of Gedeon
Wexed wete, that no dewe fel on;
Beholde, the yerde of Aaron
Vnmoysted bare a floure.


The prophete Isay seith thus:
‘A mayde shall bere a childe to vs,
Whose name shall be called Ihesus,
Oure helpe and our socour.


A yerde shall goo oute of Iesse rote,
Wherof a floure shall ascende full soote.’
This floure is Crist, oure helth and boote,
This yerde Mary, his boure.


Seynt Mathew seith in the gospell:
‘A mayde shall bere Emanuell,


That is to sey, god with vs to dwell,
That louely paramour.’


Forsoth, to vs is borne a chielde,
A sonne is yeven to vs full myelde
Of virgyne Marie vndefielde
To cease oure grete langoure.


This is the stone cutte of the hille,
Criste borne of Marie vs vntille
Without synne in thought, dede and wille
To save vs fro dolour.


This chielde shall be the prince of peas,
Whose kingdome shall euir encrease,
Wherof the peas shall neuir ceas,
But encreace day and houre.


Seint Anselme seith: ‘So Criste did pas
Thurgh Marie myelde, as his wille was,
As the sonne beame goth thurgh the glas,
That mayde full of honoure.’