The Nasby papers Letters and sermons containing the views on the topics of the day of Petroleum V. Nasby |
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A man who duz things frum prinsipple kin stand a good deal. I
kin. Sustaned and soothed by an unfaltrin trust in the rychusnis uv
the Suthrin coz, I stuck to my beluvd rejyment, the Loozeaner Pelikins,
with a tenassity wich I did not dreme I possest. But ther is a
pint beyond wich human nacher can not go. I endoord hunger and
cold—I saw the rags drop off my muskeler limbs wun by wun—I
murmered not. But, wen the pataloons wuz awl gone—wen my costoom

Quartermaster onfeelinly remarkt that my dress wuz all rite; that
hereafter my costoom wuz to be adoptid ez the uniform uv the rejyment—I
felt that desershun wuz no longer a crime, and I deserted.
It is entirely onnessary to rekount awl I endoored in makin my
eskaip. Suffice it to say that at Columbus I stript the klose off uv
an innebryatid solger, and maid my way to Amanda township. My
old Demokratic friends did not kno me, and ez I expected to borry
money uv them I deemed it best not to make myself knone.
They were suspishus uv my bloo kote, at fust, until wun uv them
remarkt how I likd the serviss?
To wich I anserd, “Dam the serviss!
“Don't admire fitin fer the nigger, eh?”
“Not any,” sez I.
“Why not desert?” sez he.
“I hev deserted,” sez I.
In a instant the aspeck uv things wuz changd. A jug wuz prodoost,
and they awl shook hands. Wun, more richer nor the rest,
handed me a treasury note uv $10, sayin, “You may need it.”
I replide that, as a general thing I wood hev nothin to do with any
paper that bore the babboon likeness uv the usurper and tyrent Linkin,
but under the sirkumstances I wood endoor it until I cood get
it changd into Injeany munny. They took up a kollekshun to wunst,
fer my benefit, wich amounted to $43.
Jest at this pint wun uv em asked me to what rejyment I belonged.
I replide the Loozeaner Pelikins.
“Loozeaner!” sed another, “why that's a Confedracy rejyment
aint it?”
“To be sure,” sez I.
“And air yoo a deserter frum a Suthrin rejyment,” sez the benevelent
old butternut who hed invested $10, in the deserter biznis.
“Sartin,” sez I.
Scezin me by the throte, he ejackelated, “Give me my money you
swindler!” And with a unanimity trooly surprisin they awl yelled,
“Give me my money you swindler—you got it under false pretences.”

ekanimity, sidlin out and gettin away ez soon ez possible.
I am disappointed in Amandy. Frum wat I had heard I hed supposed
they were kind to deserters. I found that it makes much differense
wich side you desert from.
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