A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |
Illvstr. XIII.
[When first I knew the world, (and was untaught]
Their Friendship firme will ever bide,
Whose hands unto the Crosse are tide.
Whose hands unto the Crosse are tide.
When first I knew the world, (and was untaught
By tryde experience, what true Friendship meant)
That I had many faithfull friends, I thought;
And, of their Love, was wondrous confident.
For, few so young in yeares, and meane in fortune,
Of their Familiars, had such troopes, as I,
Who did their daily fellowship importune;
Or, seeme so pleased in their company.
In all their friendly meetings, I was one;
And, of the Quorum, in their honest game:
By day or night, I seldome sate alone;
And, welcome seemed, wheresoere I came.
By tryde experience, what true Friendship meant)
That I had many faithfull friends, I thought;
And, of their Love, was wondrous confident.
For, few so young in yeares, and meane in fortune,
Of their Familiars, had such troopes, as I,
Who did their daily fellowship importune;
Or, seeme so pleased in their company.
In all their friendly meetings, I was one;
And, of the Quorum, in their honest game:
By day or night, I seldome sate alone;
And, welcome seemed, wheresoere I came.
But, where are now those multitudes of Friends?
Alas! they on a sudden flasht away.
Their love begun, but, for some sensuall ends,
Which fayling them, it would no longer stay.
If I to vaine expences, would have mov'd them,
They, nor their paines, nor purses, would have spared;
But, in a reall need, if I had prov'd them,
Small showes of kindnesse, had bin then declared.
Of thrice three thousands, two, perhaps, or three,
Are left me now, which (yet) as Friends I prize;
But, none of them, of that great number be,
With whom I had my youthfull Iollities.
Alas! they on a sudden flasht away.
Their love begun, but, for some sensuall ends,
Which fayling them, it would no longer stay.
If I to vaine expences, would have mov'd them,
They, nor their paines, nor purses, would have spared;
But, in a reall need, if I had prov'd them,
Small showes of kindnesse, had bin then declared.
Of thrice three thousands, two, perhaps, or three,
Are left me now, which (yet) as Friends I prize;
But, none of them, of that great number be,
With whom I had my youthfull Iollities.
If, therefore, thou desire a Friend, on Earth,
Let one pure-faith betwixt you bee begot,
And, seeke him not, in vanities, or mirth,
But, let Afflictions tye your true-love-knot:
For, they who to the Crosse, are firmely tyde,
Will fast, and everlasting Friends, abide.
Let one pure-faith betwixt you bee begot,
And, seeke him not, in vanities, or mirth,
But, let Afflictions tye your true-love-knot:
For, they who to the Crosse, are firmely tyde,
Will fast, and everlasting Friends, abide.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |