A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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Illvstr. XII.
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![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |
Illvstr. XII.
[Thrice happy is that, Man whose Thoughts doe reare]
As, to the World I naked came,
So, naked-stript I leave the same.
So, naked-stript I leave the same.
Thrice happy is that, Man whose Thoughts doe reare
His Minde above that pitch the Worldling flies,
And by his Contemplations, hovers where
He viewes things mortall, with unbleared eyes.
What Trifles then doe Villages and Townes
Large Fields or Flockes of fruitfull Castell seeme?
Nay, what poore things are Miters, Scepters, Crownes,
And all those Glories which Men most esteeme?
Though he that hath among them, his Delight,
Brave things imagines them (because they blinde
With some false Lustre his beguiled sight)
He that's above them, their meane-Worth may finde.
His Minde above that pitch the Worldling flies,
And by his Contemplations, hovers where
He viewes things mortall, with unbleared eyes.
What Trifles then doe Villages and Townes
Large Fields or Flockes of fruitfull Castell seeme?
Nay, what poore things are Miters, Scepters, Crownes,
And all those Glories which Men most esteeme?
Though he that hath among them, his Delight,
Brave things imagines them (because they blinde
With some false Lustre his beguiled sight)
He that's above them, their meane-Worth may finde.
Lord, to that Blessed-Station me convey
Where I may view the World, and view her so,
That I her true Condition may survey;
And all her Imperfections rightly know.
Remember me, that once there was a Day
When thou didst weane me from them with content,
Ev'n when shut up within those Gates I lay
Through which the Plague-inflicting Angel went.
And, let me still remember, that an Houre
Is hourely comming on, wherein I shall
(Though I had all the World within my powre)
Be naked stript, and turned out of all.
But minde me, chiefely, that I never cleave
Too closely to my Selfe; and cause thou me
Not other Earthly things alone to leave,
But to forsake my Selfe for love of Thee:
That I may say, now I have all things left,
Before that I of all things, am bereft.
Where I may view the World, and view her so,
That I her true Condition may survey;
And all her Imperfections rightly know.
Remember me, that once there was a Day
When thou didst weane me from them with content,
Ev'n when shut up within those Gates I lay
Through which the Plague-inflicting Angel went.
And, let me still remember, that an Houre
Is hourely comming on, wherein I shall
(Though I had all the World within my powre)
Be naked stript, and turned out of all.
But minde me, chiefely, that I never cleave
Too closely to my Selfe; and cause thou me
Not other Earthly things alone to leave,
But to forsake my Selfe for love of Thee:
That I may say, now I have all things left,
Before that I of all things, am bereft.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |