A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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Illvstr. XXXV
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![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |
Illvstr. XXXV
[This Tree, which here doth largely seeme to grow]
They passe through many stormes, and streights,
Who rise to any glorious heights.
Who rise to any glorious heights.
Tree, which here doth largely seeme to grow,
(And spreads above, though streightned in below)
Through adverse Winds, and many a Winters blast,
Hath gain'd a faire proportion at the last;
And, from a lowly shrub, is growne to bee
A well-esteemed, and a goodly Tree.
Thus, hath it chanced unto many a man:
And, he that first in misery began,
(So poore and meane, that very few or none
Have judg'd him to be worth the looking on)
Ev'n he, through scornes, through wrongs, and povertie,
Hath crept, and screw'd, and rais'd himselfe so high,
That, he hath placed been among the prime,
Of those, who seem'd the Worthies of the time;
Yea, overtopt and aw'd, the best of those,
Who sought to curbe him, when he first arose.
(And spreads above, though streightned in below)
Through adverse Winds, and many a Winters blast,
Hath gain'd a faire proportion at the last;
And, from a lowly shrub, is growne to bee
A well-esteemed, and a goodly Tree.
Thus, hath it chanced unto many a man:
And, he that first in misery began,
(So poore and meane, that very few or none
Have judg'd him to be worth the looking on)
Ev'n he, through scornes, through wrongs, and povertie,
Hath crept, and screw'd, and rais'd himselfe so high,
That, he hath placed been among the prime,
Of those, who seem'd the Worthies of the time;
Yea, overtopt and aw'd, the best of those,
Who sought to curbe him, when he first arose.
This, I have seene; And, as wee seldome find
A Tree grow faire, that cannot brooke the Wind,
Or, must be hous'd at Winter; or, on whom
The Gardners pruning-knife, did never come:
So, I have rarely knowne those men to rise
To any good, or noble qualities,
Who feele not, first some hardship, or some storme,
To prune, to discipline, and to reforme
Their wits and manners. For, prosperitie,
Ease, plentie, and too large a libertie,
Doth often blast them; and, somtime bereave them,
Of what their Predecessors worth's, did leave them.
Let, therefore, no man, feare when this he knowes,
Although in tempests, and through streights he goes.
A Tree grow faire, that cannot brooke the Wind,
Or, must be hous'd at Winter; or, on whom
The Gardners pruning-knife, did never come:
So, I have rarely knowne those men to rise
To any good, or noble qualities,
Who feele not, first some hardship, or some storme,
To prune, to discipline, and to reforme
Their wits and manners. For, prosperitie,
Ease, plentie, and too large a libertie,
Doth often blast them; and, somtime bereave them,
Of what their Predecessors worth's, did leave them.
Let, therefore, no man, feare when this he knowes,
Although in tempests, and through streights he goes.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |