A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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Illvstr. II
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![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |
Illvstr. II
[Still fixt, and with triumphant Laurell crown'd]
The Man that hath true Wisdome got,
Continues firme, and wavers not.
Continues firme, and wavers not.
Still fixt, and with triumphant Laurell crown'd,
Is truest Wisdome; whom, expressed thus,
Among the old Impresa's, we have found;
And, much, this Emblem hath instructed us.
For, hence we learne; that, Wisdome doth not flow
From those unconstant men, whom ev'ry Blast,
Or small Occasion, turneth to and fro;
But, from a Settled-head that standeth fast.
Who'ever shoulders, him, he gives no place;
What Storme soe're, his Times or Fortunes, breath,
He neither hides his Brow, nor turnes his Face;
But, keepes his Lookes undaunted, ev'n in Death.
The Laureat-head, upon the Pillar set,
Thus signifies; And that Bay-wreath doth show
That constant Wisdome will the conquest get,
When giddy Policie prevailes not so.
Is truest Wisdome; whom, expressed thus,
Among the old Impresa's, we have found;
And, much, this Emblem hath instructed us.
For, hence we learne; that, Wisdome doth not flow
From those unconstant men, whom ev'ry Blast,
Or small Occasion, turneth to and fro;
But, from a Settled-head that standeth fast.
Who'ever shoulders, him, he gives no place;
What Storme soe're, his Times or Fortunes, breath,
He neither hides his Brow, nor turnes his Face;
But, keepes his Lookes undaunted, ev'n in Death.
The Laureat-head, upon the Pillar set,
Thus signifies; And that Bay-wreath doth show
That constant Wisdome will the conquest get,
When giddy Policie prevailes not so.
If, therefore, thou desirest to be taught,
Propose good Ends with honest Meanes thereto,
And therein Constant be, till thou hast brought
To perfect end, that Worke, thou hast to doe.
Let neither flatt'ring Pleasures, nor Disgrace,
Nor scoffing Censures, nor the cunning Sleighs
Of glozing Sycophants, divert that Race
To which, a harmelesse Prudence, thee invites.
Though others plot, conspire, and undermine,
Keepe thou a plaine right Path; and let their Course,
For no advantage, make thee change from thine,
Although it (for the present) seemes the worse.
He, thus that workes, puts Policie to Schoole,
And makes the Machavilian prove a foole.
Propose good Ends with honest Meanes thereto,
And therein Constant be, till thou hast brought
To perfect end, that Worke, thou hast to doe.
Let neither flatt'ring Pleasures, nor Disgrace,
Nor scoffing Censures, nor the cunning Sleighs
Of glozing Sycophants, divert that Race
To which, a harmelesse Prudence, thee invites.
Though others plot, conspire, and undermine,
Keepe thou a plaine right Path; and let their Course,
For no advantage, make thee change from thine,
Although it (for the present) seemes the worse.
He, thus that workes, puts Policie to Schoole,
And makes the Machavilian prove a foole.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |