A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |
Illvstr. XXXIV.
[The Westerne-Indians, when they want a Fire]
When Two agree in their Desire,
One Sparke will set them both on Fire.
One Sparke will set them both on Fire.
Westerne-Indians, when they want a Fire
To warme their naked limbs, or dresse their Food,
At ev'ry need, accomplish their Desire,
By often rubbing of two Stickes of Wood.
To warme their naked limbs, or dresse their Food,
At ev'ry need, accomplish their Desire,
By often rubbing of two Stickes of Wood.
From whence, these Observations we may take;
First, that in them whose Natures gentlest are,
A long Contention such a Change may make,
As did, before, scarce possible appeare.
First, that in them whose Natures gentlest are,
A long Contention such a Change may make,
As did, before, scarce possible appeare.
Next, that when Two in Opposition bee,
Whose power and strength and Malice is the same,
Their strugling Hearts but seldome doe agree,
Till they beget, a Selfe-devouring-Flame.
Whose power and strength and Malice is the same,
Their strugling Hearts but seldome doe agree,
Till they beget, a Selfe-devouring-Flame.
And, thirdly, it informes, that those chast Fires
Which on Loves Altars keepe a Lasting-Heat;
Are those, which in two Hearts, two Like-Desires
Vpon each other, mutually beget.
Hence, therefore, learne thou, first, not to contemne
Their Mildnesse, who to anger are not prone;
Lest, many wrongs doe stirre up Fires in them,
And worke thee Mischiefe, when thou look'st for none.
Which on Loves Altars keepe a Lasting-Heat;
Are those, which in two Hearts, two Like-Desires
Vpon each other, mutually beget.
Hence, therefore, learne thou, first, not to contemne
Their Mildnesse, who to anger are not prone;
Lest, many wrongs doe stirre up Fires in them,
And worke thee Mischiefe, when thou look'st for none.
Be wary, next, though thou thy selfe be strong,
How with a pow'rfull Foe thou dost contend;
For, they that wrastle in Contention, long,
Will, sure, beshrew their Madnesse, in the end.
How with a pow'rfull Foe thou dost contend;
For, they that wrastle in Contention, long,
Will, sure, beshrew their Madnesse, in the end.
And, if to warme thee by Loves Fires thou seeke,
Thy Peere in Yeares, and Manners, pray to finde;
Let both your Aymes, and Longings, be alike;
Be one in Faith, and Will; and, one in Minde:
So, you shall reape the fruits of your Desire,
And warme each other with a kindly Fire.
Thy Peere in Yeares, and Manners, pray to finde;
Let both your Aymes, and Longings, be alike;
Be one in Faith, and Will; and, one in Minde:
So, you shall reape the fruits of your Desire,
And warme each other with a kindly Fire.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |