A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |
Thou, of a noble minde, art thought,Which, heav'nly things, hath chiefly sought.
And, scorn'st thy vertue to debase,
By loving those of lower place.
If so, thine Emblem doth expresse
Thy Wisdome, and thy worthynesse.
But, if to earthward thou incline;
Thence, learne Affections more Divine.
Some words or thoughts, perhaps, of yourHave wrong'd Gods providence, or Pow're:
Els, you (it may be) to some place,
Confine his unconfined Grace;
Or, thinke, he never taketh care,
Of any Realme, but where you are.
Your Lot, now, therefore, doth provide,
To have your Iudgement rectifide.
Thou maist be wise, but, there is, yet,Some crack, or failing in thy wit:
For, thou dost personate a part,
That, showes thee other, then thou art.
Thine Emblem, therefore, doth declare,
What Habit, such deserve to weare;
And, that, he merits Asses eares,
Who is not, that, which he appeares.
You have, as yet, much worke to doe,But, yoo have little time thereto:
That, little, flyes away with speed,
And, you the Losse, as little heed.
Lest, therefore, all your time be gone,
Before you duely thinke thereon,
A memorandum you have got,
By drawing, of this luckie Lot.
Though you, perhaps, no perill dread,A mischiefe hangs above your head;
By which, you (taking little care)
May perish ere you be aware.
To minde you, therefore, to eschew
Such Miseries as may ensue;
Your Lot, this warning Emblem sent;
Observe it, and your harmes prevent.
Thou fly'st, in hope, to shun thy griefe;Thou changest place, to seeke releefe;
And, many blamelesse things are shent
As, causers of thy discontent.
But trouble, now, no more thy minde,
The root of thy disease to finde;
For, by thine Emblem, thou shalt see,
The Fountaine, whence thy torments bee.
Thou art, or els thou wert, of late,Some great, or petty, Magistrate;
Or, Fortune thereunto, perchance,
In time to come, will thee advance.
But, by thine Emblem, thou shalt see,
That, when restrein'd, thy pow'r shall be,
Offenders, thereof will be glad,
And skoffe the pow're which thou hast had;
Observe it; and be so upright,
That, thou maist laugh at their despight.
Promotion thou dost much desire,And, spacious Fortunes to acquire;
As, if thou thoughtst, thou mightst attaine,
True Blessednesse, by such a gaine:
To shew thee, therefore, what event,
What happinesse, and what content,
Such things, will bring vs, at the last,
An usefull Object, now, thou hast.
Disheartned be not, though thou see,Thy Hopes, quite frustrate seeme to be;
For, many Hopes, appearing past,
Have, beene renew'd againe, at last;
And, grew far greater, then before,
When, they seem'd lost, for evermore.
Examples, therefore now are brought,
That, still, to Hope, thou mayst be taught.
Most men desire to gaine the Fate,Which keepes them safe, in ev'ry state;
And, you, no doubt, would faine provide,
A Station, which might firme abide.
If so you meane; your Lot hath brought,
Some newes of that, which you have sought:
For, by your Emblem, you may see,
What men shall most unmooved be.
You seeme, to wonder, much of late,That, some goe backward in Estate,
Who seeme to thrive; and, why, we finde,
Those Friends, who seemed very kinde,
(And, forward, good respects to show)
Doe, now unkinde, and froward grow.
But, when your Emblem you shall see,
No wonder, then, such things will be.
Thou seek'st a Conquest; or, (at least)Of such a Pow're to be possest,
As none can conquer; And, bohold,
Thou, in an Emblem, shalt be told
The meanes to get thy hearts desire.
Yet, know, that if thou come no nigher,
Then but to know the meanes of blisse,
The farther off, the blessing is.
Thou liv'st, as one who thinks, that, FateAll Actions did nesessitate;
And, that to doe, or leave undone,
Thy Businesses, came all to one.
If, thus thou thinke, perhaps, this Chance
May helpe to cure thine Ignorance;
And, show, when 'twill be, wholly, fit
To Fate, our matters, to commit.
Thy Neighbors house when thou dost view,Welfurnisht, pleasant, large, or new,
Thou thinkst good Lares, alwaies dwell,
In Lodgings that are trimm'd so well.
But, by thine Emblem, thou art showne,
That (if thou lov'dst what is thine owne)
Thatcht Roofes, as true Contentments yeeld,
As those, that are with Cedar seeld.
Vaine Fancies, therefore, from thee cast;
And, be content with what thou hast.
Thou seek'st Preferment, as a thing,Which East, or Westerne-winds might bring;
And, thinkst to gaine a temp'rall Crowne,
By Powres and Vertues of thine owne:
But, now, thy Lot informes from whom,
The Scepter, and preferments come;
Seeke, thence, thy lawfull hopes fruition,
And, cherish not a vaine ambition.
This Lot, though rich, or poore, thou bee,Presents an Emblem, fitt for thee.
If Rich, it warnes, not to be proud;
Since, Fortunes favours are allow'd
To Swinish-men. If thou be poore,
Deject thou not thy selfe, the more;
For, many worthymen, there are,
Who, doe not Fortunes Iewels weare.
Thou, dost not greatly care, by whomThy wealth, or thy Preferments, come:
So, thou maist get them, Foole or Knave,
Thy prayers, and thy praise may have;
Because, thou dost nor feare, nor dreame,
What disadvantage comes by them:
But, by thine Emblem, thou shalt see,
That, Mischieves, in their favours bee.
You boast, as if it were, unknowneThe power you have were not your owne:
But, had you not an able Prop,
You could not beare so high a Top;
And, if that Ayde forsake you shall,
Downe to the ground, you soone will fall.
Acknowledge this; and, humble grow,
You may be, still, supported so.
This Lot of yours doth plainely show,That, in some danger now you go.
But, wounds by Steele, yet, feare you not;
Nor Pistoling, nor Cannon-shot;
But, rather, dread the shafts that fly,
From some deepe-wounding wantons eye.
Your greatest perills are from thence;
Get, therefore, Armour of defence.
Thy Vertues, often, have beene tride,To finde what proofes they will abide:
Yet, thinke not all thy Trialls past,
Till thou on ev'ry side art cast;
Nor, feare thou, what may chance to thee,
If truely, square, thy dealings be:
For, then, what ever doth befall,
Nor harme, nor shame, betide thee shall.
Fine Clothes, faire Words, entising Face,With Maskes of Pietie and Grace,
Oft, cheat you, with an outward show,
Of that, which prooveth nothing so.
Therefore, your Emblems Morall read;
And, ere too farre you doe proceed,
Thinke, whom you deale withall, to day,
Who, by faire shewes, deceive you may.
You, are accus'd of no man, here,As, if to any, false, you were
In word, or Deed; and, wish, we doe,
Your Conscience may acquit you too,
But, if your selfe you guilty finde,
(As, unto such a fault inclin'd)
The crime, already past, repent;
And, what is yet undone, prevent.
You haue delighted much, of late,Gainst Womens ficklenesse, to prate;
As if this frailety you did find,
Entail'd, alone, on Womankind:
But, in your selfe, ther's now and then,
Great proofes, of wav'ring minds, in men:
Then, jugde not faults which are unknown;
But, rather learne to mend your owne.
At you Afflictions, you repine,And, in all troubles, cry, and whine;
As if, to suffer, brought no Ioy;
But, quite, did all contents destroy.
That, you might, therefore, patient grow,
And, learne, that Vertues pow're, to know,
This Lot, unto your view, is brought:
Peruse, and practise what is taught.
On out side Friends, thou much reli'st,And, trustest, oft, before thou try'st;
By which, if Cousnage thou escape,
Thy Wit wee praise not, but thy Hap:
But, lest by trust, (e're triall due)
Thou, overlate, thy Trusting rue;
Observe the Morall of thy Lot,
And, looke that thou forget it not.
By this your Lot, it should appeare,That, you your selfe are too severe;
Or, have, by some, perswaded bin,
That, ev'ry Pleasure is a sinne.
That, wiser therefore, you may grow,
You have an Emblem, now, to show,
That, Hee, whose wisdome all men praise,
Sometime, layes downe his Bow, and playes.
Thou little heedst how Time is lost,Or, how thine Howres away doe post;
Nor art thou mindfull of the day,
In which thy life, will breath away.
To thee this Lot, now, therefore, came,
To make thee heedfull of the same.
So, of thy Dutie, let it mind thee,
That, thou maist live, when Death shall finde
A safe-abiding, wouldst thou know,When Seas doe rage, and winds doe blow?
If so; thine Emblem shewes thee, where
Such Priviledges gained are.
Observe it well; then, doe thy best,
To bee a Yongling, in that nest
There Moraliz'd: and, mocke thou not
At what is taught thee, by this Lot.
Beleeve not, alwayes, as thy Creed,That, Love-profest, is Love-indeed;
But, their Affections entertaine,
Who in thy need, firme Friends remaine.
Perhaps, it much may thee concerne,
This Lesson, perfectly, to learne.
Thine Emblems morall, therefore view,
And, get true Ertends, by being, true.
The Consciences, of some, affordNo Lawfull use unto the Sword:
Some dreame, that, in the time of peace,
The practise of all Armes may cease;
And, you, perhaps, among the rest,
With such like fancies are possest.
However, what your Morall sayes
Observe; and, walke in blamelesse wayes.
A better Fortune you might gaine,If you, could take a little paine:
If you have Wealth, you should have more,
And, should be Rich, (though you are poore)
If to the longings you have had,
A true endevour you would adde:
For, by your Emblem, you may see,
Such, as your Paines, your Gaines will be,
When any troublous Time appeares,Your Hope is ouercome, with feares,
As, if, with every Floud of Raine,
The World would quite be drownd againe.
But, by your Emblem, you shall see,
That, Sunshine, after Stormes may be:
And, you this Lot, (it may be) drew,
In times of neede, to comfort you.
When, you to ought, pretend a right,You thinke to winne it by your might.
Yea, by your strength, your purse or friends,
You boast to gaine your wished Endes.
But, such Presumptions to prevent
You to an Emblem now are sent
That, showes, by whom he Victor growes,
That winnes, by giving overthrowes.
If, truely temperate, thou be,Why should this Lot, be drawne by thee?
Perhaps, thou either dost exceed,
In costly Robes; or, drinke, or feede,
Beyond the means. If, this thou finde,
Or, know'st, in any other kinde,
How thou offendest by excesse,
Now, leave off, that intemp'ratnesse.
Thou hop'st, to climbe, to honor'd heights,Yet, wouldst not passe through stormes or streights;
But, shun'st them so, as if there were
No way to blisse, where troubles are.
Left, then, thou lose thy hop'd-for praise,
By, seeking wide, and easie wayes;
See what thine Emblem doth disclose.
And, feare not ev'ry winde that blowes.
Sometimes, it may be, thou dost finde,That, God, thy prayers, doth not minde,
Nor, heede, of those Petitions take,
Which, men and Congregations make.
Now, why they take so ill effect,
Thou, by our Morall, maist collect:
And, by the fame, shalt also see,
When, all thy suits will granted be.
Thou, hast been very forward, still,To punish those, that merit ill;
But, thou didst never, yet, regard
To give Desert, her due Reward.
That, therefore, thou maist now have care,
Of such Injustice, to beware,
Thine Emblem, doth to thee present,
As well Reward, as punishment.
Thou, either hast a babling tongue,Which, cannot keepe a secret, long;
Or, shalt, perhaps, indanger'd growe,
By such, as utter all they know.
In one, or other, of the twaine,
Thou maist be harm'd; and, to thy gaine,
It may redound, when thou shalt see,
What, now, thine Emblem, counsels thee.
By this, thy Lot, we understand,That, somewhat, thou hast tooke in hand,
Which, (whether, further, thou Proceed
Or quite desist) will danger breed.
Consider, then, what thou hast done,
And, since the hazzardis begun,
Advised be to take the Course,
Which may not make the danger worse.
The Destinies, thou blamest, much,Because, thou canst not be so rich,
As others are: But, blame no more
The Destinies, as heretofore;
For, if it please thee to behold,
What, by thine Embleme, shall be told,
Thou, there, shalt find, which be those Fates,
That, keepe men low, in their estates.
Thou thinkst, that thou from faults art free;And, here, unblamed thou shalt be.
But, if to all men, thou wilt seeme
As faire, as in thine owne esteeme,
Presume thou not abroad to passe,
Vntill, by ev'ry Looking-Glasse,
Which, in thy Morall, is exprest,
Thou hast, both Minde, and Body drest.
Some, labour hardly, all their daies,In painefull-profitable wayes;
And, others taste the sweetest gaine,
Of that, for which these tooke the paine:
Yet, these, they not alone undo,
But, having robd, they murther too.
The wrongs of such, this Emblem showes,
That, thou mayst helpe, or pitty those.
Thou, often hast observ'd with feares,Th'aspects, and motions of the Starres,
As if, they threatned Fates to some,
Which, God could never save them from.
If this, thy dreaming Error be,
Thine Emblems Morall shewes to thee,
That, God restraines the Starry Fates,
And, no mans harme, necessitates.
Thou, hast provoked, over long,Their patience, who neglect the wrong;
And, thou dost little seeme to heede,
What harme it threats, if thou proceed.
To thee, an Emblem, therefore, showes,
To what, abused-Patience growes.
Observe it well; and, make thy Peace,
Before to Fury, Wrath increase.
Thou hast the helps of Natures light;Experience too, doth ayde thy sight:
Nay more, the Sun of Grace-divine,
Doth round about thee daylie shine,
Yet, Reasons eye is blind in thee,
And, clearest Objects cannot see.
Now, from what cause, this Blindnesse growes
The Morall of thine Emblem showes.
Thy cause, thy Money, or thy Friend,May make thee forward to contend;
And, give thee Hopes, that thy intents,
Shall bring thee prosperous events.
But view thy Lot; then, marke thou there,
That Victories uncertaine are;
And rashly venture not on that
Whose End may be, thou knowest not what.
To them who grudgingly repine,Assone as their estates decline,
This Lot pertaines; or, unto those,
Who, when their neighbour needy growes,
Contemne him; as if he were left,
Of God; and, of all hopes bereft.
If this, or that, be found in thee,
Thou, by thy Morall, taught shalt be,
That, there is none to ill besped;
But may have hope, he shall be fed.
Thy Flesh thou lov'st, as if it were,The chiefest Object, of thy Care;
And of such value, as may seeme,
Well meriting, thy best esteeme.
But, now, to banish that conceit,
Thy Lot an Emblem brings to sight,
Which, without flattery, shewes to thee
Of what regard it ought to be.
It may suspected be thou hast,Mispent the Time, that's gone and past;
For, to an Emblem thou art sent,
That's made, such folly to prevent:
The morall heed; Repent thy Crime;
And, Labour, to Redeeme the Time.
With good applause thou hast begunne,And, well, as yet, proceedest on:
But, e're the Lawrell, thou canst weare,
Thou to the End must persevere.
And, lest this dutie, be forgot,
Thou hast a Caveat, by this Lot.
Although, this time, you drew it not,Good Fortune, for you, may be got.
Perhaps, the planets ruling now,
Have cast no good Aspects on you.
For, many say, that, now and then,
The Starres looke angerly on men:
Then, try your Chance againe, anon;
For, their displeasure foone is gone.
If, by your Lot you had beene prais'dYour minde, perchance, it would have rais'd,
Above the meane. Should you receive
Some check, thereby, It would bereave
Your Patience: For, but few can beare,
Reproofes, which unexpected are.
But, now prepared you have beene,
To draw your Lot once more begin;
And, if another Blancke you get,
Attempt your chance, no more, as yet.
To crosse your hopes, Misfortune sought;And, by your Lot, a Blanck hath brought:
But, he who knew her ill intent,
Hath made this Blanke her spight prevent;
For, if that Number you shall take,
Which these two figures, backward, make,
And view the place to which they guide;
An Emblem, for you, they provide.
These Lots are almost Ten to OneAbove the Blankes; yet, thou hast none.
If thus thy Fortune still proceed,
Tis Ten to One if well thou speed.
Yet, it thou doe not much neglect,
To doe, as Wisdome shall direct,
It is a Thousand unto ten
But all thy Hopes will prosper, then.
It seemes, Dame Fortune, doth not know,What Lot, on thee, she should bestow;
Nor, canst thou tell, (if thou mightst have
The choice) what Fortune, thou shouldst crave.
For, one thing, now, thy minde requires;
Anon, another it desires.
When Resolution thou hast got,
Then, come againe, and draw thy Lot.
The Chance, which thou obtained hast,Of all our Chances, is the last;
And, casting up the totall summes,
We finde thy Game, to Nothing comes.
Yet if it well be understood,
This Chance may chance to doe thee good;
For, it inferres what Portion shall,
To ev'ry one, (at last) befall;
And warnes, while something, is enjoyd,
That, well it (alwaies) be imployd.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |