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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. XLVII.
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Illvstr. XLVII.

[A Serpent rais'd above the Letter Tau]

When we above the Crosse can rise,
A Crowne, for us, prepared lies.

A Serpent rais'd above the Letter Tau,
Aspiring to a Crowne, is figur'd here:
From whence, a Christian-Morall we may draw,
Which worth our good-regarding will appeare.
For, by those Characters, in briefe, I see
Which Way, we must to Happinesse ascend;
Then, by what Meanes, that Path must clymed bee;
And, what Reward, shall thereupon attend.
The Crosse, doth shew, that Suffring is the Way;
The Serpent, seemes to teach me, that, if I
Will overcome, I must not then, assay
To force it; but, my selfe thereto applye.
For, by embracing what we shall not shunne,
We winde about the Crosse, till wee arise
Above the same; and, then, what Prize is wonne,
The Crowne, which overtops it, signifies.
Let me, O God, obtaine from thee the Grace,
To be partaker of thy Blessed Passion;
Let me, with Willingnesse, thy Crosse imbrace,
And, share the Comforts of thy Exaltation.
To beare that Part, whereto I doomed am,
My Heart, with Strength, and Courage, Lord, inspire:
Then, Crucifie my Flesh upon the same,
As much as my Corruption shall require.
And, when by thy Assistance, I am rear'd
Above that Burthen, which lyes yet upon me;
And, over all, which (justly may be fear'd)
Shall, during Life-time, be inflicted on me;
Among those Blessed-Soules, let me be found,
Which, with eternall Glory, shall be Crown'd.