A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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Illvstr. XVI
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![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |
Illvstr. XVI
[Would you not laugh, and thinke it beastly fine]
Her favours, Fortune, oft imparts,
To those that are of no deserts.
To those that are of no deserts.
Would you not laugh, and thinke it beastly fine,
To see a durtie, and ill-favour'd Swine,
Weare on her snout, a Diamond, or a Pearle,
That might become the Ladie of an Earle?
And hold it head, as if it meant to show
It were the Pigg of some well-nurtur'd Sow?
Perhaps, you thinke there be not any where
Such Antickes, but in this our Emblem here.
But, if you take these Charmes, and then goe forth
Among some troupes, which passe for folkes of worth,
You shall discover, quickly, if you please,
A thousand sights, as mimicall as these.
To see a durtie, and ill-favour'd Swine,
Weare on her snout, a Diamond, or a Pearle,
That might become the Ladie of an Earle?
And hold it head, as if it meant to show
It were the Pigg of some well-nurtur'd Sow?
Perhaps, you thinke there be not any where
Such Antickes, but in this our Emblem here.
But, if you take these Charmes, and then goe forth
Among some troupes, which passe for folkes of worth,
You shall discover, quickly, if you please,
A thousand sights, as mimicall as these.
Here, you shall see a noble Title worne,
(That had not mis-beseem'd one better borne)
By him, whose vertues are of little price,
And, whose estate, was gotten by his Vice.
You shall behold another Mushrome, there,
Walke with our Lords, as if hee were their Peere,
That was well knowne, to be but tother day,
No fit companion for such men as they;
And, had no other meanes to climbe this height,
But Gaming, or to play the Parasite.
Yet (though he neither hath his Trade, nor Lands,
Nor any honest In come, by his hands)
Hee, oft consumes at once, in Games or Cheare,
More than would keepe his Better all the yeare.
Yea, many such as these, thou shouldst behold,
Which would bee vext, if I describe them should:
For, thus, unworthily, blind Fortune flings,
To Crowes, and Geese, and Swine, her precious things.
(That had not mis-beseem'd one better borne)
By him, whose vertues are of little price,
And, whose estate, was gotten by his Vice.
You shall behold another Mushrome, there,
Walke with our Lords, as if hee were their Peere,
That was well knowne, to be but tother day,
No fit companion for such men as they;
And, had no other meanes to climbe this height,
But Gaming, or to play the Parasite.
Yet (though he neither hath his Trade, nor Lands,
Nor any honest In come, by his hands)
Hee, oft consumes at once, in Games or Cheare,
More than would keepe his Better all the yeare.
Yea, many such as these, thou shouldst behold,
Which would bee vext, if I describe them should:
For, thus, unworthily, blind Fortune flings,
To Crowes, and Geese, and Swine, her precious things.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |