A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |
Illvstr. XLVI.
[Wee finde it common (but not comely thou)]
Though very small, at first, it be,
A Sprout, at length, becomes a Tree.
A Sprout, at length, becomes a Tree.
Wee finde it common (but not comely thou)
That, when a good Endeavour is begot,
Vnlesse, at very first, it equall grow
With our Expectance, we regard it not.
Nor Wit, nor Patience, have we to conceive,
That ev'ry thing, which may by Man be wrought.
Proportionable Time, and Meanes, must have;
Before it can be to Perfection, brought.
Yet, ev'ry day, in things of ev'ry kinde,
Experience hath informed us, herein;
And, that, in many things, a change we finde,
Which, at the first, would scarce believ'd have bin.
That, when a good Endeavour is begot,
Vnlesse, at very first, it equall grow
With our Expectance, we regard it not.
Nor Wit, nor Patience, have we to conceive,
That ev'ry thing, which may by Man be wrought.
Proportionable Time, and Meanes, must have;
Before it can be to Perfection, brought.
Yet, ev'ry day, in things of ev'ry kinde,
Experience hath informed us, herein;
And, that, in many things, a change we finde,
Which, at the first, would scarce believ'd have bin.
For, though a Gosling will not prove a Swan,
Vnruely-Colts become well-trayned Steeds;
A Silly-Childe growes up a Mighty-Man,
And, Lofty-Trees doe Spring from Little Seeds.
Vnruely-Colts become well-trayned Steeds;
A Silly-Childe growes up a Mighty-Man,
And, Lofty-Trees doe Spring from Little Seeds.
Learne, therefore hence, that, nothing you despise,
Because it may, at first, imperfect seeme:
And, know, how all things (in some sort) to prise,
Although, you give them not the best esteeme.
Because it may, at first, imperfect seeme:
And, know, how all things (in some sort) to prise,
Although, you give them not the best esteeme.
From hence, moreover, learne; not to despaire,
When you have just occasion, to pursue
A toylesome worke, or any great affaire:
Since, all things, at the first, from nothing, grew.
And, I my selfe will, also, learne, from hence,
(Of all my Paines, though little fruits I see)
Nor to repine, nor to receive Offence;
But, rather joy in what befalleth mee.
For, though my Hopes appeare but meanely growne,
They will be Great, when some shall thinke them none.
When you have just occasion, to pursue
A toylesome worke, or any great affaire:
Since, all things, at the first, from nothing, grew.
And, I my selfe will, also, learne, from hence,
(Of all my Paines, though little fruits I see)
Nor to repine, nor to receive Offence;
But, rather joy in what befalleth mee.
For, though my Hopes appeare but meanely growne,
They will be Great, when some shall thinke them none.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |