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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. XXXVII.
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Illvstr. XXXVII.

[This is a well-knowne Figure, signifying]

True Vertue, firme, will alwayes bide,
By whatsoever suffrings tride.

This is a well-knowne Figure, signifying,
A man, whose Vertues will abide the trying:
For, by the nature of the Diamond stone,
(Which, Violence, can no way worke upon)
That Patience, and long-suffering is intended,
Which will not bee with Injuries offended;
Nor yeeld to any base dejectednesse,
Although some bruising Pow'r, the same oppresse;
Or, such hard streights, as theirs, that hamm'rings feele,
Betwixt an Anvile, and a Sledge of Steele.
None ever had a perfect Vertue, yet,
But, that most Pretious-stone, which God hath set
On his right hand, in beaming-Majestie,
Vpon the Ring of blest ETERNITIE.
And, this, is that impenitrable Stone,
The Serpent could not leave impression on,
(Nor signe of any Path-way) by temptations,
Or, by the pow'r of sly insinuations:
Which wondrous Mysterie was of those five,
Whose depth King Solomon could never dive.
Good God! vouchsafe, ev'n for that Diamond-sake,
That, I may of his pretiousnesse, partake,
In all my Trialls, make mee alwayes able
To bide them, with a minde impenitrable,
How hard, or oft so'ere, those hamm'rings bee,
Wherewith Affections must new fashion mee.
And, as the common Diamonds polish'd are,
By their owne dust; so, let my errours weare
Each other out; And, when that I am pure,
Give mee the Lustre, Lord, that will endure.