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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. XLIV.
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Illvstr. XLIV.

[What may the reason be, that, when Desire]

They, best injoy their Hearts desires,
In whom, Love, kindles mutuall-fires.

What may the reason be, that, when Desire
Hath kindled in the brest, a Loving-fire,
The Flame, which burn'd awhile, both cleere & strong,
Becomes to be extinguished, ere long?
This Emblem gives the reason; for, it showes,
That, when Affection, to perfection growes,
The Fire, which doth inlighten, first, the same,
Is made an equall, and a mutuall-flame.
These burning Torches, are alike in length;
To shew, Love equall, both in time, and strength.
They, to each otherward, their Flames extend,
To teach us, that, True-lovers have no end
Pertayning to Selfe-love; and, lo, betweene
These Two, one Flaming heart, is to be seene;
To signifie, that, they, but one, remaine
In Minde; though, in their Persons, they are twaine.
He, doubtlesse, then, who Lov'd, and, giveth over,
Deserveth not the Title of a Lover at
Or, else, was unrequited in Affection,
And, was a Lover, with some imperfection.
For, Love, that loves, and is not lov'd as much,
May perfect grow; but, yet, it is not such,
Nor can be, till it may that object have,
Which gives a Heart, for what it would receive:
And, lookes not so much outward, as to heed
What seemes within, to want, or to exceed.
Whether our Emblem's Author, thought of this,
You need not care; nor, will it be amisse,
If they who perfect Lovers, would be thought,
Doe mind, what by this Morall, they are taught.