A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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Illvstr. XLIII.
[Observe the Sheafe of Arrowes, figur'd here]
A Mischiefe, hardly can be done,
Where many-pow'rs are knit in one.
Where many-pow'rs are knit in one.
Observe the Sheafe of Arrowes, figur'd here;
And, how the pow'r, and fury, of the Beare
(Though hee attempt it) no device can finde
To breake one slender-shaft, while they are joyn'd:
Whereas, were they divided, strength but small,
Like rotten Kexes, would soone breake them all.
And, how the pow'r, and fury, of the Beare
(Though hee attempt it) no device can finde
To breake one slender-shaft, while they are joyn'd:
Whereas, were they divided, strength but small,
Like rotten Kexes, would soone breake them all.
This Emblem, therefore, fitly doth imply
That Safeguard, which is found in Vnity;
And, shewes, that, when Dis-union is begunne,
It breedeth dangers, where before were none.
The Psalmist, numerous Off-springs, doth compare
To Quivers, that with Shafts replenish'd are.
When Vnity hath knit them in her bands,
They prove like Arrowes in a Gyants hands.
And, though, for these, their Foes in wayt have layd,
They shall not be supriz'd, nor made afrayd.
That Safeguard, which is found in Vnity;
And, shewes, that, when Dis-union is begunne,
It breedeth dangers, where before were none.
The Psalmist, numerous Off-springs, doth compare
To Quivers, that with Shafts replenish'd are.
When Vnity hath knit them in her bands,
They prove like Arrowes in a Gyants hands.
And, though, for these, their Foes in wayt have layd,
They shall not be supriz'd, nor made afrayd.
Consider this, yee Children of one Sire,
'Twixt whom, is kindled some contentious fire,
And, reconciled be, lest thou, at length,
Consume away the marrow of your strength;
Or, by dividing, of your joyned-pow'r,
Make way for those, who studie to devoure.
Yea, let us all consider, as we ought,
What Lesson, by this Emblem, we are taught.
For, wee are Brethren all; and (by a Bloud
More precious, then our nat'rall Brother-hood)
Not knit, alone, but, mingled, as it were,
Into a League; which is, by much, more deare,
And, much more dangerous, to be undone,
Then all the Bands, that can be thought upon.
'Twixt whom, is kindled some contentious fire,
And, reconciled be, lest thou, at length,
Consume away the marrow of your strength;
Or, by dividing, of your joyned-pow'r,
Make way for those, who studie to devoure.
Yea, let us all consider, as we ought,
What Lesson, by this Emblem, we are taught.
For, wee are Brethren all; and (by a Bloud
More precious, then our nat'rall Brother-hood)
Not knit, alone, but, mingled, as it were,
Into a League; which is, by much, more deare,
And, much more dangerous, to be undone,
Then all the Bands, that can be thought upon.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |