A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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of Lennox, &c.
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TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTY Prince, JAMES, Duke of Lennox, &c.
Richmond, your beloved Vnkle, liv'd,
(For whose departure, all this Empire griev'd,
And, yet laments) his GRACE did not refuse
To deigne respects, to my obscured MVSE;
Nor scorne, from Highest-worth, to stoope so low,
As, mee, in my despisednesse, to know:
And, had not Bashfulnesse restrain'd my Wit,
From pressing-on, (when he incourag'd it,)
My Pegasvs, had learn'd, e're now, to rise,
Which, yet, with lame, and sickly Feathers flies.
(For whose departure, all this Empire griev'd,
And, yet laments) his GRACE did not refuse
To deigne respects, to my obscured MVSE;
Nor scorne, from Highest-worth, to stoope so low,
As, mee, in my despisednesse, to know:
And, had not Bashfulnesse restrain'd my Wit,
From pressing-on, (when he incourag'd it,)
My Pegasvs, had learn'd, e're now, to rise,
Which, yet, with lame, and sickly Feathers flies.
But, HEE hath left us; and, I thought not on
The losse I had of HIM, till he was gone;
Nor could I dreame, till he did hence ascend,
What t'was to want an Honourable-friend:
Nor, what they feele, whom Fate constraines, to tarry
On stormy Plaines, without a SANCTVARIE.
The losse I had of HIM, till he was gone;
Nor could I dreame, till he did hence ascend,
What t'was to want an Honourable-friend:
Nor, what they feele, whom Fate constraines, to tarry
On stormy Plaines, without a SANCTVARIE.
Assoone, as from among us, he made wing,
My Hopes did waine, and, I began to sing
A Mournfull-song, not easie to forget;
Because, I beare the burthen of it, yet.
Nor was I silent (though my Epicede
Appear'd not, for the publike eye to reade)
But, griev'd in private, as one wanting Art,
To give, the Life of praise, to his desart:
Which, if I could have equall'd with his Name,
His Death had gain'd my Verse, a living-Fame.
My Hopes did waine, and, I began to sing
A Mournfull-song, not easie to forget;
Because, I beare the burthen of it, yet.
Nor was I silent (though my Epicede
Appear'd not, for the publike eye to reade)
But, griev'd in private, as one wanting Art,
To give, the Life of praise, to his desart:
Which, if I could have equall'd with his Name,
His Death had gain'd my Verse, a living-Fame.
And, why expresse I this? except it give
Your GRACE, a sit occasion to perceive,
That, my decayed Hopes I would renew,
And, faine derive them downe, from HIM to YOV?
That, as you branched from his Princely Stemme;
(Are, honour'd with his Ducall-Diadem)
And, imitate his Vertue; So, you might
Be Lord, in mee, of that, which was his right:
And, for his Noble sake, vouchsafe to own
A Servant, which, to you, is yet unknowne.
Your GRACE, a sit occasion to perceive,
That, my decayed Hopes I would renew,
And, faine derive them downe, from HIM to YOV?
That, as you branched from his Princely Stemme;
(Are, honour'd with his Ducall-Diadem)
And, imitate his Vertue; So, you might
Be Lord, in mee, of that, which was his right:
And, for his Noble sake, vouchsafe to own
A Servant, which, to you, is yet unknowne.
As Prologue, to the service I intend,
This PRESENT comes; and, without Hope, or End,
Of gaining further Grace, or more Esteeme,
Than may, with humblest modestie, beseeme
His Love, and Honest-meaning, to expect,
Whose Merits have, no visible effect,
Conducing to your profit; and, from whom
The best of his intents, are yet to come.
This PRESENT comes; and, without Hope, or End,
Of gaining further Grace, or more Esteeme,
Than may, with humblest modestie, beseeme
His Love, and Honest-meaning, to expect,
Whose Merits have, no visible effect,
Conducing to your profit; and, from whom
The best of his intents, are yet to come.
I cannot thinke, these Lots, or Emblems, are
So worthy in themselves, as they'l appeare
In your acceptance; Or, that they can give,
Such Grace to YOV, as they'l from you receive.
Yet, if YOV please, they may be, otherwhile,
A profitable Meanes, to help beguile
A Melancholy thought; And, have the pow'r
To shorten (without losse) a tedious howre.
So worthy in themselves, as they'l appeare
In your acceptance; Or, that they can give,
Such Grace to YOV, as they'l from you receive.
A profitable Meanes, to help beguile
A Melancholy thought; And, have the pow'r
To shorten (without losse) a tedious howre.
Sometime (no doubt) content you are to walke
In Artlesse Groves; Or, to admit the talke
Of Rustick Swaines (though ev'ry day you might
Your self in well-trim'd garden-bowr's, delight,
Or, heare the learnedst Muses, when you please;)
Ev'n so, for change you may, perhaps, in these
A Recreation finde; and, in some measure,
A Profit, intermixed with your Pleasure.
In Artlesse Groves; Or, to admit the talke
Of Rustick Swaines (though ev'ry day you might
Your self in well-trim'd garden-bowr's, delight,
Or, heare the learnedst Muses, when you please;)
Ev'n so, for change you may, perhaps, in these
A Recreation finde; and, in some measure,
A Profit, intermixed with your Pleasure.
I will not make my Promises too large,
Lest, my Performances, they overcharge
With Expectation: but, I leave them, SIR,
To Bee, and to be thought, the same they are.
And, if your EXCELLENCE, (when you behold
The Ground whereon I first became so bold,
To make this Entrance) shall vouchsafe to daigne
Those Favours, which, I dare not thinke to gaine
By Meer-deserving; you may then, perchance,
My Willingnesse, to Ablenesse advance:
And reap in Mee (when ripened they are grown)
Some timely fruits, of that, which you have sown.
Lest, my Performances, they overcharge
With Expectation: but, I leave them, SIR,
To Bee, and to be thought, the same they are.
And, if your EXCELLENCE, (when you behold
The Ground whereon I first became so bold,
To make this Entrance) shall vouchsafe to daigne
Those Favours, which, I dare not thinke to gaine
By Meer-deserving; you may then, perchance,
My Willingnesse, to Ablenesse advance:
And reap in Mee (when ripened they are grown)
Some timely fruits, of that, which you have sown.
Till then, let it suffice, that I professe
A cheerefull, and a thankfull Readinesse
To honour Yov; and, openly to show
The Dutie, which, it may appeare, I owe
To HIM that's gone. And, let your GRACE descend
To take this Pledge, of what I more intend.
A cheerefull, and a thankfull Readinesse
To honour Yov; and, openly to show
The Dutie, which, it may appeare, I owe
To HIM that's gone. And, let your GRACE descend
To take this Pledge, of what I more intend.
Who am in all humilitie Your Graces to be
commanded, Geo: Wither.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |