A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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Illvstr. XXVI.
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Illvstr. XXVI.
[Ifany covet knowledge of that Path]
The Right-hand way, is Vertues Path,
Though rugged Passages it hath.
Though rugged Passages it hath.
Ifany covet knowledge of that Path,
Which thither tends, where Peace her dwelling hath,
This Emblem (being well observ'd) will show
On whether side, it will be best to goe.
Which thither tends, where Peace her dwelling hath,
This Emblem (being well observ'd) will show
On whether side, it will be best to goe.
The Left-hand way, seemes to be walk'd, at ease,
Through Lawnes, and Downes, and green-swath'd Passages;
And, much allures the Traveller, to trie
The many Pleasures, which doe that Way lye.
Through Lawnes, and Downes, and green-swath'd Passages;
And, much allures the Traveller, to trie
The many Pleasures, which doe that Way lye.
The Right-hand-course, is through a Pathlesse-mound
Of newly ploughed, and deep-furrow'd Ground;
Which, as uneasie seemeth, to be gone,
As, in appearance, rough to looke upon.
Yet, this is Vertue's Path: This Way uneven,
Is that, which unto ev'ry man is given,
To travaile in; and, hath a safer ending,
Then those, whereon more Pleasures are attending:
And (though it leades us thither, where we see
Few promises of outward Glories bee)
It brings (us when we passe the common sight)
Through easy Tracts, to gaine our Hearts delight.
Of newly ploughed, and deep-furrow'd Ground;
Which, as uneasie seemeth, to be gone,
As, in appearance, rough to looke upon.
Yet, this is Vertue's Path: This Way uneven,
Is that, which unto ev'ry man is given,
To travaile in; and, hath a safer ending,
Then those, whereon more Pleasures are attending:
And (though it leades us thither, where we see
Few promises of outward Glories bee)
It brings (us when we passe the common sight)
Through easy Tracts, to gaine our Hearts delight.
The other Way (though seeming streight, it lyes,
To Pleasure's Pallaces, before our eyes)
Hath many rubs, and perills, which betweene
Our Hopes, and Vs, will alwayes lurke unseene;
Till we are drawne so farre, that 'twill be vaine,
To seeke, with safety, to returne againe.
This, let us heed; and, still be carefull, too,
Which Course it most concerneth us to goe.
And, though the Left-hand-way, more smoothnesse hath,
Let us goe forward, in the Right-hand-path.
To Pleasure's Pallaces, before our eyes)
Hath many rubs, and perills, which betweene
Our Hopes, and Vs, will alwayes lurke unseene;
Till we are drawne so farre, that 'twill be vaine,
To seeke, with safety, to returne againe.
This, let us heed; and, still be carefull, too,
Which Course it most concerneth us to goe.
And, though the Left-hand-way, more smoothnesse hath,
Let us goe forward, in the Right-hand-path.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |