A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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Illvstr. XXX.
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Illvstr. XXX.
[When wee should use a Ruler, or a Square]
Faire-shewes, we should not so much heed,
As the Vprightnesse of the Deed.
As the Vprightnesse of the Deed.
When wee should use a Ruler, or a Square,
Or such like Instruments, as usefull are,
In forming other things; we prize not so
The carving, or the colourable show
(Which makes them beautifull in outward sight)
As when, for Vsefulnesse, we finde them right.
Or such like Instruments, as usefull are,
In forming other things; we prize not so
The carving, or the colourable show
(Which makes them beautifull in outward sight)
As when, for Vsefulnesse, we finde them right.
A warped Bowe, though strung with silken threads,
And, crooked Arrowes, tipt with Golden heads,
Delight not Archers; tyet, such uselesse Toyes
Be fit enough for Bunglers, and for Boyes.
A skilfull Artist (in what Art soe're,
He seekes, to make his ablenesse appeare)
Will give large Prices, with much more content,
To buy a plaine (if perfect) Instrument;
Then, take for nothing (or, for thankes alone)
An uselesse Toole, though, gay to looke upon.
And, crooked Arrowes, tipt with Golden heads,
Delight not Archers; tyet, such uselesse Toyes
Be fit enough for Bunglers, and for Boyes.
A skilfull Artist (in what Art soe're,
He seekes, to make his ablenesse appeare)
Will give large Prices, with much more content,
To buy a plaine (if perfect) Instrument;
Then, take for nothing (or, for thankes alone)
An uselesse Toole, though, gay to looke upon.
From whence, observe; that, if there must be sought,
When meere Mechanick-workes are to be wrought,
Such Instruments, as rather have esteeme
For their true-being, then for what they seeme.
Much more, should all those Rules be such, whereby
Wee goe about, our selves to rectify;
And, build up, what in Body, or in minde,
We may defective, or impaired finde.
Else, peradventure, that we thinke to mend,
More faulty may become, at later end.
But, hence, I chiefly learne, to take a care,
My Life, and Actions, rather be sincere,
Then seeming such: And, yet, Ile thinke no shame,
To seeme, to be as honest, as I am.
When meere Mechanick-workes are to be wrought,
Such Instruments, as rather have esteeme
For their true-being, then for what they seeme.
Much more, should all those Rules be such, whereby
Wee goe about, our selves to rectify;
And, build up, what in Body, or in minde,
We may defective, or impaired finde.
Else, peradventure, that we thinke to mend,
More faulty may become, at later end.
But, hence, I chiefly learne, to take a care,
My Life, and Actions, rather be sincere,
Then seeming such: And, yet, Ile thinke no shame,
To seeme, to be as honest, as I am.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |