A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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A Collection of Emblemes | ||
Illvstr. XII.
[When Emblems, of too many parts consist]
By Studiousnesse, in Vertue's waies
Men gaine an universall-praise.
Men gaine an universall-praise.
Emblems, of too many parts consist,
Their Author was no choice Emblematist:
But, is like those, that wast whole howres, to tell
What, in three minutes, might be said as well.
Yet, when each member is interpreted,
Out of these vulgar Figures, you may read
A Morall, (altogether) not unfit
To be remembred, ev'n, by men of wit.
And, if the Kernell proove to be of worth,
No matter from what shell we drew it forth.
Their Author was no choice Emblematist:
But, is like those, that wast whole howres, to tell
What, in three minutes, might be said as well.
Yet, when each member is interpreted,
Out of these vulgar Figures, you may read
A Morall, (altogether) not unfit
To be remembred, ev'n, by men of wit.
And, if the Kernell proove to be of worth,
No matter from what shell we drew it forth.
The Square whereon the Globe is placed, here,
Must Vertue be; That Globe upon the Square,
Must meane the World; The Figure, in the Round,
(Which in appearance doth her Trumpet sound)
Was made for Fame; The Booke she beares, may show,
What Breath it is, which makes her Trumpet blow:
The Wreath, inclosing all, was to intend
A glorious Praise, that never shall have end:
And, these, in one-summ'd up, doe seeme to say;
That, (if men study in a vertuous-way)
The Trumpet of a never-ceasing Fame,
Shall through the world proclaime their praisefull Name.
Must Vertue be; That Globe upon the Square,
Must meane the World; The Figure, in the Round,
(Which in appearance doth her Trumpet sound)
Was made for Fame; The Booke she beares, may show,
What Breath it is, which makes her Trumpet blow:
The Wreath, inclosing all, was to intend
A glorious Praise, that never shall have end:
And, these, in one-summ'd up, doe seeme to say;
That, (if men study in a vertuous-way)
The Trumpet of a never-ceasing Fame,
Shall through the world proclaime their praisefull Name.
Now Reader, if large Fame, be thy ambition,
This Emblem doth informe, on what condition
She may be gain'd. But, (herein, me beleeve)
Thy studie for meere-praise, will thee deceive:
And, if thy Vertues, be, but onely, those
For which the vulgar Fame, her Trumpet blowes,
Thy Fame's a blast; Thy Vertues, Vices be;
Thy Studie's vaine; and, shame will follow thee.
This Emblem doth informe, on what condition
She may be gain'd. But, (herein, me beleeve)
Thy studie for meere-praise, will thee deceive:
And, if thy Vertues, be, but onely, those
For which the vulgar Fame, her Trumpet blowes,
Thy Fame's a blast; Thy Vertues, Vices be;
Thy Studie's vaine; and, shame will follow thee.
A Collection of Emblemes | ||