A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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Illvstr. XXI.
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Illvstr. XXI.
[That, which wee call the Sea-horse, is a Creature]
Bee Iust; for, neither Sea nor Land,
Shall hide thee from the Royall-hand.
Shall hide thee from the Royall-hand.
That, which wee call the Sea-horse, is a Creature,
Whereby the Priests of Ægypt, wonted were,
To typify an Ill-disposed nature;
And, such, as to their Parents, cruell are:
Because, this Monster (as their Authors write)
When strong he growes, becommeth so ingrate,
That he pursues, with violent despight,
His old and weakly Sire, which him begate.
Whereby the Priests of Ægypt, wonted were,
To typify an Ill-disposed nature;
And, such, as to their Parents, cruell are:
Because, this Monster (as their Authors write)
When strong he growes, becommeth so ingrate,
That he pursues, with violent despight,
His old and weakly Sire, which him begate.
Contrariwise, the Storke, they figur'd, then,
When they occasion had, to signifie
The good condition, of those honest men,
Who pleasure take, in workes of Piety:
Because, the Storkes, not onely harmed none,
But, holpe their aged Parents in their need;
And, those offensive Serpents, prey'd upon,
Which, in the Fennes of Ægypt, yearely, breed.
When they occasion had, to signifie
The good condition, of those honest men,
Who pleasure take, in workes of Piety:
Because, the Storkes, not onely harmed none,
But, holpe their aged Parents in their need;
And, those offensive Serpents, prey'd upon,
Which, in the Fennes of Ægypt, yearely, breed.
The Royall-Crowne, therefore, supporting thus
That pious Fowle, and overtopping, here,
The wicked, and the fierce Hyppotamus,
May serve to comfort, and to keep in feare.
For, it informes, that, if we pious grow,
And love our Princes (who those Parents bee,
To whom all Subjects, filiall duties owe)
The blessings of their Favours, we shall see.
It shewes us, also, that, if we affect
Vnrighteous-wayes, no Wit, or Strength of our,
Nor any Vncouth-place, shall us protect
From being reached, by the Sov'raigne-power.
The way of Iustice, therefore, learne thou still,
For love of Goodnesse, or for feare of Ill.
That pious Fowle, and overtopping, here,
The wicked, and the fierce Hyppotamus,
May serve to comfort, and to keep in feare.
For, it informes, that, if we pious grow,
And love our Princes (who those Parents bee,
To whom all Subjects, filiall duties owe)
The blessings of their Favours, we shall see.
It shewes us, also, that, if we affect
Vnrighteous-wayes, no Wit, or Strength of our,
Nor any Vncouth-place, shall us protect
From being reached, by the Sov'raigne-power.
The way of Iustice, therefore, learne thou still,
For love of Goodnesse, or for feare of Ill.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |