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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. XLI.
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Illvstr. XLI.

[Whilst by the High-way-side, the Flint-stone lies]

Untill the Steele, the Flint shall smite,
It will afford nor Heat, nor Light.

Whilst by the High-way-side, the Flint-stone lies,
Drie, cold, and hardnesse, are the properties
We then perceive: But, when we prove it nigher,
We finde, that, Coldnesse doth inclose a Fire;
And, that, though Raine, nor cloudie-skie appeares,
It will be (many times) bedew'd with teares.
From hence, I mind, that many wronged are,
By being judg'd, as they, at first, appeare;
And, that, some should bee prais'd, whom wee despise,
If inward-Grace, were seene with outward-Eyes.
But, this is not that Morall (wee confesse)
Which this our Emblem, seemeth to expresse:
For (if the Motto speake the meaning right)
It shewes, that, hard-afflictions first must smile
Our hardned hearts, before it will bee seene,
That any light of Grace, in them, hath beene.
Before the Flint will send forth shining Rayes,
It must bee strucken, by the Steele, (it sayes.)
Another Morall, adde we may to this,
(Which, to the Figure, sutes not much amisse.)
The Steele, and Flint, may fitly represent
Hard-hearted men, whose mindes will not relent:
For, when in opposition, such become,
The fire of Malice, flames and sparkles from
Their threatning Eyes; which else, close hidden rests,
Within the closets of their flintie brests:
And, flame out-right it will not, (though it smokes)
Till Strife breake passage, for it, by her strokes.
If any of these Moralls may doe good,
The purpose of my paines is understood.