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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. XIV.
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Illvstr. XIV.

[We more should thrive, and erre the seldomer]

When each man keepes unto his Trade,
Then, all things better will be made.

We more should thrive, and erre the seldomer,
If we were like this honest Carpenter,
Whose Emblem, in reproofe of those, is made,
That love to meddle, farther then their Trade.
But, most are now exceeding cunning growne
In ev'ry mans affaires, except their owne:
Yea, Coblers thinke themselves not onely able,
To censure; but, to mend Apelles Table.
Great-Men, sometime, will gravely undertake
To teach, how Broomes and Morter, we should make.
Their Indiscretions, Peasants imitate,
And boldly meddle with affaires of State.
Some Houswives teach their Teachers how to pray,
Some Clarks, have shew'd themselves, as wise as they;
And in their Callings, as discreet have bin,
As if they taught their Grandames how to spinne:
And, if these Customes, last a few more Ages,
All Countries will be nothing els, but Stages
Of evill-acted, and mistaken parts;
Or, Gallemaufries, of imperfect Arts.
But, I my selfe (you'l say) have medlings made,
In things, that are improper to my Trade.
No; for, the MVSES are in all things free;
Fit subject of their Verse, all Creatures be;
And, there is nothing nam'd so meane, or great,
Whereof they have not Liberty to treat.
Both Earth and Heav'n, are open unto these;
And (when to take more libertie they please)
They Worlds, and things, create, which never were;
And, when they list, they play, and meddle, there.