University of Virginia Library

Coming Events

"Behavioral and Metabolic
Studies of Human Obesity," is
the topic of Dr. Jules Hirsch's
talk today in the Medical
School classroom C-2 at 4 p.m.

At 8:15 tonight the
Marlboro Trio will perform in
Cabell Hall Auditorium as part
of the Tuesday Evening
Concern Series.

"Hiroshima Mon Amour"
will be presented at 4:30, 7,
and 9 p.m. tomorrow in Wilson
Hall Auditorium. Filmwatchers
Club Series tickets are needed
for admission and cost $6.

Dick Gregory will speak at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Cabell
Hall Auditorium. Admission is

Thursday's activities include
a Mad Hatter's Breakfast in the
Newcomb Hall Ballroom which
is sponsored by the Pediatrics
Department. Admission is
$3.50 and is open to the

A colloquium on pulsars
will be presented at 4 p.m.
Thursday at the National
Radio Astronomy Observatory
Auditorium. At 7 and 9 p.m.
the same day "Yellow
Submarine" will be shown in
Wilson Hall Auditorium.
Admission is 75 cents.