| ||
This collation comprises the substantive and accidental readings in the documents listed (with corresponding symbols in order of composition or publication) that vary from the authoritative text of the poem in the Eversley Edition (1907), which Tennyson and his son annotated. As a matter of convenience and to save space, Tennyson is referred to as AT and his wife as ET. All proofs are for Macmillan's Magazine.
- MS1 Incomplete autograph manuscript, Harvard; lacks ll. 1-25, 56-59, 124-132, 164 through part of 203, 236-239, 241-280
- MS2 Autograph manuscript, Trinity College, Cambridge
- MS3 ET's manuscript with AT's emendations, Yale
- P1 Galley proof with AT's corrections, Tennyson Research Centre
- P2 Page proof with AT's corrections, Mr. W. S. G. Macmillan
- P3 Page proof with AT's corrections, Berg Collection, NYPL
- P4 Page proof with Richard Clay's and George Grove's corrections, Berg Collection, NYPL; lacks the last page (ll. 271-280)
- P5 Page proof with AT's corrections, Berg Collection, NYPL
- P5(alt.) Alternate version of Oread passage (single line for ll. 188-191) and l. 192, tipped in on P5
- P6 Page proof with printer's query and AT's signature, Berg Collection, NYPL
- M Macmillan's Magazine, 18 (May, 1868), [1]-9
- S Every Saturday, 5 (May 2, 1868), 575-576
- G The Holy Grail and Other Poems. London: Strahan and Co., 1870
- G(A) The Holy Grail, and Other Poems. Boston: Fields, Osgood, & Co., 1870
The methods used for recording both textual variations and alterations in the manuscripts are those detailed by Fredson Bowers in his article, 'The Transcription of Manuscripts: The Record of Variants', SB, 29 (1976), 212-264, and exemplified in his apparatus for the definitive ACLS-Harvard edition of William James's Works (1975- ). For ease in comparing the variant readings, as many alterations in the manuscripts as possible have been included in the list of variants. An ampersand for 'and', 'ye' for 'the', and abbreviations for 'which', 'should', and 'could' have not been considered variants; but where a variant in word, phrase, or line in a manuscript involves such a convention or abbreviation, it is reproduced as written.
The number introducing each recorded variant is the line number of the Eversley Edition (and Ricks, pp. 1206-1217). Numbers separated by a slanting stroke, for example 50/51, indicate a line or lines, as the case may be, that existed in an antecedent text but not in Eversley. The lemma—the reading to the left of the bracket—is that of the authoritative text. The rejected variants follow in chronological order to the right of the bracket. If the sigil—the symbol for one of the collated texts listed above—does not appear to the right of the bracket, the reading in that state of the text is the same as that of Eversley, except for the passages and the final page that are lacking in MS1 and P4 respectively. To warn of this exception, the inclusive lines are recorded in the proper sequence numerically as lacking. Also in P1 the
Two arbitrary symbols have been employed in this Historical Collation: the section mark (§) and the double dagger (‡). The section mark indicates that the variant involves wholly or in part an alteration in a MS, the description of which does not appear in the Alterations in the Manuscripts and has been included instead in the Historical Collation. The double dagger indicates that the variant in the MS is part of an alteration not easily transferable to the Historical Collation, the details of which can be found in the Alterations in the Manuscripts.
When alterations in the MSS are included in the Historical Collation, the processes of revision are described in square brackets. The quoted text outside a revision in brackets is always the final version in a corrected MS. When no words precede the description of an alteration in a MS, the description applies to the lemma. Some readings are reproduced formulaically. In order to specify the words in the text which are affected by the description in square brackets, an asterisk (*) appears before the first word to which the description in square brackets applies. When there is no asterisk, the description in square brackets applies to all the words of a reading preceding the brackets, or the affected word or words are within the square brackets along with the description—usually the record of a deletion.
In descriptions of alterations in the MSS, over means a correction by writing over a letter(s) of a word on the original line; interlined (abbreviated intrl.) means added between lines. Above (ab.) positions an interlineation with respect to a word or words in a line which are usually deleted but sometimes are not actually crossed out (del. and undel.). Inserted (insrt.) refers to an addition in the margin or on the verso of a facing leaf. No distinction has been made between interlineations and insertions made with or without a caret or a guideline. In order to focus upon the alteration achieved rather than the means of achieving it, the general description altered from (alt. fr.) has been used frequently. Other abbreviations are as follows: aft. for after, bef. for before, bel. for below, transpd. for transposed, sg. qt. for single quote, and questn. mk. for question mark.
- (No heading and date)] MS1-P1; MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE. | May, 1868. P2-M; Every Saturday, | May 2, 1868.] [upper left-hand corner] LUCRETIUS. [center of page] S
- LUCRETIUS.] omit MS1-P1; ˜, P2-6
- 1-25 Lucilia . . . cried:] lacking MS1
- 1 Lucilia] Lucilia MS2-3; lacking P1
- 2 Her] lacking P1
- 4 tho'] though S
- 4 lov'd] loved MS2-G(A)
- 6 field,] AT/P3; ˜; MS2-P3
- §7 master] Master [insrt. bel. del. insrt. 'husband' for del. 'Master' ab. del. 'Poet'] MS2
- 12 three∧hundred] ˜-˜ MS2-3
- §13 Teacher,] omit [del. 'writer' ab. del. 'Master'] MS2; teacher∧ MS3-P3; ˜∧ AT/P2-3-G(A)
- 14 brook'd] brooked S
- 15 some] AT/P2-3; a MS2-P3
- 16 brew'd] brewed S
- 16 philtre] philter S, G(A)
- ‡18 this, . . . times,] ˜∧ . . . ˜∧ MS2
- ‡18 drink,] C/P4; ˜∧ MS2-P4
- 19 destroy'd] destroyed S
- §20 labour] [ab. del. 'workings'] MS2; labor S, G(A)
- 21 And tickling] AT/P2-3; Tickled MS2-P3
- 21 brain within the man's] AT/P2-3, G/P4; part of the brain, and [& MS2] made MS2-P3; within the man's brain P4
- 22 Made havock] AT/P2-3; Havock MS2-P3; ˜ havoc S, G(A)
- 22 check'd] checked S
- 23 loathed] loath'd MS2-M, G, G(A)
- 23 himself;] AT/P2-3; ˜∧ MS2-P3
- 25 mock'd] mocked S
- 25 calm,] ˜∧ MS3-S
- 25 cried:] ˜∧ MS2; ˜, MS3-M; ˜,— S; ˜; G; ˜.' (sg. qt. an error) G(A)
- 26 ¶ 'Storm (extra space between ¶s)] no ¶ ∧˜ MS1-3; no ¶ "˜ P1-3; ¶ "˜ (extra space between ¶s) AT/P2-3-S, G(A)
- 27 Rushing; . . . thunderbolt—] ˜, . . . ˜∧ MS1
- 28 Methought . . . fork—] As bright as noon against the livid heaven MS1
- 29 mountain-side,] MS2, AT/P2-3; ˜-˜∧ MS1,3-P3
- 29 show'd] showed S
- 31 Blanching] Flashing MS1
- 32 yester-eve] yestereve MS1
- 33 'Storm, (extra space between ¶s)] ∧˜∧ (no extra space between ¶s) MS1-P1, S; ∧˜∧ (extra space between ¶s) P2-4; ∧˜, (extra space between ¶s) C/P4-M; "˜, (extra space between ¶s) G(A)
- 33 1dreams,] MS1, C/P4; ˜∧ MS2-P4, S
- 33 holy] omit MS1
- 33 Gods,] MS1 C/P4; ˜∧ MS2-3; gods, P1-4, S
- 33 2dreams!] MS2-P1, AT/P2, C/P4; ˜, I thought MS1; ˜∧ P2-4; ˜, S
- 34-36 For . . . seem'd] omit MS1
- 34 waken'd] wakened S
- 34 Perchance∧] AT/P3; I think MS2-P3; ˜, AT/P2
- 35 come] AT/P2-3; chance MS2-P3
- 36 seem'd] seemed S
- 37 Nature;] Nature— MS1
- 38 Crack'd;] MS2-3, AT/P3; ˜, MS1; Cracked; P1-3, S
- 39 universe,] AT/P2-3; ˜∧ MS1-P3, S
- 40 inane,] AT/P2-3; ˜∧ MS1-P3
- 43 For ever] For ever & for ever MS1; for-ever S, G(A)
- 43 mine,] ˜— MS1
- 43 it—] ˜∧ MS1, G(A)
- 44 dog] hound MS1
- §46 function of the woodland] woodland ['office' del.] function MS1
- 46 next!] ˜, ye Gods— MS1
- 47 I thought] It seemed MS1
- ‡47 Sylla] Sulla MS1
- 48 rainlike] rain-like MS3
- 48 earth,] AT/P2-3; ˜∧ MS1-P3
- 49 dash'd] struck MS1; dashed S
- 49 meadow,] ˜∧ MS1-2
- 50 dragon warriors] AT/P2-3; warriors MS1-P3
- 50 Cadmean] MS1-2; G/P4; Cadmeän MS3; Cadmeän, P1-4, S
- 50 teeth,] AT/P2-3; ˜∧ but girls MS1; ˜: for these MS2-P3
- 50/51 Niddin[g] MS1
- 51 For . . . me,] omit MS1
- 51 For these] AT/P2-3; omit MS2-P3
- 51 me] AT/P2-3; ˜, but girls MS2-P3
- 52 But girls, Hetairai,] AT/P2-3; Naked Hetierie MS1; Naked Hetairai, MS2-P3
- 52-53 curious . . . animalisms,] omit MS1
- 53 animalism,] AT/P2-3; ˜∧ MS2-P3
- 53 vile . . . that] such . . . wh MS1
- 54 mulberry-faced Dictator's orgies] ˜∧˜ Dictator revell MS1
- 55 Than] That (error) MS1
- 55 Gods.] ˜: MS2
- 56-59 And . . . by day?] lacking MS1
- 56-57 yell'd . . . yell'd] yelled . . . yelled S
- 60 ¶ 'Then, (extra space between ¶s)] no ¶ ∧˜∧ MS1; ¶ ∧˜, (no extra space between ¶s) MS2-P1, S; ¶ ∧˜, (extra space between ¶s) P2-M; ¶ "˜, (extra space between ¶s) G(A)
- 60 then,] AT/P3; omit MS1; ˜∧ MS2-P3
- 60 utter] a sudden MS1
- 60 gloom] ˜ at last MS1
- 60 the breasts] omit MS1
- 61-64 and . . . and] omit MS1
- 61 sword] ˜, AT/P2
- 62 direct,] AT/P2, C/P4; ˜∧ MS2-P4, S
- 63 pierce,] MS2, AT/P3; ˜∧ (error) MS3-P3
- §64 beauty;] ˜∧ MS2; [semicolon added] MS3
- §64 stared,] ˜∧ MS1-2; [comma added] MS3
- 64 fire,] AT/P2-3; ˜∧ MS1-P3
- 65 The . . . Ilion,] AT/P2-3, omit MS1-P3
- 66 them,] ˜∧ MS2
- 66 scorch'd] MS1-3, AT/P3; scorched P1-3, S
- 66 that] till MS1
- 67 ¶ 'Is (extra space between ¶s)] no ¶ ∧˜ MS1; ¶ ∧˜ (no extra space between ¶s) MS2-P1, S; ¶ ∧˜ (extra space between ¶s) P2-M; ¶ "˜ (extra space between ¶s) G(A)
- 67 thine,] ˜∧ MS1
- 68 Because] Beccause (error) S
- §69 ev'n] [ab. undel. 'evn' over 'e'en'] MS3; even S
- 69 offer'd] MS1-3, AT/P3; offered P1-3, S
- 70 proœmion] MS1-3, AT/P2-3; proæmion (error) P1-3
- 71 field,] ˜∧ MS1
- 73 'Deity (extra space between ¶s)] ∧˜ (no extra space between ¶s) MS1-P1, S; ∧˜ (extra space between ¶s) P2-M; "˜ (extra space between ¶s) G(A)
- §73 worshippers.] worshipers [first 'p' in 'worshippers' del.]: MS1
- 74 profanely. Which] ˜: which MS1
- 76 who,] ˜∧ MS1-S, G(A)
- ‡77 envy,] ˜∧ MS1
- ‡77 hate∧] ˜, MS2
- ‡77 pity,] ˜∧ MS1-3
- ‡77 scorn,] C/P4; ˜∧ MS1-P4
- 78 great] quiet MS1
- 79 center'd in] compast with MS1; centred ˜ S; centr'd ˜ G(A)
- 80 'Nay (extra space between ¶s)] ∧˜ (no extra space between ¶s) MS1-P1, S; ∧˜ (extra space between ¶s) P2-M; "˜ (extra space between ¶s) G(A)
- 80 canst] can'st MS1-2, AT/P2, P4-G; cans't (error) MS3-P3
- 81 touch'd] touched S
- 84 steaming slaughter-house of] shambles of eternal [underline bel. 'ern' of 'eternal' to indicate repetition of 'eternal' in l. 79] MS1
- 85-92 'Ay . . . Gods,] ∧But surely thee I meant not when I took MS1
- 85 'Ay (extra space between ¶s)] ∧˜ (no extra space between ¶s) MS2-P1, S; ∧˜ extra space between ¶s) P2-M; "˜ (extra space between ¶s) G(A)
- ‡87 hers,] AT/P3; ˜∧ MS2-P3
- 88 neat-herds] AT/P3; goatherds MS2-P3
- 88 abroad;] AT/P2; ˜: MS2-P5, S
- 92 Gods,] ˜. (error) S
- 93 Poet-like] Poetlike MS1-2
- 93 called] MS1; call'd MS2-3
- 94 Calliope∧] Calliope, MS1
- 94-95 to . . . take] omit MS1
- 95 Ay,] ˜∧ MS2-3
- 95 Kypris] AT/P5; Kupris MS2-P5
- 96 That . . . to . . . forth] that . . . | To . . . ˜ MS1
- 97 The all-generating] the all-generative MS1
- 97 and genial heat] omit MS1
- 98 Nature,] ˜∧ MS1
- 98 she] her heat MS1
- 98 thro' the thick blood] the rough breasts MS1
- 98 thro'] MS2-3; through P1-S, G(A)
- 99 cattle,] Cattle∧ MS1
- 99 large,] MS1-2, AT/P2; ˜∧ MS3-S, G(A)
- 99 glad] gay MS1
- 101 flowers:] ˜; MS1; ˜∧ G(A)
- 103 ¶ 'The (extra space between ¶s)] no ¶ ∧˜ (extra space between ¶s) MS1; ¶ ∧˜ (no extra space between ¶s) MS2-P1, S; ¶ ∧˜ (extra space between ¶s) P2-M; ¶ "˜ (extra space between ¶s) G(A)
- 103 Gods!] ˜? MS1
- 103 my] my MS1
- 104 Unfinish'd] Unfinished S
- §104 if] MS1; if MS2; ['if' underlined] MS3
- 104-113 The . . . go.] omit MS1
- 105 wind,] AT/P2-3; ˜∧ MS2-P3
- 107 snow,] AT/P2-3; ˜∧ MS2-P3
- 113 1Gods,] ˜? MS1
- 113 the] The MS1
- 113 2Gods!] ˜? MS1, AT/P2
- 114 atoms,] ˜∧ MS1
- 115 atomic∧ not] ˜—save that each of them | Were but one atom—˜ MS1
- 115 dissoluable,] ˜? MS1
- 116 Not . . . law?] Too foolish that, for MS1
- §116 law?] ˜. MS2; [questn. mk. over period] MS3
- 116 My master held] my great Master holds MS1
- 117 That . . . believe.] That these are fashion'd in the form of men MS1
- 118 footsteps . . . his,] footstep . . . ˜∧ MS1
- 121 are, . . . deathless.] ˜∧ . . . ˜: MS1
- 121 Meant] meant MS1-3
- 123 Stumbles,] ˜∧ MS1
- 124-132 'Look . . . sees;] lacking MS1
- 124 'Look (extra space between ¶s)] ∧˜ (no extra space between ¶s) MS2-P1, S; ∧˜ (extra space between ¶s) P2-M; "˜ (extra space between ¶s) G(A)
- 125 Sun] MS2-3, AT/P2-3; sun P2-3
- §125 Apollo,] ˜∧ [alt. fr. 'Apollos' (error)] MS3; ˜∧ P1
- 128 wreak'd] wreaked S
- §130 tales] AT/P1; [alt. fr. 'toiles' (error)] MS3; toils (error) P1
- 132 spit—] ˜, MS2-P5; ˜; S
- §132 1he] omit MS2; [intrl.] MS3
- 132 sees;] AT/P5; ˜, MS2-P5, S
- 133 altho'] MS2-3, AT/P5; ˜∧ MS1; although P1-5, S
- 133 seem,] ˜∧ MS1
- 134 lifts] sets MS1
- 135 feet] footstep MS1
- 135 those] the MS1
- 135 empurpled] impurpled S
- 136 halls] walls (error) P4-5
- 136 heaven;] ˜∧ MS1
- §137 an eye] a sight MS1-2; [alt. fr. 'a sight' (ET's hand)] MS3
- 138 pain;] ˜: MS1-3
- 139 freezing] glazing MS1
- §139 orb] eye MS1; [insrt. for del. 'eye'] MS2
- 140 last;] ˜∧ MS1; ˜: MS2-S, G(A)
- 141 fall'n] fallen MS1, S
- 142 vain,] ˜∧ MS1
- 144 me,] ˜∧ MS1
- 144 altho'] although S
- 145 Blinding,] omit MS1
- 145 not,] ˜∧ MS1
- 145 nor at all can tell] neither knows he whether I MS1
- 146 Whether . . . myself,] omit MS1
- 147 Or] Shall MS1
- 147 says,] ˜∧ MS1-2
- 149 he . . . holds] I . . . hold MS1
- 150 careless,] ˜∧ MS1
- 150 wherefore need he care] of our deeds & us MS1
- §151 Greatly] What need I *greatly [intrl.] care MS1
- 151 at once] omit MS1
- 151 troubled,] ˜∧ MS1-2
- 153 —ay,] ∧˜∧ MS1; —˜∧ MS2-3
- 153 stone,] ˜∧ MS1-3
- 154-155 and palsy . . . age—] omit MS1
- §154 palsy,] ˜∧ MS2; [comma added] MS3
- 154 death-in-life] MS2, AT/P2-3; ˜∧˜∧˜ (error) MS3-P3
- 155 all,] ˜∧ MS1
- 156 nakednesses,] ˜∧ MS1
- 157 lust,] ˜∧ MS1
- 157 unspeakable,] ˜∧ MS1
- 158 at my hearth∧] to my house, MS1
- §159 Not welcome,] Unwelcome, MS1; ['Not' ab. del. 'Un' of 'Unwelcome'] MS2
- 159 miring every dish] fouling all the feast MS1
- 160 phantom∧husks] MS1; ˜-˜ MS2-3
- 160 done,] ˜∧ MS1
- §161 fleeting] MS2, AT/P2-3; ['eeting' ab. undel. 'ying' of 'flying'] MS1; floating (error) MS3-P3
- 161 thro'] through S
- 161 universe,] ˜∧ MS1
- 163 insanity?] ˜. MS1-S, G(A)
- 164-203 How . . . me?] lacking MS1
- 164 'How (extra space between ¶s)] ∧˜ (no extra space between ¶s) MS2-P1, S; ∧˜ (extra space between ¶s) P2-M; "˜ (extra space between ¶s) G(A)
- 166 thinner, . . . thicker,] AT/P3; ˜∧ . . . ˜∧ MS2-P3
- 167 snow, . . . in,] AT/P2-3; ˜∧ . . . ˜∧ MS2-P3
- 169 tumult] AT/P2-3; ˜, MS2-P3
- 169 doors,] MS2-3, AT/P2-3; ˜∧ P1-3
- 170 down,] MS2, AT/P2-3; ˜∧ (error) MS3-P3
- 170 they∧] ˜, MS3-G(A)
- 171 basest,] AT/P2-3; ˜∧ MS2-P3
- ‡173 ¶ 'Can (extra space between ¶s)] no ¶ ∧˜ MS2, P1-3; ¶ [marked with bracket to show indentation] ∧˜ (no extra space between ¶s) MS3; ¶ ∧˜ (extra space between ¶s) AT/P2-3-M; ¶ ∧˜ (no extra space between ¶s) S; ¶ "˜ (extra space between ¶s) G(A)
- 179 o'er] oer MS2
- ‡179 —ay,] ∧˜, MS2-S, G(A); —˜∧ G
- 180 men?] ˜. MS2-S, G(A)
- 181 'But (extra space between ¶s)] ∧˜ (no extra space between ¶s) MS2-P1, S; ∧˜ (extra space between ¶s) P2-M; "˜ (extra space between ¶s) G(A)
- 184 there?] MS2-3, AT/P2-3; ˜! P1-3
- ‡186 through] thro' MS2-3
- ‡186 wood,] AT/P1,3; ˜— MS2-P3
- ‡186 quivering—] ˜, AT/P1
- 187 Nymph] MS2, AT/P1-3; Nymphs (error) MS3-P3
- 187 Faun;] MS2, AT/P1,3; Fauns; (error) MS3-P3; ˜— AT/P2
- 188 Oread—] MS2, AT/P1,3, AT2/P2; ˜∧ MS3; ˜. P1-3; ˜—(AT1/P2; ˜ (AT/P5, S; ˜, P6, M
- 188-191 how . . . peaks—] omit AT2/P2, P5 (alt.)-M
- ‡188 how] AT/P1,3; —how (error) MS2; How MS3-P3
- 189 slippery] MS2, AT1/P2, AT/P3; slipping (error) MS3-P3
- 189 sides,] MS2; ˜∧ (error) MS3-P5, S
- 190 knees∧] ˜, MS2-P5, S
- 191 bosom-peaks—] AT/P3; ˜-˜∧ MS2; ˜∧˜— MS3, AT/P1; ˜∧˜. P1-3; ˜-˜) AT1/P2, AT/P5, S
- 191 who] MS2, AT/P1,3, AT1/P2; Who (error) MS3-P3; and AT2/P2, P5 (alt.)-M
- 191 runs] she ˜ AT2/P2, P5 (alt.)-M
- 192 rest—] MS2-3, AT/P1,3, AT1/P2; ˜? P1-3
- ‡192 1satyr,] AT/P1,5, AT1/P2; Satyr,— MS2; Satyr, AT2/P2, P5 (alt.); Satyr— MS3; ˜— P1-3; ˜; AT/P3-P5, S
- ‡192 2a] A MS2
- ‡192 2satyr,] AT/P1,5, AT1/P2; Satyr— MS2; ˜— MS3-P3; ˜; AT/P3-P5; Satyr, AT2/P2, P5 (alt.)
- ‡192 see,] AT2/P2; ˜— MS2-S, G(A); ˜∧ P5 (alt.)
- §197 his rough] AT/P2-3; with his MS2; against [ab. del. 'with'] his MS3; against his P1-3
- 199 hate,] ˜∧ MS2
- 199 spit,] ˜∧ MS3
- §200 heel,] AT/P2-3; ['heel' ab. 'foot,'; 'foot' del.] MS2; ˜∧ (error) MS3-P3
- 201 ankle-wing] ancle-wing MS2-3
- 203 Shameless] ˜; MS2-3; ˜, P2-3
- 203 me?] AT/P2-3; ˜: MS2-P3
- 203 Catch] catch MS1-2
- 203 her,] ˜∧ MS1
- 203 goat-foot:] goatfoot! MS1; goatfoot: MS2-G(A)
- 203 nay,] ˜∧ MS1
- 204 , hide] omit MS1
- 204 them,] ˜∧ MS1
- 204 million-myrtled wilderness,] MS2, AT/P2,5; ye brakes & bushes! MS1; ˜-˜ ˜∧ (error) MS3-P5
- 205 And cavern-shadowing laurels,] omit MS1
- 205 hide!] AT/P2-3; omit MS1; ˜; P1-3
- 205 wish—] AT/P5; ˜∧ MS2-P5, S
- 206 What?—that] AT/P5; To peer MS1-P5; ˜?∧˜ S
- 206 the bush were leafless?] AT/P5; behind the bushes, MS1; behind the laurels, MS2-P5
- 206 whelm] mix MS1
- 208 I know you careless] MS3-P4; AT/P5; ˜ ˜ ˜ shadows MS1; Careless, ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ MS2, AT/P3, G/P4, P5
- ‡208 , behold, to you∧] AT/P5; ∧ to you I call, MS1; ∧ to you∧ MS2, AT/P3, G/P4, P5; ∧ to you, to you, MS3-P3; ∧ careless, to you∧ (error) P4
- 209 childly] G/P4; ancient MS1; chilly (error) P4, S
- 209 wont] AT/P1, G/P4; want (error) P1, P4, S
- 209 ancient use] custom, MS1
- 209 I call—] call to you, MS1
- 210 securely as yourselves—] a life as pure as yours, MS1
- 211 No . . . monkey-spite,] final order AT/P2-3; followed l. 212 MS2-P3
- 211 narrowing envy,] no ambition, MS1; ˜ ˜; (error) MS3
- ‡211 monkey-spite,] covetousness∧ MS1; ˜∧ ˜, MS2; ˜-˜∧ (error) MS3
- 212 No . . . none:] final order AT/P2-3; omit MS1; preceded l. 211 MS2-P3
- 213-217 No . . . majesties] omit MS1
- 213 pine∧] MS2-3, AT/P2-3; ˜, P1-3
- 214 neighbours] neighbors S, G(A)
- 214 grass,] AT/P3; ˜∧ MS2-P3
- 214 take] AT/P2-3; drink MS2-P3
- 218 Of settled, sweet,] The pure MS1
- 218 life.] G/P4; quiet ˜— MS1; life— MS2-P4, S
- 219 monster] monsters (error) MS3
- 220 hands] MS1-3, AT/P2,5; hand (error) P1-5
- 220 will,] C/P4; ˜∧ MS1-P4
- 221 backward] MS1-3, AT/P5; backwards (error) P1-5
- 221 his;] ˜— MS1
- 221 and spoils] who breaks MS1
- 222 My . . . great;] The love I had of life wh was but small, MS1
- 222 great;] AT/P3; ˜, MS2-P3
- 223-225 For . . . grew] omit MS1
- 226 Tired] Sick MS1
- 227 Or] Tired MS1
- 229 Crown'd] Crowned S
- 229 two,] ˜∧ MS1
- 230 And . . . fade,] omit MS1
- 231 I,] ˜∧ MS1
- 231 find] feel MS1
- 231 myself,] ˜∧ MS1
- 232 myself?—] AT/P2-3; it: thats MS1; ˜?∧ MS2-P3
- 232 our] MS1-2, AT/P2-3; Our (error) MS3-P3
- 232 privilege—] ˜∧ MS1
- 233 has heart to do] cd dream of MS1
- 233 it?] ˜∧ MS1
- 233 And] & O MS1
- 234 dragg'd] draggd MS1; dragged S
- 234 thus?] ˜∧ MS1
- 235 I;] ˜, S
- 235 he,] ˜∧ MS1
- 235 who] that MS1
- 235 her∧] MS1; ˜, MS2-S, G(A)
- 236-239 Whose . . . air,] lacking MS1
- 237 When,] ˜∧ MS2-S, G(A)
- 239 air,] ˜∧ MS2-3
- §240 heart.] ˜ [alt. fr. 'breast']; MS2; ˜ [ab. del. 'breast']: MS3
- 241-280 And . . . well!] lacking MS1
- 242 now!] AT/P2-3; ˜: MS2-P3
- 242 'And . . . now (spaced down a l.)] ∧and . . . ˜ (not spaced down) MS2-P3; ∧˜ . . . ˜ (spaced down a l.) AT/P2-3-S; "˜ . . . ˜ (spaced down a l.) G(A)
- 244 Nature,] AT/P2, C/P4; ˜∧ MS2-P4, S
- 245 man,] AT/P2; ˜∧ MS2-G(A)
- 246 Dash] AT/P3; Strike MS2-P3
- 246 anew] AT/P5; afresh MS2-P5
- 247 Thro'] MS2-3; Through P1-G(A)
- 247 more,] ˜∧ MS2-3
- 248 flower:] ˜— MS2-S, G(A)
- §250 Shatter'd] MS2; Shattered [alt. fr. 'shattereth' (error)] MS3; Shattered S
- 251 pieces,—] AT/P3; ˜∧— MS2-3; ˜,∧ P1-3
- §255 even] ev'n MS2; [ab. del. 'e'em' (error)] MS3
- 255 long laid] C/P4; ˜-˜ MS2-P4, S
- 257 Vanishing] MS2-3, AT/P1; Fanishing (error) P1
- 257 2void,] ˜∧ MS2
- 258 for ever,—] ˜ ˜∧— MS2-P3; forever, — S, G(A)
- 258 hour,] AT/P5; ˜∧ MS2-P5
- 260 That . . . wheel,] AT/P2-3; omit MS2-P3
- 261 That] MS2-P3; And AT/P2-3-G(A)
- 261 Fury's] MS2-3, AT/P1; fairy's (error) P1
- 262 hell] Hell MS2-3
- 264 for] MS2-3, AT/P2-3; omit (error) P1-3
- 264 Thou,] AT/P2-3; ˜∧ MS2-P3
- 266 Yearn'd] MS2-3, AT/P3; Yearned P1-3, S
- 266 wisest] Wisest MS2-3
- 266 wise,] AT/P3; Wise MS2-3; ˜∧ P1-3
- 268 pain,] ˜∧ MS2-3
- 271-280 I . . . well!'] lacking P4
- 273 air.'] ˜'. MS2; ˜." P1-3, P5-S, G(A)
- 274 With (extra space between ¶s)] ˜ (no extra space between ¶s) MS2-P1
- 275 in,] MS2-3, AT/P2-3; ˜. (error) P1-3
- 277 fail'd . . . shriek'd] failed . . . shrieked S
- 279 Clasp'd, kiss'd . . . wail'd] Clasped, kissed . . . wailed S
- ‡279 answer'd,] ˜∧ MS2-3; answered, S
- ‡279 'Care] 'it MS2-3; "It P1-3; "˜ AT/P3, P5-S, G(A)
- ‡279 not] AT/P3; is MS2-P3
- ‡279 thou!] AT/P3; done∧ MS2-3; done; P1-3
- ‡280 Thy duty] What [sg. qt. del. bef. 'What'] matters MS2; What matters MS3-P3, P5-S, G(A)
- 280 What is duty?] what ˜ ˜? MS2-3; All is over: AT/P3, P5-S, G(A)
- 280 Fare] fare MS2-3
- 280 well!'] ˜.' MS2-3; ˜!" P1-3, P5-S, G(A)
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