University of Virginia Library


The President reported that for some years the Office of the Dean of the University has been responsible for summer mailings to entering students as follows: letter from the President, letter from the Honor Committee, letter from Newcomb Hall and Student Council, and letter on military offerings to undergraduate males.

Mailing lists of entering students are provided for the mailing of The Jeffersonian, The Cavalier Daily, a publication by Food Services, and information on the health insurance program sponsored by the Student Council. These mailings are all concerned with information believed to be helpful and needed by the entering students. Lists for these mailings are prepared by the Data Processing Center.

Requests are frequently made by various organizations and individuals for mailing lists for solicitation, subscriptions, and other reasons. At the present time there appears to be no written policy governing the issuance of mailing lists which will protect the University, and especially the Data Processing Center, the Registrar, and the Office of the Dean of the University, from such requests.

The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that no mailing lists of entering students, old students, or students' parents will be provided any organization, group, or individual except in connection with official University business, and with the approval of the Dean of the University.