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The University of New Mexico Bulletin

Preliminary Report
On the 1937 Excavations, Bc 50-51
Chaco Canyon, New Mexico

With Some Distributional Analyses

Edited by

Clyde Kluckhohn and Paul Reiter

Charles Bohannon Nan Glenn Florence Hawley Clyde Kluckhohn Douglas Osborne Donovan Senter Joseph Toulouse, Jr. Harry Tschopik, Jr. Mary Whittemore Richard Woodbury
Whole Number 345 October 15, 1939 Anthropological Series, Volume 3, No. 2 Published monthly in January, March, May, July, September, and November, and semi-monthly in February, April, June, August, October, and December by the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico Entered as Second Class Matter, May 1, 1906, at the post office at Albuquerque, New Mexico, under Act of Congress of July 16, 1894 University of New Mexico Press
© 1939