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or, Collins's Doggerel Dish Of All Sorts. Consisting of Songs Adapted to familiar Tunes, And which may be sung without the Chaunterpipe of an Italian Warbler, or the ravishing Accompaniments of Tweedle-Dum or Tweedle-Dee. Particularly those which have been most applauded in the author's once popular performance, call'd, The Brush. The Gallimaufry garnished with a variety of comic tales, quaint epigrams, whimsical epitaphs, &c. &c. [by John Collins]

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Should those Tigers and Monkies, of one mongrel race,
Who the whole human species, as monsters, disgrace,
To make Britons their prey, dare debark on our shore,
They shall soon feast our Crows, as the Wolves did of yore!
For the blood that now courses through Englishmen's veins,
From Sires crown'd with laurels by Frenchmen in chains,
With impatience now burns those Freebooters to foil,
Whom we've beat Ten to One on their own Dunghill Soil!


And whene'er on the main they've oppos'd might to might,
If superior in force, how unequal in fight!
As they found, when to silence our broadsides they strove,
They as well might repel the dread Thunders of Jove!
England's Lion once rous'd, how tremendous his roar!
Gallia's fleet shudd'ring felt, in the year Ninety-four;
When the bright First of June taught proud Frenchmen to bow,
And rever'd be the memory of When, Where, and Howe!
And the Archives of Albion, to truth still allied,
Whose page teems with heroes, her glory and pride,
Ninety-seven shall record in the Annals of Fame,
And crown Valentine's Day with a Jervis's name!
And while Time panting toil'd to keep pace with their praise,
Whose deeds deck'd with lustre the brightest of days,
In the same glorious year, noble Duncan foreshew'd,
That Batavia's whole Fleet would soon here find the road!
But the grand Master Stroke and the death-dealing Blow,
Which the high pride of France in the ocean laid low,
Was reserv'd for brave Nelson on old Egypt's Coast,
Where it shar'd the dread fate of old Pharaoh's proud Host!
And now rous'd one and all to defend with our lives
Our dear native land, and our children and wives,
From the blood thirsting fangs of Barbarians so dire,
Every Briton now pants and his soul is on fire!
Let the Corsican Fiend then with fiends in his train,
To the white cliffs of Albion waft over the main,
Firm as rocks will her sons such Infernals repel,
And their Legions consign to their own native Hell!


For on Him that's All-pow'rful, All-good, and All-wise,
While a nation with faith and with hope still relies,
They securely may smile at all hostile alarms,
And triumphantly cope with the whole world in arms!