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MS. Ny kgl. saml. 167b, Royal Library, Copenhagen


hyrde hyne georne:
“Huru Welande[[OMITTED]] worc ne geswiceð
monna ænigum ðara ðe Mimming can
heardne gehealdan. Oft æt hilde gedreas
swatfag and sweordwund secg æfter oðrum.


Ætlan ordwyga, ne læt ðin ellen nu gy[[OMITTED]]
gedreosan to dæge, dryhtscipe [OMITTED]
[[OMITTED]] is se dæg cumen
þæt ðu scealt aninga oðer twega,
lif forleosan oððe l[[OMITTED]]gne dom
agan mid eldum, Ælfheres sunu.
Nalles ic ðe, wine min, wordum cide,
ðy ic ðe gesawe æt ðam sweordplegan
ðurh edwitscype æniges monnes
wig forbugan oððe on weal fleon,
lice beorgan, ðeah þe laðra fela
ðinne byrnhomon billum heowun,
ac ðu symle furðor feohtan sohtest,
mæl ofer mearce; ðy ic ðe metod ondred,
þæt ðu to fyrenlice feohtan sohtest
æt ðam ætstealle oðres monnes,
wigrædenne. Weorða ðe selfne
godum dædum, ðenden ðin god recce.
Ne murn ðu for ði mece; ðe wearð maðma cyst
gifeðe to geoce, mid ðy ðu Guðhere scealt
beot forbigan, ðæs ðe he ðas beaduwe ongan
[[OMITTED]]d unryhte ærest secan.
Forsoc he ðam swurde and ðam syncfatum,
beaga mænigo, nu sceal bega leas
hworfan from ðisse hilde, hlafurd secan
ealdne illustration oððe her ær swefan,
gif he ða”


“ce bæteran
buton ðam anum ðe ic eac hafa
on stanfate stille gehided.
Ic wat þæt hit ðohte Ðeodric Widian


selfum onsendon, and eac sinc micel
maðma mid ði mece, monig oðres mid him
golde gegirwan (iulean genam),
þæs ðe hine of nearwum Niðhades mæg,
Welandes bearn, Widia ut forlet;
ðurh fifela gewe[[OMITTED]]ld forð onette.”
Waldere mað[[OMITTED]]lode, wiga ellenrof,
hæfde him on handa hildefrofre,
guðbilla gripe, gyddode wordum:
“Hwæt! Ðu huru wendest, wine Burgenda,
þæt me Hagenan hand hilde gefremede
and getwæmde [[OMITTED]]ðewigges. Feta, gyf ðu dyrre,
æt ðus heaðuwerigan hare byrnan.
Standeð me her on eaxelum Ælfheres laf,
god and geapneb, golde geweorðod,
ealles unscende æðelinges reaf
to habbanne, þonne hand wereð
feorhhord feondum. Ne bið fah wið me,
þonne [[OMITTED]] unmægas eft ongynnað,
mecum gemetað, swa ge me dydon.
Ðeah mæg sige syllan se ðe symle byð
recon and rædfest ryh[[OMITTED]]a gehwilces.
Se ðe him to ðam halgan helpe gelifeð,
to gode gioce, he þær gearo findeð
gif ða earnunga ær geðenceð.
Þonne moten wlance welan britnian,
æhtum wealdan, þæt is”