A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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Illvstr. XXXVII.
[Wee to the Sea, this World may well compare]
He, that his Course directly Steeres,
Nor Stormes, nor Windy-Censures feares.
Nor Stormes, nor Windy-Censures feares.
Wee to the Sea, this World may well compare,
For, ev'ry Man which liveth in the same,
Is as a Pilot, to some Vessell there,
Of little size, or else of larger frame.
For, ev'ry Man which liveth in the same,
Is as a Pilot, to some Vessell there,
Of little size, or else of larger frame.
Some, have the Boats of their owne Life to guide,
Some, of whole Families doe row the Barge,
Some, governe petty Towneships too, beside,
(To those compar'd, which of small Barkes have charge)
Some others, rule great Provinces; and, they
Resemble Captaines of huge Argoses:
But, when of Kingdomes, any gayne the Sway,
To Generalls of Fleets, we liken these.
Some, of whole Families doe row the Barge,
Some, governe petty Towneships too, beside,
(To those compar'd, which of small Barkes have charge)
Some others, rule great Provinces; and, they
Resemble Captaines of huge Argoses:
But, when of Kingdomes, any gayne the Sway,
To Generalls of Fleets, we liken these.
Each hath his proper Course to him assign'd,
His Card, his Compasse, his due Tacklings, too;
And, if their Businesse, as they ought, they mind,
They may accomplish all they have to doe.
But, most Men leave the Care of their owne Course,
To judge or follow others, in their wayes;
And, when their Follies make their Fortunes worse,
They curse the Destiny, which they should prayse.
For, Waves, and Windes, and that oft-changing Weather
Which many blame, as cause of all their Losses,
(Though they observe it not) helpes bring together
Those Hopes, which their owne Wisedome, often crosses.
Regard not, therefore much, what those things be,
Which come, without thy fault, to thwart thy Way;
Nor, how, Rash-Lookers-on will censure thee;
But, faithfully, to doe thy part, assay:
For, if thou shalt not from this Counsell vary,
Let my Hopes faile me, if thy Hopes miscarry.
His Card, his Compasse, his due Tacklings, too;
And, if their Businesse, as they ought, they mind,
They may accomplish all they have to doe.
But, most Men leave the Care of their owne Course,
To judge or follow others, in their wayes;
And, when their Follies make their Fortunes worse,
They curse the Destiny, which they should prayse.
For, Waves, and Windes, and that oft-changing Weather
Which many blame, as cause of all their Losses,
(Though they observe it not) helpes bring together
Those Hopes, which their owne Wisedome, often crosses.
Regard not, therefore much, what those things be,
Which come, without thy fault, to thwart thy Way;
Nor, how, Rash-Lookers-on will censure thee;
But, faithfully, to doe thy part, assay:
For, if thou shalt not from this Counsell vary,
Let my Hopes faile me, if thy Hopes miscarry.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |