Board of Visitors minutes November 8, 1996 | ||
November 8-9, 1996
Establishment of the Daniels Family Distinguished Teaching Professorship in Arts and Sciences
Establishment of the MacAvoy Professorship in Business Administration
Establishment of the Paul Tudor Jones, II, Research Professorship in the McIntire School of Commerce and the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration
Establishment of the John Morton Beaty Professorship in Political Science at Clinch Valley College
Establishment of the Thomas C. Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at the University of Virginia
Naming of the Law School Complex
Naming of the Former Darden Building
Naming of the Southern Connector at the Law School
Naming of the Northern Connector at the Law School
Naming of the Central Building at the New Darden School
Naming of the Spanish House
Approval of the Granting of an Easement to Virginia Power
Approval of the 1997 Capital Outlay Budget Amendments
Amendment to the Minutes of the June 15, 1996 Meeting of the Board of Visitors to Approve the Increase in the Number of Miller Center Council Members
Approval of Endowment Income Distribution
Signatory Authority for Leases of Real Estate
Charitable Gift Annuities
Trust Investment Policy
Pension Plan Documents Revision
Clinical Practice and Graduate Medical Education Policies
Approval of Schematic and Preliminary Design for the Health Sciences Center Parking Garage for 600 Vehicles
Approval of the Architect Selection for the Health Sciences Center Library Basement Development and Renovation
Approval of the Architect Selection for the Clark Hall Renovation and Addition
Approval of Reaffirmation of the Policy on University-Related Foundations
Approval of Board of Visitors Representatives to the Governing Boards of University-Related Foundations
Intent to Name the Campbell Hall Addition at a Future Date
Approval of Market Adjustment Stipends for University of Virginia Medical Center Housestaff
Intent to Address Deficiencies in Faculty Salaries
Virginia Health Information Technology Affiliates (VHITA) Affiliation Agreement
University Radiology Development Corporation (URADCO) Affiliation Agreement
Information Systems Joint Venture
Approval of Summary of Audit Findings
Faculty Personnel Actions:
Election of Chairholders
Changes of Title of Chairholders
Special Salary Action of Chairholders
Resignations of Chairholders
Special Salary Actions
Election of Professors Emeriti
Change in the Election to Professor Emeritus of Mr. Bruce A. Chartres
Change in the Resignation of Dr. Harold E. Crow
Change in the Promotion of Mr. Ervin L. Jordan, Jr.
Change in the Promotion of Mr. Patrick J. Michaels
Change in the Promotion of Mr. Gabriel Robins
Elections - Clinch Valley College
Promotions - Clinch Valley College
Special Salary Actions - Clinch Valley College
Resignations - Clinch Valley College
Appointments - Clinch Valley College
Board of Visitors minutes November 8, 1996 | ||