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At a meeting of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia held on Friday, November 8, 1996, a roll call vote was taken immediately following an executive session. Members voting "yes" certify that to the best of the Member's knowledge (1) only public business matters lawfully exempted were discussed in closed session; and (2) only public business matters identified in the public motion by which the executive or closed meeting were discussed. In accordance with the law, any member of the public body who believes that there was a departure from the foregoing shall so state prior to the vote indicating "the substance of the departure". Any such statements are recorded below under "comments".

Hovey S. Dabney  yes 
John P. Ackerly, III  yes 
Franklin K. Birckhead  yes 
Mortimer M. Caplin  yes 
Charles M. Caravati, Jr.  yes 
Champ Clark  yes 
Warner N. Dalhouse  yes 
William H. Goodwin, Jr.  yes 
T. Keister Greer  yes 
Mrs. Elsie Goodwyn Holland  yes 
Evans B. Jessee  yes 
Arnold H. Leon  yes 
C. Wilson McNeely, III  yes 
Albert H. Small  yes 
Elizabeth A. Twohy  yes 
Henry L. Valentine, II  yes 
Sean N. Bryant  yes 


Acceptable Forms:  Current, deferred, and commuted ("tuition") payment charitable gift annuities 
Funding Minimum:  $5,000 
Minimum Age at First Payment:  60 years; for commuted payment annuities, a maximum of 26 years to expected final payout to the University 
Income Beneficiaries:  Up to two income beneficiaries 
Charitable Remainder Beneficiaries:  The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia and University of Virginia related foundations only 
Payout Rates:  Consistent with, or lower than, the rates published by the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA) that are in effect at the time of the gift. Commuted payment ("tuition") gift annuity rates will be based on the ACGA assumptions and adjusted for the deferral. 
Timing of Annuity Payments:  On the last day of each calendar quarter, March, June, September and December 
Distribution to Beneficiaries:  Distribute the remainder value of the annuity account at the end of the obligation. 
Contractor:  University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation 
Investment Management:  The University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation will appoint the Rector and Visitors as its agent for purposes of investment management. 
The primary investment objective is to comply with the state regulations governing gift annuity contracts. The secondary objective is to provide for the growth in assets held in the annuity account. 

Unrestricted assets will generally be invested in the University's Growth & Income Fund. Restricted assets will be invested in the University's Bond Fund. Other investment vehicles are available as outlined in the University's guidelines for Trust Funds. 
Compliance:  The University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation will insure that it is in compliance with the regulations governing charitable gift annuities in each state. 
Administration:  The University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation will administer or contract for the administration of the gift annuity program. 
Fees:  All reasonable investment management and administrative fees will be assessed to the gift annuity pool. 


Approval of States:  The University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation is responsible for the approval of states in which it will offer charitable gift annuities. New states should not be entered without the expectation that the program in that state will reach and maintain a $100,000 minimum level. 
Acceptable Forms:  Current, deferred, and commuted ("tuition") payment charitable gift annuities 
Funding Minimum:  Age (Years)  Minimum 
60-69  $20,000 
70-79  $15,000 
> 80  $10,000 
Minimum Age at First Payment:  60 years; for commuted payment annuities, a maximum of 26 years to expected final payout to the University 
Income Beneficiaries:  Up to two income beneficiaries 
Charitable Remainder Beneficiaries:  The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia and University of Virginia related foundations only 
Payout Rates:  Consistent with, or lower than, the rates published by the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA) that are in effect at the time of the gift. Commuted payment ("tuition") gift annuity rates will be based on the ACGA assumptions and adjusted for the deferral. 
Timing of Annuity Payments:  On the last day of each calendar quarter, March, June, September and December 
Distribution to Beneficiaries:  Distribute the remainder value of the annuity account at the end of the obligation. 
Contractor:  University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation 

Investment Management:  The University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation will appoint the Rector and Visitors as its agent for purposes of investment management. 
The primary investment objective is to comply with the state regulations governing gift annuity contracts. The secondary objective is to provide for the growth in assets held in the annuity account. 
Unrestricted assets will generally be invested in the University's Growth & Income Fund. Restricted assets will be invested in the University's Bond Fund. Other investment vehicles are available as outlined in the University's guidelines for Trust Funds. 
Compliance:  The University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation will insure that it is in compliance with the regulations governing charitable gift annuities in each state. 
Administration:  The University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation will administer or contract for the administration of the gift annuity program. 
Fees:  All reasonable investment management and administrative fees will be assessed to the gift annuity pool. 

Gift Annuity Policy
For Annuitants in Restricted States

Approval of States:  The University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation is responsible for the approval of states in which it will offer charitable gift annuities. New states should not be entered without the expectation that the program in that state will reach and maintain a $300,000 minimum level. 
Acceptable Forms:  Current, deferred, and commuted ("tuition") payment charitable gift annuities 
Funding Minimum:  Age (Years)  Minimum 
60-69  $65,000 
70-79  $35,000 
> 80  $15,000 
Minimum Age at First Payment:  60 years; for commuted payment annuities, a maximum of 26 years to expected final payout to the University. 
Income Beneficiaries:  Up to two income beneficiaries 
Charitable Remainder Beneficiaries:  The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia and University of Virginia related foundations only 
Payout Rates:  Consistent with, or lower than, the rates published by the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA) that are in effect at the time of the gift. Deferred gift annuity and commuted payment ("tuition") gift annuity rates will be based on the ACGA assumptions, adjusted for the deferral. 
Timing of Annuity Payments:  On the last day of each calendar quarter, March, June, September and December 
Distribution to Beneficiaries:  Distribute the remainder value of the annuity account at the end of the obligation. 
Contractor:  University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation 

Investment Management:  The University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation will appoint the Rector and Visitors as its agent for purposes of investment management. 
The primary investment objective is to comply with the state regulations governing gift annuity contracts. The secondary objective is to provide for the growth in assets held in the annuity account. 
Unrestricted assets will generally be invested in the University's Growth & Income Fund. Restricted assets will be invested in the University's Bond Fund. Other investment vehicles are available as outlined in the University's guidelines for Trust Funds. 
Compliance:  The University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation will insure that it is in compliance with the regulations governing charitable gift annuities in each state. 
Administration:  The University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation will administer or contract for the administration of the gift annuity program. 
Fees:  All reasonable investment management and administrative fees will be assessed to the gift annuity pool. 


Investment Objective  The primary objective is to comply with the terms of the Trust Agreement with regard to specific income requirements. The secondary objective is to preserve and enhance the real (inflation-adjusted) purchasing power of the principal and to provide for growth in income. 
Investment Philosophy  Investments will be made from a stable, long-term perspective with moderate turnover. Although investments for individual Trusts need not be fully diversified by asset class, diversification should be sufficient to meet fiduciary standards. Extreme positions or very opportunistic styles should be avoided. 
Where the trust document allows, charitable remainder unitrust and annuity trust assets will be invested according to the long-term endowment asset allocation target of 75 percent stocks and 25 percent bonds. Net income trust assets will be allocated between equities and bonds according to trust income requirements. 
Investment Vehicles  The following pooled funds may be used: Vanguard Group, Fidelity Investments, T. Rowe Price, Fiduciary Trust Company International, and University of Virginia Pooled Funds. 
Portfolios of individual common stocks may be created on rare occasions to meet specific requirements of the Agreement with the approval of the Executive Vice President and, at his discretion, the Investment Subcommittee of the Board of Visitors.