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Copies Examined

Asterisks indicate offset exchanges with non-adjacent pages (other than the frontispiece) by at least one page of the partials and cancels. Leaf dimensions are in millimeters. The frontispiece (frt) is present unless "-frt" is noted. Irregularities in copies are indicated. Nearly all copies without binding information are in contemporary calf.

  • BirmU (Birmingham U.) rPR3782.C4 1755; 200 × 122; section title B8 bound before B1; rebound
  • *BrP (Brighton Central) Class 176; 195 × 123; cont[emporary] calf, rebacked C (Cambridge U.) N.17.25; 199 × 128; rebound; perhaps some offset overlooked
  • *CaAEU (U. of Alberta) PR3782.C39 1755; 194 × 125
  • *CaOHM (McMaster U.) B-623; 194 × 117–118; cont. calf, rebacked; lacking section title to Letter I
  • CaOTU (U. of Toronto) B-11 5583; 199 × 124; section title to Letter I bound before B1 CLU (U. of California, Los Angeles) PR 3782.C33 1755; 203 × 123; rebound in buckram
  • CLU-C (Clark Library) PR3782.C31; 202 × 124; section title to Letter I bound before B1
  • CoU (U. of Colorado, Boulder) Pettit 72; 205 × 128
  • Csj (St. John's College, Cambridge) P4.9.119; uncut, 208–216 [frt, 219] × 129–134; cont. calf spine with marble paperboards
  • CSmH (Huntington Library) 351165; 204 × 127
  • *CSt (Stanford U.) PR3782.C4; 194 × 119; with leaves N1-N2 bound after N8
  • *CtY (Yale U.) formerly Ik Y85 755, recatalogued as 1997/1114; 195 × 124–125; cont. calf, rebacked; some leaves on conservation stubs
  • *DLC (Library of Congress) PR3782.C4 1755; 195 × 122–123; cont. calf, rebacked E (National Library of Scotland) Newbattle 2053; 199 × 123
  • *FU (U. of Florida) 824.5 Y71c; 200 × 122
  • *ICN1 (Newberry Library) C.69.99; 194 × 123
  • ICN2 Y135.M6387; 195 × 124; cont. caf with spine label "YOUNG'S | WORKS"); bound before Comus: A Masque, 1750
  • *InU (Indiana U.) PR3782.C3 1755; 197 × 121; -section title to Letter I; cont. calf, rebacked
  • *IU (U. of Illinois) Nickell 318; 197 × 122
  • *KU (Uxs. of Kansas) C907; 194–195 × 124; -frt; cont. calf, rebacked L (British Library) 525.i.3; 200 × 124; rebound
  • *LdU-B (Brotherton Collection, U. of Leeds) Lt q Young; 198 × 124
  • *LU (U. of London) Sterling I [Young, E. 1755]; 194 × 123; cont. calf, rebacked May1 (James E. May) 195–197 × 124–25; -frt
  • *May2 196 × 124; cont. sheep, rebacked; acquired from David Strauss, 2006
  • *May3 197 × 122; cont. calf; from Church Green Books, 2008
  • *May4 193 × 124–125; cont. calf; from Cornell Books, 2009


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  • May5 193 × 117; cont. polished calf; from Francis Edwards, 2011
  • *MB (Boston Public) Defoe 30.755.YoBC; 195 × 124; section title to Letter I bound before B1; rebound
  • *MdBJ (Johns Hopkins U.) PO3782.C39 1755 [sic]; 199 × 118
  • MH1 (Harvard U.) Typ 705.55.892; 195 × 123–124; rebacked
  • MH2 *EC7 Y8460.755c; 201 × 125; section title to Letter I bound before B1; cont. calf, with arms of England stamped on front and back boards
  • MiU (U. of Michigan) PR3782.C4; 196.5 × 123
  • MoU (U. of Missouri) 828.Y8ce; 190 × 116; rebound
  • MR1 (John Rylands Library, U. of Manchester) 1110; 200 × 127
  • *MR2 R144667; 194 × 120
  • MR3 MAW CW 74; 200 × 125; washed, resized, and resewn in 1986; preserved endpaper signed "Mel[issa?] Hotham June ye 20th 1755"; in another hand, signed "Wesley Jan 29. 1756 The Gift of Miss Melly Hotham"; and "Charles Wesley junr | 1776"; title-page signed "CWesley 1756"
  • *N (New York State Library) N248.4 Y71; 196 × 125; -B6, replaced with cont. MS copy of the leaf; rebound
  • *NBiSU (SUNY at Binghamton) PR3782.C4 1755; 198 × 125
  • NcU (U. of North Carolina) PR3782.C4 1755; 200 × 122
  • NeU (U. of Newcastle)
  • *NIC (Cornell U.) PR3782.C3; 196 × 127; rebound
  • *NjP (Princeton U.) Ex3999.7.323.12; 197 × 121–122; cont. calf, restitched
  • *NNU1 (New York U.) PR3782.C4 1755; 198 × 121; cont calf; made up with A1 and perhaps also Dd1 from a sheet other than that on which the Cc4 present was printed, for both leaves A1 and Cc2 contain watermarks—Cc4 is regularly conjugate. However, because A1 and Dd1 lack any offset, all the offset noted for the singletons and Cc4 reflects the same printed unit: U1v and B3r exchanged offset, and U1r, left on the outside, exchanged offset with Cc4v.
  • NNU2 196 × 120; A1 signed ‘John LeGrand 1822"; rebound
  • *NRU (U. of Rochester) xPR 3782.C39m; 194 × 126
  • NStBU (SUNY at Stony Brook; PR3782.C4 1755; 198.5 × 123; rebound
  • O (Oxford U.) 141 j.106; 203 × 125–126; section title to Letter I bound before B1
  • Oa (All-Soul’s College, Oxford) qq.13.27; 196 × 121–22
  • *OAU (Ohio U.) PR3782.C4 1755x; 195 × 122
  • OAshU (Ashland U., Ohio) EL 159; 200 × 122; section title to Letter I bound before B1
  • *Ob (Baliol College, Oxford) 860.c.13; 200 × 124
  • Occ (Corpus Christi College, Oxford) 1704.Yo; 200 × 121 – 122
  • OCiU (U. of Cincinnati) PR3782.C4; 191 × 122
  • OCU (Ohio State U.) PR3782.C4 1755; 195 × 122; rebound
  • *O-EF (English Faculty Library, Oxford) XL.85.69 [Cen]; 197 × 125
  • O-HF (Harold Forster Collection, Bodleian Library, Oxford) Forster 51; 198 × 125
  • *Ok (Keble College, Oxford) 19116; 197 × 122; cont calf, rebacked
  • Ose (St. Edmund Hall, Oxford) 204–05 × 124–25; section title to Letter I bound before B1
  • OTH (Heidelberg College, Ohio) PR3782.C4 1755; 199 × 126; cont. calf, rebacked
  • *Owo (Worcester College, Oxford) B.B.2.6; 196–97 × 124; cont. calf; "MISCELLANY" on red spine label; bound with John Leland’s Reflections on the Late Lord Bolingbroke’s Letters on the Study and Use of History, 1753; James Hervey’s Remarks on Lord Bolingbroke’s Letters on the Study and Use of History, 1752; and Peter Whalley’s A Vindication of the Evidences and Authenticity of the Gospels from the Objections of the late Lord Bolingbroke, 1753.
  • PSt (Penn State U.) PR3782.C4 1755; 202 × 123–124; section title of Letter I bound before B1
  • *RPB (Brown U.) YQE Y8 Lamont; 196 × 121; cont. calf, rebacked
  • TnU (U. of Tennessee) PR3782.C4 1755; 201 × 127; section title of Letter I bound before B1

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  • TxU (U. of Texas, Austin) AK Y858 755c; 200 × 124–25; cont. calf, rebacked; section title to Letter I bound before B1
  • *ViWCF (Colonial Williamsburg Foundation) PR3782.C4 1755; 197 × 123
  • *WNs (Winchester College) 199 × 125; cont. manuscript addition correctly identifying footnote "*Sir S J" on p. 237 as to "Jeremiah Sambrooke of Gubbins in Hertfordshire"
  • WU (U. of Wisconsin, Madison) PR3782.C4; 197 × 122

The second edition, sharing some type set for the first edition’s B sheet (and most of its title-page setting), appeared forty-four days after the first edition, on 17 April 1755 (London Evening Post); it was being printed as early as 13 February (Correspondence, p. 420).