A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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Illvstr. XLI.
[The Virgine, or the Wife, that much desires]
In all thine Actions, have a care,
That no unseemlinesse appeare.
That no unseemlinesse appeare.
Virgine, or the Wife, that much desires,
To please her Lovers, or her Husband's Eyes,
In all her costl'est Robes, her selfe attires;
And, seekes the coml'est Dresse, shee can devise.
Then, to her trustie Looking-glasse, shee goes,
(Where, often, shee her person turnes and winds)
To view, how seemely her attiring showes;
Or, whether ought amisse therein she finds.
Which praisefull Diligence, is figur'd thus
In this our Emblem; that, it may be made
A documentall signe, remembring us,
What care of all our Actions, must bee had.
For, hee that in God's presence would appeare
An acceptable Soule; or, gracious grow
With men, that of approv'd conditions are,
Must by some faithfull Glasse, be trimmed so.
The good Examples of those pious men,
Who liv'd in elder times, may much availe:
Yea, and by others evills, now and then,
Men see how grossely, they themselves, doe faile.
To please her Lovers, or her Husband's Eyes,
In all her costl'est Robes, her selfe attires;
And, seekes the coml'est Dresse, shee can devise.
Then, to her trustie Looking-glasse, shee goes,
(Where, often, shee her person turnes and winds)
To view, how seemely her attiring showes;
Or, whether ought amisse therein she finds.
Which praisefull Diligence, is figur'd thus
In this our Emblem; that, it may be made
A documentall signe, remembring us,
What care of all our Actions, must bee had.
For, hee that in God's presence would appeare
An acceptable Soule; or, gracious grow
With men, that of approv'd conditions are,
Must by some faithfull Glasse, be trimmed so.
The good Examples of those pious men,
Who liv'd in elder times, may much availe:
Yea, and by others evills, now and then,
Men see how grossely, they themselves, doe faile.
A wise Companion, and a loving Friend,
Stands nearer, than those ancient glasses doe;
And, serveth well to such an usefull end:
For, hee may bee thy Glasse, and Fountaine too.
His good Example, shewes thee what is fit;
His Admonition, checks what is awry;
Hee, by his Good-advise, reformeth it;
And, by his Love, thou mend'st it pleasedly.
But, if thou doe desire the perfect'st Glasse,
Ioyne to the Morall-Law, the Law of Grace.
Stands nearer, than those ancient glasses doe;
And, serveth well to such an usefull end:
For, hee may bee thy Glasse, and Fountaine too.
His good Example, shewes thee what is fit;
His Admonition, checks what is awry;
Hee, by his Good-advise, reformeth it;
And, by his Love, thou mend'st it pleasedly.
But, if thou doe desire the perfect'st Glasse,
Ioyne to the Morall-Law, the Law of Grace.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |