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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. XXXVII.

[This Emblem, forth unto your view hath set]

Protect mee, if I worhty bee;
If I demerit, punish mee.

This Emblem, forth unto your view hath set,
A Sword, together with a Coronet;
To shew the prudent Reader, what Reward
For ill, and for well doing is prepar'd;
That they, who heretofore, amisse have done,
May learne, their threatned punishments to shun:
That they, whose Actions warrantable were,
May, in their honest Courses, persevere:
And, that those men, who great and pow'rfull bee,
Should punish and reward, as cause they see.
Men are of diff'ring tempers: Some, are wonne
By promises, and gentle meanes alone:
Some, moved are by shame; and, some through dread,
To bee in purse, or bodie punished.
And, some, their duties are allur'd to doe,
No way, but by a mixture of these two.
They, therefore, neither Wise, nor Honest bee,
Who dandle all Offenders on their knee;
Or, punish onely with a God-forbid;
Or, Doe not so, my sonnes, as Ely did.
Nor wiser ought, are they, nor honester,
Who alwayes fright, and threaten those that erre;
No mercie joyning, to the chastisement
Of them, whose faults are worthy to bee shent.
Nor are they lesse to blame, who carry Swords,
To punish errors; but, nor lookes, nor words,
To cherish well deservings: And, in this,
Most men, that punish others, doe amisse.
Sure, if the Sword misdoing, may pursue,
For doing-well, the Coronet is due.