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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. XXXII

[Discourage not your selves, although you see]

Let none in troublous times repine;
For, after Stormes, the Sun will shine.

Discourage not your selves, although you see
The weather blacke, and stormes prolonged be.
What though it fiercely raines, and thunders loud?
Behold, there is a Raine-bow in the Cloud,
Wherein, a trustfull promise may be found,
That, quite, your little-worlds, shall not be drown'd.
The Sun-shine, through the foggy mists appeare,
The lowring Skie, begins againe to cleare;
And, though the Tempest, yet, your eyes affright,
Faire weather may befall you, long ere night.
Such comfort speakes our Emblem, unto those,
Whom stormie Persecution doth enclose;
And, comforts him, that's for the present sad,
With hopes, that better seasons may bee had.
There is nor trouble, sorrow, nor distresse,
But mitigation hath, or some release.
Long use, or time, the storme away will turne,
Else, Patience makes it better to be borne.
Yea, sorrowes lowring dayes, will come and goe,
As well as prosp'rous houres of Sunshine doe;
And, when 'tis past, the paine that went before,
Will make the following pleasure seeme the more.
For, hee, hath promis'd, whom we may beleeve,
His blessing, unto those that mourne and grieve;
And, that, though sorrow much dejects their head,
In ev'ry need, wee shall be comforted.
This promise I beleeve; in ev'ry griefe,
Performe it, Lord, and helpe my unbeliefe:
So, others viewing how thou cheerest mee,
Shall, in all sorrowes, put their trust in thee.