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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. XXXIV.
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Illvstr. XXXIV.

[When thou beholdest on this Burying-stone]

Whil'st thou dost, here, injoy thy breath,
Continue mindfull of thy Death.

When thou beholdest on this Burying-stone,
The melancholly Night-bird, sitting on
The fleshlesse ruines of a rotten-Skull,
(Whose Face, perhaps, hath been more beautifull,
Then thine is now) take up a serious thought;
And, doe as thou art by the Motto taught.
Remember Death: and minde, I thee beseech,
How soone, these Fowles may at thy window screech;
Or, call thee (as the common people deeme)
To dwell in Graves, and Sepulchers, by them,
Where nothing else, but Bats, and Owles, appeare;
Or, Goblins, form'd by Fancies, and, by Feare.
If thou shalt be advis'd, to meditate
Thy latter end, before it be too late,
(And, whil'st thy friends, thy strength, and wits may bee
In likely case, to help and comfort thee)
There may be courses taken, to divert
Those Frights, which, else, would terrifie thy heart,
When Death drawes neare; and helpe thee plucke away
That Sting, of his, which would thy Soule dis nay.
But, if thou madly ramble onward, still,
Till thou art sinking downe that darkesome hill,
Which borders on the Grave (and dost beginne
To see the Shades of Terrour, and of Sinne
To fly acrosse thy Conscience) 'twill be hard
To learne this Lesson; or, to be prepar'd
For that sad parting; which, will forced bee,
Betweene his much beloved World, and thee.
Consider this, therefore, while Time thou hast,
And, put not off this Bus'nesse, till the last.