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The Plan of St. Gall

a study of the architecture & economy of & life in a paradigmatic Carolingian monastery

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Since the history of the Roman hypocaust has been fully
documented elsewhere, we may confine ourselves here to
the most summary review.[260] This heating system, developed
to perfection by the Romans, is found not only in their
baths but also in practically every Roman villa north of the
Alps. The Roman hypocaust was either of the channeled
or the pillared type.[261] In the latter, a good example of which,
from the Roman camp Saalburg, is shown in fig. 379, the
floor of the room to be heated was raised by short columns,
usually two feet high, a shallow chamber thus being formed
below the floor level. The heat, generated in a furnace that
was built against one of the outer walls and serviced from
the outside, was dispersed into this chamber and rose from
there in vertical flues imbedded in the walls. In the other
type, hot air was taken from the furnace through a trench
beneath the floor to the center of the room and then diverted
radially to the four corners into a channel running all the
way around the room, at the bottom of the walls, from which
point it rose into the wall flues, as in the hypocaust from a
building in block II of the Romano-British city of Silchester
(fig. 380).[262]


For a detailed treatment, see article "Hypocaustum" and bibliography,
in Pauly-Wissowa, IX:1, 1914, cols. 333-36; for a more summary
treatment, Singer, Holmgard, Hall, and Williams, II, 1956, 419ff.


After Fusch, 1910.


On Silchester see James Gerald Joyce, 1881, 329ff. An interesting
example of the channeled type has recently been excavated beneath the
floor of an apsidal reception room in the late Roman Imperial villa at
Konz, near Trier (fig. 241). It consisted of a firing chamber located more
or less in the center beneath the room, serviceable from the outside by a
narrow tunnel, and five large ducts fanning out toward the periphery
of the room where they fork into smaller channels terminating in outlets
in the four walls of the room. For a plan of the entire villa see I,
p. 294, fig. 241A; for further details, see the excavation reports cited
above, I, p. 317, note 27.