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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.




Dear Sir,—I am just favored with yours of the II
& 16 of Feby. A newspaper since the date of the


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latter has verified to me your inauguration into the
mysteries of Wedlock, of which you dropped a previous
hint in the former.[60] You will accept my sincerest
congratulations on this event, with every wish
for the happiness it promises. I join you cheerfully
in the purchase from Taylor, as preferably to taking
it wholly to myself. The only circumstance I regret
is that the first payment will rest with you alone,
if the conveyance should be accelerated. A few
months will elapse inevitably before I shall be able
to place on the spot my half of the sum but the day
shall be shortened as much as possible. I accede also
fully to your idea of extending the purchase in that
quarter. Perhaps we may be able to go beyond the
thousand acres you have taken into view. But ought
we not to explore the ground before we venture too
far?[61] proximity of situation is but presumptive evidence
of the quality of soil. The value of land depends
on a variety of little circumstances which can
only be judged of from inspection, and a knowledge
of which gives a seller an undue advantage over an
uninformed buyer. Can we not about the last of
May or June take a turn into that district, I am in a
manner determined on it myself. It will separate
you but for a moment from New York, and may give
us lights of great consequence, I have a project in
my head which if it hits your idea and can be effected


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may render such an excursion of decisive value to us.
I reserve it for oral communication.

"The Question of policy," you say, "is whether it
will be better to correct the vices of the Confederation
by recommendation gradually as it moves along,
or by a Convention. If the latter should be determined
on, the powers of the Virga. Comsr̃s are inadequate."
If all on whom the correction of these vices depends
were well informed and well disposed, the mode
would be of little moment. But as we have both
ignorance and iniquity to combat, we must defeat the
designs of the latter by humouring the prejudices of
the former. The efforts for bringing about a correction
thro' the medium of Congress have miscarried.
Let a Convention then, be tried. If it succeeds in the
first instance, it can be repeated as other defects force
themselves on the public attention, and as the public
mind becomes prepared for further remedies. The
Assembly here would refer nothing to Congress.
They would have revolted equally against a plenipotentiary
commission to their deputies for the Convention.
The option therefore lay between doing what
was done and doing nothing. Whether a right choice
was made time only can prove. I am not in general
an advocate for temporizing or partial remedies. But
a rigor in this respect, if pushed too far may hazard
everything. If the present paroxysm of our affairs be
totally neglected our case may become desperate. If
anything comes of the Convention it will probably be
of a permanent not a temporary nature, which I think
will be a great point. The mind feels a peculiar


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complacency in seeing a good thing done when it is not
subject to the trouble & uncertainty of doing it over
again. The commission is to be sure not filled to o
every man's mind. The History of it may be a subject
of some future tête a tête. You will be kind
enough to forward the letter to Mr Jefferson and to
be assured that I am with the sincerest affection

yr. friend & servt.

"If you visit this place shortly I will present you to a young lady who will
be adopted a citizen of Virga. in the course of this week." Monroe to Madison,
February II, 1786.—Writings of Monroe, i., 123.


Madison and Monroe bought lands in the Mohawk Valley on a speculation.
They desired Jefferson to join in the enterprise but he did not accept.
Apparently no money was made in the transaction.