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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. XLIII.
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Psalme. XLIII.

The Argument.

For Saule hys wrong
Prayd Dauid strong
among Philistians
The poore euen so
To God in wo.
may thus theyr cry auance.

Iudica me Domine.


O God eterne: as iudge discerne
my cause, from folkes vncleane:
And ryd me so: from man that go,
in vyce, and guyle doth meane.



My God of myght: thou art of ryght,
Why hast vs dryuen from thee?
Whyle thus go I: so mournfully,
at mens hostilitie.


Send out thy lyght: and truth to sight,
to leade and guyde my way:
To see thy place: thy hyll of grace,
where thou doost rest all day.


That I may go: Gods aulters to,
to thee my God euen tyll:
To thee my ioye: my God and roye,
wyth harpe thee thanke I wyll.


My soule so dull: why art so full,
of griefe and heauines?
Why standst agast: as helpe were past?
such thoughtes why doost impresse?
Put all thy trust: in God most iust,
I wyll hym thankes extende:
He shewth me grace: euen nye at face,
as God all health he sendth.