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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalm. Cxxxvij.
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Psalm. Cxxxvij.

The Argument.

When Babilon: the Iewes supprest,
they tell how they did playne,
From whence well rid, they her detest,
to wishe her spoylde agayne.

Super flu mina.


At water sides: of Babilon,
euen there we sate and wept:
While Syon mount: we thought vpō
remembring Gods precept.


We hong among: the Salow trees,
our Harpes and Organs all:
No ioy we had: with weeping eyes,
to matters musicall.


They craued of vs: who thrald vs wrong,
Some dyties melody:
In scorne they sayd: sing vs some song,
Of Syon merely.


How can we syng: sayd we agayne,
The Lordes sweete songes deuyne:
In land so strange: who vs constrayne,
we must all mirth resigne.



If I should thee: cast out of mynde:
O good Ierusalem,
I would my hand: went out of kinde:
to play to pleasure them.


Yea let my tonge: to palate sticke:
if that I minde thee not.
If Syons prayse: I should not seeke::
as chiefe to ioy in that.


The Edomits O Lord, requite,
for Salems heauy day,
Who cryed wast her: spoyle her in sight:
euen flat on ground to lay


O Babilon: thou doughter light:
which waylst thy spoyling deepe:
Well mought he speede: that thee did quite:
as thou madst vs to weepe.


And well fare him: that toke thee ones,
which vs downe fiercely threwest:
Who flong thy babes: agaynst the stones,
as ours in rage thou slewest.