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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. CVIII.
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Psalme. CVIII.

The Argument.

When Dauid kept: Odollan caue,
Where Saule he scapte: for all hys raue:
Thus thankes in song: he dyd extende,
To God who did: hys lyfe defende.

Paratum cor.


My hart to God: is ready found,
Thy worthy laudes: deuout to sound:
For sing I will: and Psalmes recorde,
With glory due: in tong and worde.


Lyft vp thy selfe: thou Psaltrye sweete,
Thou harpe euen so: with tunes most meete,
For I my selfe: will early ryse,
Newe songes to sing: I wyll deuise.



I thee wyll prayse: O Lord in songe.
In peoples sight: euen them among:
Yea Psalmes to thee: I wyll arrect.
Among all folke: of euery sect.


For farre aboue: the heauen we see,
Standth firmly thy: benignytie:
Thy fayth and truth: as proufe doth teache,
Most nye the cloudes: doth wholy reach.


Be thou exalt: O God on hye,
Aboue the heauens: in maiestye:
Aboue all earth: thy glory set,
That men may know: thy power so great.


That thy beloued: from wretchednes,
Whole rydde may be: in stablenesse:
Let thy right hand: than vs preserue,
O aunswere me: my turne to serue.


God spake his word: in holynes,
Wherein I ioy: and shall no lesse:
All Sychem iust: in partes I set,
And Sucoth vale: I also met.


All myne no doubt: is Gilead,
And so is myne: Manasses had:
And Ephraim: my reigne the strength,
And Iuda is: my guyde at length.


Land Moab is: my water pot,
And Idumye: my conquerd lot:
Wheron my sho: extend I wyll,
On Philistyne: ioy shall I still.



Who hath me brought: to be so nye?
That cytye great: so walled hye:
Who led me forth: so iust to come,
To Idumye: to wynne renome?


Was it not thou: I say O God?
Which vs forsokst: cast wyde abroade:
Which didst not walke: as God with vs,
With our mayne hostes: victorious?


O geue vs helpe: and that at hand,
Of all our griefe: of troubles band:
For weake the helpe that man can do,
Most vayne to trust: it is euen so.


In God we shall: all strong endure,
By hym to do: aduentures sure:
And he our foes: shall sone debell,
To treade them down: though hie they swell.