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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. Lxxxiij.
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Psalme. Lxxxiij.

The Argument.

The Hebrues here: do inuocate,
Their God for helpe: against mens spite:
The church this psalme: doth renouate,
In her distresse: to scape all quite.

Deus quis similis.


O God our God: within thy selfe,
Hold not thy tonge: thys muet still:
Nor silence kepe: but kepe our helth,
Stay not O God: but punishe euill.


For lo thou seest: what murmuryng,
Thyne enmies make: most arrogant:
How hye aloft: theyr heds they bryng,
Who thee do hate: how proud they vaunt.



They haue in guyle: their counsayles take,
in Ire agaynst: thy people poore:
Conspirde they be: close drifts they make,
and all thy sayntes: they will deuoure.


They sayd come on: let vs them roote,
euen quyte from out: all nations:
Of Israell: the name to wroote,
no man to be: to name them once.


For they haue layd: their heades in one,
together knit: in hart and mynde:
Confederat: they be echone,
agaynst thy selfe: like beastes vnkinde.


The tents where kepe: the Edomits,
the Ismalits: with might and mayne:
With them be ioynd: the Moabits,
the Agareus: they fume agayne.


So Geball folke: and Ammon to,
beset in leage: with Amaleke:
The Palestyns: with them do go,
and they that dwell: in Tyrus eke,


To them be knyt: thassirians,
a people fierce: and strong in armes:
Lothes childer hye: they would aduaunce,
whose strēgth they be: to worke their harms.



But do to them: as Madian,
did feele thy hand: and angry looke:
As eke thou didst: to Siseran,
to Iabyn eke: at Kyson broke.



They whole on heapes: at Endor quaylde,
no graue receyued: their bodyes deade:
Gods hand them all: so countervaylde,
as dunge on earth: their carcase spred.


Make them withall: their princes gaye,
to Oreb like: and Zeb also:
As Zebee: and Salmana:
make all their peeres like them to go.


Who sayd in pride: let vs possesse,
Gods temple hye: to vs to ryse:
Let vs deface: that holynes,
with all the rites: and sacrifice.


Make them my God: to be in sight,
all like the whele: down hill that slidth:
And let them be: as stuble light,
tost hye wyth wynde: that neuer bidth.


And lyke as fyre: that brenth the woode,
the rage wherof: no tree can flee:
As flames the hyls: where forage stode,
do wast for heate: and parched be.


Euen so O God: all them pursue,
with thy great stormes: and tempests stoure
In thy sore wrath: make them to rue,
all foule dismayde: in hart to loure.


With vyle reprofe: their faces fyll,
with very shame: confound them all:
That they might search: thy name and wyll,
O Lord to thee: that they might fall.



Be they abasht: and vexed still,
Yea more and more: both day and nyght:
And let theyr fames: all shame bespill,
Destroy theyr flesh: but saue theyr sprite.


That they may know: that thou alone,
Whose name deuine: Iehoua is:
Art rocke most hye: against our foen,
Aboue the earth: that sittest in blisse.