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11. Stabat Mater Dolorosa


MS. Ashmole 59 (Sum. Catal. No. 6943)

Here nowe filoweþe next a devoute Invocacioun to oure Ladye [By þe Priour of Bridlington] with þe þe [sic] refrayde Stabat mater dolorosa.
Heyle! goddes moder dolorous,
By þe crosse stonding forwepped,
While þy sone hong ful pitous,
þe swerd of sorowe þyne hert kitte.
O howe muche sorouful drede
þowe sufferd, goddes moder, þoo,
To se þy sone pitously blede!
þe stremys of blode þane rane him fro.


O what is he þat may not weepe
Noþer with eghe nor with hert,
Þat seeþe þe, lorde, so lowe crepe!
Þou sykest and qwakst with smert.
O whane [he] taste bitter galle,
And gaf his goste til heven kynge,
He forgaf heos enmys alle
And þeire sore turmentyng.
O þou woful moder & mayde,
Þat hadest deþe in þy dolour,
Make my gooste with þee faste tyed
To him þat is my saveour.
O dolorous mayde so bright,
Make me to mowrone with þee,
Þat never by daye ne night
Youre stronge sorowe forgote be.
O glorious þou mayde mylde,
Make me to mowrne not to misse,
Þat arte glorefyde with þy chylde,
Þat of þi love I ne misse.
O þou virgyne mylde & meke,
Make me to weepe and wayle,
Þy childes peyne and þine eke,
Þat I no love chaunge for his.
O þou, ladye of ladyes alle,
ffor þy worþy names three:
Qwene of heven þe saintes calle,
And lady of þis worlde þou be.


O Emparyse of helle, þy name is kouþe
To þe Ioye of al man-kynde.
þer-fore homely nowe with mouþe
þowe mayst prey heven kynge.
O þou blest virgyne clere,
Beo redy, aye bytwene god and man
fful medyate, with þy prayer,
Ay, at moste neode of synful man.
O ladye, my sight most fayle
At þe blacnesse of my deth;
My soule þane behoveþe wayle
ffor defaute of tonge & breth.
O howe myne herte þane wol qwake
ffor enmys to leye þeire lyne!
Now ladye, for þy childes sake,
Nowe helpe me, ladye, þat same tyme.
O glorious ladye ful of grace,
vowch nowe sauf to helpen me
And to withstonde þ'enmys face
And to destroye þeire gret poweste.
O ladye, remembre my preyer
þe whiche I make nowe vn-to þee,
And prey þy sone þat haþe no peer
To haue my sowle in his lovely eie.
O fayre ladye of aungelle floure,
In prophet and patryake desyre,
Dyademe of Martre and confessour,
Beaute of virgynes & sainte in feere.


O ladye, þat arte so bright
As is þe sunne in þe ffirmament,
ffor þe gret ioye þou hadest in sight
whane þow were to heven went.
O ladye, come, þat dredful houre
Whane derk deþe shall m'assayle,
And beo to me sikur sokoure
þat alle þe feondes of me shal fay[l]e.
O lovely lady bright and sheene,
Kepe me þane frome ferdnesse,
ffrome þ'orryble sighte and kene
þat feondes make in þeire foulnesse.
O ladye of heven, þou mylde qwene,
And ladye of þis worlde þer-to,
And Emparyce of helle to beon
þe sayntes calle þee, þer fro.
O ladye, for þat gret honoure
Þat þou haste for synners sake,
Þowe helpe me in þat stronge stour
Whane þey frome hens wolde me take.

12. Hail, Mother and Virgin Immaculate


B.M. Addit. MS. 20059

All haile! lady, mother & virgyn immaculate,
Haile! mary, most precious that bare our savyour ihū
Haile! clarified cristall, haile! wife mundificate.
Haile! rote of grace, our ioy thow did renewe
ffor the holy gost did clerely in the yssue.
Our soles for lacke had ells perresshed sore
Nere throȝ the helpe of our highe redemptour.


All haile! whose solempne glorious concepcioun
ffull of glorie and hye ioye tryumphaunte,
Bothe celestyall & terrestriall gif laude with Iubilacioun
Of new ioy & gladnesse with solace incessaunte.
Alhaile! whose natiuite to vs is solempnysaunte,
fferens lucem vt lucyfer, lux oriens,
Dyademe Angelicall, verum solem preveniens.
Alhaile! be thy mekenes sine viro fecunditas,
Whose Amyable Annunciacioun to vs was redempcion.
Ioye therfore be to the, tu summa suavitas,
And glorified be the houre of thy incarnacioun,
By whome we advoyde the infernall dampnacioun.
So dulcour was the ground in whom crist hym planted.
O mater most illuminate, we myȝt not the haue wanted.
Haile! true chast virgyn & mother immaculate,
Whose pure purificacion to vs was purgacion.
Haile! replete with all virtue Angelicate,
Whose celestiall hye Ascendaunte Assumpcion
Was oure gret ioye and glorificacion.
Wherfore, dere lady, solistrice be for grace
That we with thy son in heyven may haue a place.

13. High Empress and Queen Celestial


MS. Arch. Seld. B. 24 (Sum. Catal. No. 3354)

O hie Emperice and quene celestiall,
Princes eterne and flour Immaculate,
Oure souerane help quhen we vnto the call,
Haile! ros Intact, virgyne Inuiolate,
That with the fader was predestinate
To bere the floure and makar of vs all,


And with no spue of crime coinquinate,
Bot virgyne pure, clerare than Cristall.
O blissit ros, o gemme of chastitee,
O well of beautee, rute of all gudenace,
O way of bliss, flour of virginitee,
O hede of treuth, o sterr without dirknace,
Graunt me synfull, lyuing In vnclennace,
To sew the path of parfyte cheritee,
And to forsake my synnis more and less,
Ay serving him þat sched his blud for me.
O blissit lady, fillit of all gudenace,
Sen all my hope and traist is in ȝour grace,
Beseke ȝour sone for ȝour hie gentilnace
To grant me laisar or I dee, and space,
All vicious lyf out of my saule to race;
And euer to lyve in vertew and clenace.
Out of the fendis bandis and his brace,
Now, glorious lady, help of ȝour gudenace.
ffor rycht as phebus with his bemys brycht
Illuminate all this erd In longitude,
Rycht so ȝour grace, ȝour beautee, and ȝour mycht
Anournyt all this warld in latitude:
Tharfore to me now schaw ȝour gratitude,
Off ȝour magnificence, þat day and nycht
ȝour benigne grace be to me lyvis fud;
And me to saue from euery maligne wicht.
ffor though Leuiathan, the ald serpent,
Dissauit had oure parenes prothoplaust,
That In this warld doune has, Indigent,
Maid him to be put till at the last


Eternale deth, quhilk euer suld haue last.
Knawing ȝour pure and Incorrupt entent
Incomparable, the holy gaste als fast
Into ȝour Innocence doune has sent,
And ȝow Illumynit with that blisful lycht
I mene the sone of the hie deitee
That on a croce suspendit was on hicht
ffor the redemption of humanite.
Quharfor throu ȝow, my souerane lady free,
Mankynde redempt was; tharefore day & nycht
In euery place blissit mote ȝe be
Eternaly, abufe all erdly wicht.
Qd Chaucere.

14. Thou shalt Bear the Fruit of Life


Harley MS. 2251


Al hayle, Mary ful of grace!
Oure lord of heven is with the;
His mansioun in the made he has,
Also of the borne shal he be.
His glorious body shaltow see,
Naked lyeng in an oxe stalle;
And til hym present shal kynges thre
Gold, Mirre and Incence Royall.


Blessed be thow among wymmen alle!
Thow shalt be mayde, moder and wyf—
Al cristen men so the shal calle,
ffor thow shalt bere the fruyt of lyf.
That blessid child shal breke the stryf
Betwene the devil and al mankynd;
Man shal he bryng from al myschief,
The wey to hevene than shal he fynde.



Seynt Anne, thy moder, ful blessid is she,
ffor she the bare by myracle dyvyne;
An aungel hir warned, sent fro the Trynite,
The fruyt of hir shuld right ferre shyne,
ffor to sconfite the snake serpentyne
Whiche of manhod had dominacion—
Man shuld be delyuerd from al tribulacioun.


O mary, moder of al consolacioun,
Nempned so thow were—th'aungel bare witnesse—
Of Anne; thow were deliuered a grete confortacioun
ffor man, to bryng hym owte of distresse,
Both pure and clene set in al holynesse,
Ihesu, thy sone, hym lyked wele thy gouernaunce;
Replenysshed were thow with vertu of mekenes—
Of thi pappis sowkid he for oure sustinaunce.


Whan hym lyked he made purviaunce,
Mankynd for to bryng vnto saluacioun,
ffor of man he had a goode Remembraunce—
To suffre deth, that was his conuersacioun.
Of his peynes he made a demonstracioun
Whan he tolde his Apostels of his peynes sore:
To save mankynd, that was his entencioun,
Ellis al the world had be forlore.


Thow wrecchid man, leve thy pride
And thynk from erth that thow came;
Here thow mayst nat long abyde.
Bowe thy knees,—spare for no shame—
Whan thow herist Ihc, oure lordis name.
Wele art thow bounde so for to do,
Sith aungelis and devils knele therto.


15. A Salutation to the Virgin

Corpus Christi Coll. Oxf. MS. 155



Haile be þou! hende heven qwene

Þat thurgh chastite was chosen with childe,
Mary, most to þe I meene,
Moder meke and mayden mylde,
With-owten wem or wo I wene,
Oure herte of bale in þe gun belde,
Clens me owte of cares kene
And wreke awaye my warkes wylde.


Mary, ihū darlynge dere,

Þus I thynke in my thoghte,
Wele I wate if synne ne were
Goddes moder ware þou noght,
ffor synne he fanged þe to fere,
To wyn & wele he haues þe wroghte.
Helpe, hende, to I am here,
Þat I be his þat me dere boghte.


Of grace is graunted þe þat gate,

Þat na gude will for-gete,
Heghly hende, heuen ȝate,
Þat syttes be-syde þy sun sete,
Þere my ȝernynge þou ne hate,
When dede sall founde my flesche to fete;
ffor, than to luf is to late,
When wormes make of me þere mete.


ffull was fillyd þy flesche,

And derly dyghte, þrogh deyte;
And sythen with nayles nayled was,
And forthe þan was taken to a tre.


Þe water & blode, þy wemmes it wesche,
Of þat body was borne of þe;
My rede is noght worthe a rysche
Bot mary haue mercy on me.


Oure lorde lyked forto lende

And man be made in myddell erthe;
Sone his sonde gun he sende,
To þy will his wyrschyp werde.
ffor his loue helpe me, hende,—
Of folyes fell I fele me a-ferde—
& fecche me fro þe fende;
I doute on domesdaye to be a-deryd.


With þe he was and ay sall be,

ffader & sone & haly gaste
Trewly taken in trinite,
And þou, moder & mayden chaste,
Þe serten sothe I teche þe,
Of all menskes þis was the maste.
ffor his loue þat lightyd in þe,
Þan saue my sawle in haste.

Benedicta tu

Blyssed be þou euere and aye

In lede þat þe þat luf lente.
Moder, if þou þy sone will praye
Þat neuere no sawll sall be schente,
fforsothe þy sone will noght saye naye—
It was his awen commaundemente;
He will be buxome to þe aye
ffor in þy worschep wome he wente.

In mutieribus

In women wate I none þin ewen,

God tempill, trewe to tell,
Lady of erthe, qwene of hevene,
And holden emprice of helle.


Stable sterne, here my stevene
ffor all my frendes whare so þay dwelle,
ȝif I þere names I ȝow noght nevene,
Defende þam fro the fendes of hell.

Et benedictus

Blyssed be þou eueremare,

Mayden moder, mary mylde,
Þy sone of þy body þou bare
And þy fayred was neuere fylde.
I byseke þe with ȝernynge ȝare
Þat þou praye to þy blissed childe,
Of this werlde when I sall fare,
ffro þe foule fende þat ȝe me schelde.


The frute of þe makes me bothe full & fede,

Swete ihū mylde of mode,
Till his bredyr gan he bede
Als brede & wyne his flesche & blode.
Mary, for thy maydenhede,
Þou gif me grace to fang þat fode
Before my dede þat I drede,
He graunte me grace of gates gode.

ventris tui

Of þy body þan was he borne,

And þou with hym wroght wemles,
ffor folyce fell oure fader byforne
Ihū þe to moder he chese,
Rede ros with-owten thorne,
Þat byrde þou bare, þe Prince of pes.
Ne lat my saule neuere be lorne
Bot wyssed whare þy will es.

Ihesus Amen

Ihū ware, noght þy mercy were,

My gude ware noght worthe a bene.
Thorugh meuynge of þat mayden mere,
Þat mediatur is made in men.


Now to lof lystens and lere,
Swylke loue in lede I may ȝow lene
Als present ȝe þis prayere here,
Hayle be þou, heven quene!

16. Mary, Pray thy Son for us


Caius College Camb. MS. 383

Virgo rosa virginum tuum precare filium [p. 68]
Alle ȝe mouwen of ioye synge,
fro heuene ys come god tyþynge,
mary mylde, þat gode þyng,
Iam concepit filium.
Quene of heuene, wel þe be!
Godes sone ys borene of þe
forte make vs alle fre
Ab omni labe criminum.
Wanne þat he of her bore was,
In a crache wyt hey & gras,
& for houre synne diede on cros
Surexit die tercia.
Aftur hys ded, in hys vp-rysyng
To heuene he toc hys vp-styyng,
Þer he dwellus wyt-oute lesyng,
Deus super omnia.
Marie, modur wyt-oute wemme,
Brytur þan þe sonne-bem,
Þe has taken wyt hym
ad celi palacia.


To þe we makun houre mone,
Pray for vs to þy sone,
Þat we mowene wyt hym wone
In perhennum Gloria.

17. Enixa Est Puerpera


MS. Ashmole 1393 (Sum. Catal. No. 7589)

A lady þat was so feyre & briȝt
velut maris stella
Browȝt forth ihū full of miȝt,
parens et puella.
Lady, flor of all þing,
rosa sine spina,
Þat barist ihū heuyn king,
gracia diuina.
All this world was for-lore,
eua peccatrice,
til þat ihū was y-bore
de te genitrice.
Of al wymmen þu art beste,
felix fecundata,
To al wery þu art reste,
mater honorata.
Wel I wote he is þi sone
ventre quem portasti;
Then wol grant þe þi bone,
Infans que[m] lactasti.


Hou swete he is, hou meke he is,
ullus memorauit;
In heuyn he is & heuyn blys
nobis preparauit.
Of all wymmen þu berist þe price,
mater generosa,
Grawnt vs all paradys,
virgo gloriosa.

18. Ave Maris Stella


Sloane MS. 2593

Aue maris stella, þe sterre on þe see,
dei mater alma, blyssid mot Xe be,
atque semper virgo, prey þi sone for me,
felix celi porta, þat I may come to þe.
Gabriel þat archangyl he was massanger,
so fayre he gret our lady with an aue so cler.
heyl be þu, mary! be þu, mary,
ful of godis grace & qwyn of mercy.
Alle þat arn to grete wiþoutyn dedly synne,
forty dayis of pardoun god grauntyt hym.

19. Hail, Star of the Sea


B.M. Addit. MS. 37049

Aue maris stella dei Mater Alma.
Hayle! se sterne, gods modyr holy,
pray þu þi swete son safe vs fro foly
þat walks in þis warld lyke vn-to þe se,
Ebbyng & flowyng ful of vanyte.


ffor to al wretches þat wil for-sake þair syn
þow schynes as a sterne þaim redy to wyn,
And euer-more redy for vs to pray
To gytt vs forgyfnes withouten delay,
Of al oure synnes & gret trespes
Þat we hafe done both more & les.
Now, swete lady both meke & mylde
And moder of god, mayden vnfyled,
Crowned abofe al angels, qwene of heuen,
Blyssed art þu þerfore euer-more to neuen.
þow pray þi son to gif vs grace our lyfe to mende
And his byrnyng luf in-to vs sende.
Thynk on gode, lady, þus for vs to praye,
þat we with þe may dwelle for euer & ay.

20. Mary, Bright Star of Heaven and Holy Church


Univ. of Edinburgh. Laing MS. 149

O farest lady, o swetast lady,
o blisful lady, hewynnis quheyne.
O sterne so brycht, þat gyfys lycht
til hewyne & haly kyrk,
Þi help, þi mycht grant ws ful rycht.
Raik throw þire clowdis dirk;
fra hel sa fel conwoy ws clene:
one þe, mare, þus most I meyne.
thow ruby red, þat rasis ded
and grantis synnarise þare lyf,
for til remeid þe fendis pleid
quha can þi help discrif?


but þe, lady, quha may sustene
þare warldly lustis bath scharp & kene?
Þow wel of grace, ostend þi face
quhen ded sal ws persew.
away þow chase of fendis þe brase;
ask at þi sone Ihū,
one ruyd his blud þat bled betwene
for oure traspass, before þin eyne.
now, lady myne, þi ere inclyne
to me þi seruitour.
quhen I go hyne, hef my saul fra pyne.
þow keip it in þi cwre,
In place quhare grace ay growis grene,
foreuer In ioy þar-til contein.
O farest lady, o swetast lady,
o blisful lady, hewynnis quheyne.

21. Hail, Queen of Heaven


Arundel MS. 285

Haill! quene of hevin & steren of blis;
Sen þat þi sone þi fader Is,
How suld he ony thing þe warn,
And thou his mothir and he þi barne?
Haill! fresche fontane þat springis new,
The rute and crope of all vertu,
Thou polist gem without offence,
Thou bair þe Lambe of Innocence.


22. Ave Gloriosa


Arundel MS. 285

Ane deuoit orisoun To oure Lady The Virgin mary, Callit Aue Gloriosa
Haill! Glaid and glorius,
Haill! virgin hevinnis queyne,
Haill! grane maist glorius
That Is or euer hes bene—
Off the, mary, I mene.
Haill! plant maist Precius
ffor manis medicyne,
Thow wesche all vicius
The flesche for to refrene
And keipe our conscience cleyne.
Haill! cumly cristell cleir
Aboue þe ordouris nyne,
Als blith as bird on brer,
On ws synnaris to schyne
Off thy deuoit doctryne.
HAill! CRistis mothir Deir
And doctrix maist diuine,
Oure harmes for till heir
Thy eir till ws inclyne,
And saife our saulis fra pyne.
Haill! Seder Scheyne, Haill! virgine cleyne,
Ay glemmand into glore,
Haill! cipros greyne, Haill! fra the, Soleyne,
Our saullis saif fra Sore,
To synnaris send Succour.


Haill! well & weyne Off grace bedeyne,
Till cairfull creatour;
To the we meyne Oure caris keyne,
Thou art our trew tressour,
Off bewte the mirrour.
Thow flagrant flour Off sueit Sapoure,
Haill! Deire Dochter of Ann,
In thy closour our Saluiour
Wes Iounit god and man,
In the oure grace began.
Haill! brichtest Sterne, Haill! licht lucern,
Off vertu well but vice,
Thow ws gouerne ffra feindis Inferne,
O port of parradice,
Thou precius perle of prise.
O mary meik, we the beseik,
Befor þe Iuge quhen sall meit,
Off thy prayer we þe require,
Defend ws fra our fa
On dreidfull domesday.
O madin myld That bur þe child,
Quhilk for the gilt
And gret misdeid He sore did bleid
On croce on gude friday
And wesche ws fra all wa.
Thow art the band of our blising,
Doun discending fra dauid king;
Our souerane of þe did spring,
The way of verryte,
O mothir of mercy.


PErfit plesand and moist benyng,
But pryde, pacient attour all thing,
Thy haly hand to bliss ws bring,
Thou trone of Salomone,
Thou fleis of gedeoun,
Thou mothir and mad allone,
But carnall corrupcioun.
Thou cheif of chaistite,
Thow well of virginite,
At the we seik suppley
Agains our enemye.
BEfor our Lord Meis all discord,
Thou be our beild fra blame;
We be restord To ferme concord,
Beseiking his haly name.
HAill! wilsum wicht Thow counsall richt
ffra falset and defame,
Mothir of mycht, Baith day and nicht
Scheild ws fra Syn & schame.
Thow cleir clarite Off Sapour sueit,
The haly spreit The purifyit,
And maid the meit Our blis to beit,
Specull of pulcritude,
Thou seid of Sanctitude.
ffor grace we greit Befor thy feit,
With teris weit And hert contret,
Thi mirthis meit In hevinnis streit
Schawand thy Celsitude
With glore and gratitud.


Haill! fairest forme of face,
To saulis succour send,
And Len ws tyme & space
Oure mis for till amend,
ffra dewillis ws defend.
Haill! ground of all our grace,
We ws to the commend;
The blis of hevin ws brace,
Off þis warld quhen we wend.
Amen finis.

23. Ave Regina Celorum, I


Trinity College Dublin MS. 516

A deuowte salutacion of Aue regina celorum
Haile be þu, maide, modir of crist!
Haile be þu, blessidest þat euer bare childe!
Haile! comeli quene, mari þu hight,
Haile! nory of goodnesse, maide so milde,
Haile! fairest floure, þat neuer was defilid.
Haile! wit and welle of al visdom,
Haile! loueli lely þat syne exilid,
Aue Regina celorum.
Haile! rose ryal, comfort of care,
Haile! blessid ladi bothe faire & bright,
Haile! swete salue for al maner sare,
Haile! lanterne of light brening light,
Haile! blessid berde in þe is pight,
Haile! ioye of mankynde boþe al & sum,
Haile! pynacle precious in heuyn be right,
Mater regis angelorum.


Haile! crownde quene, fairest of alle,
Haile! flouer on þe feld, ouur blisse on-brad,
Haile! to whom women do calle,
Altyme þat þei ben hard be-stad,
Haile! whom al þe fendys drede
And euer schul in-to þe day of doum.
With maydenis milke þi sone þu fed,
O Maria flos virginum.
Haile be þu, fairest þat euyr god fand!
Haile be þu rechest of al tresoure!
Haile! lampe euyr lightand,
To hie & lowe, riche and poure,
Haile! spices swettest of al sauoure,
Haile! of whom oure ioye gan coum,
Haile! of alle wemen frute & floure,
Velut Rosa vel lilium.
Haile be þu, godely ground of al grace!
Haile! blessid sterre shini[n]ge on þe see
Haile! counfortable counfort in euury case,
Haile! aftur god chefe of charite,
Haile! wit and welle of al merce,
Haile! þat bare oure lord ihū al & sum,
Haile! tabernacle of þe trinite,
ffunde preces ad filium.
Haile be þu, virgyn of al vertues!
Haile! blessid modir þat al may wilde,
Haile! noried norse of swet Ihesus,
Haile! mari, mode[r] & maide milde,
Now lady to thi sone þu say,
That we may come to his kyngdou[m].
ffor me and al cristen þu pray,
pro salute fidelium.


24. Ave Regina Celorum, II


Porkington MS. 10

Oft all þe bryddus þat euer ȝeyt were,
so fayre, so freche as þer is wone,
Was neuer ȝeyt myȝt be here pere,
Made of fleche, blode and bon̄e.
This bryde sche ys wittouttyne pere,
And perles euyre-more schall be;
Wherefore I þynke, in good manere,
To hayle here witt an aue.
A blessyte frut schew forthe gane bry[ng],
ffor vs dethe soffyrde alle & somme;
There-fore to hure now wyle I synge,
Ave regyna celorume.
hayle be þu! mare, bleyssyd foode,
And blessyd mot þu euyre be!
Thow se þy sone vppon þe rovde;
ffor owre syne dethe soffyrd he—
he was full mercyfull & ful good,
When he for vs syche payne wold dre;
His mercy passytȝ all erthely good.
þer-fore we pray þe with hert fre,
þu helpe vs, lady, as þu may beste,
And gravnt vs þat we may come
There þu art callyd, witt most & leste,
M[a]tere regys angelorum.
Hayle be þu! now wyrgyne clere,
The holly gost lyȝt þe witt-In;
Thow bare a chyld of gret powere,
A neuer was fylyd witt no syne.


Thow stod full stylle witt myld chere
And hyme consaywyd witt mykyl wynne.
He perssyd þi wombe as son soo clere,
And ȝeyt þu was a cleyne wyrgyne.
Of alle wyrgyns, þu art callyd modyre,
þat euer bare lyfe vndyre-nethe þe sone,
I say by þe & by no nodyre,
O mater flos virginum.
Haylle be þu! quene moste comely,
þat euyr was formyd both fare & nere!
Therefore I hayle þe worschypfully—
In all þe world was neuer þy pere.
Thy sone ys kynge moste worthy & myȝty,
ffor ouer alle thyngus ys his powere.
And welle I wote & lefe fully
he wylle deme þe best prayere;
þerefor þu pray þat bleyssydfull kynge,
þat þe blys in-with þe may wonne,
þere as þu art euer, with ray schynnyng
Velud rosa wel lylyom.
hayl be þu! now fayrryst of face,
Thyn eerys to vs þu wolt inclyne.
We pray þe pray for ovre trespas,
þat we be sawyd frome helle pyne.
þu gravnt vs for þi mekull grace,
as þu arte emprys of helle & heyuyn,
Defend vs frome þe ffeynndus mallys,
And lete vs neuer with hyme be evyne.
To þe, lady, now dewoutlye
We aske hit witt dewocyoune,
That þu pray for vs full herttely,
ffunde preces ad felium.


Hayle be þu nowe! most worthy flovre
That euer was vppone þe grovnde,
ffor þu arte emprys of þe heyȝthyst tovre
That euer ȝete was I-fond.
In þat hyþe place þu hast hovnowre,
As þu arte worthy, of fre & bond,
ffor þer ys Ioy with-ovte dolovre,
And blyse euer-more I vndure-stonde.
Vnto þat blys, lady, vs brynge,
Where þu art quene of alle and some;
þu pray þi sone, þer he his kynge,
Pro salute fydellium.
þu grant vs, lady, ovre askynge,
As we can to [non] nodyre calle;
But when we euer eyllys anny þinge
One þe we cry, bothe one & alle.
þer-for, lady, make herkenynge
Vnto vs synfull or þat we falle,
That we may at oure hyndynge
To dweylle with þe in þi hyȝe halle.
Now, lady, make vs þis be-heste,
That we may come to þe alle & some—
Then may we synnge, bothe Most & leste,
Ave regyna celorome.
Et C.

25. Salve Regina


MS. Bodley 423 (Sum. Catal. No. 2322)

Salue regina
Heyl! comely creature curteys of kynde,
Chaast quene of konnyng, of comfort & counsail,
The moderhed of thy mercy to oure soules sende,
Worthily to thy worship that we may say ‘al heyl’.


Lijf & likyng in the lay allone
Whan þe swetnesse of our saueour þe dide assaile,
Now helpe vs, our hope in oure mykel mone,
Meue up our myndes to the, & merciful moder, al hayle!
As careful caitifs & combred we crye,
Outlawes & outcastes, the sones of synne,
As the heires of eue to thy pyte we preie,
Weilyng & wepyng, thy welthes to wynne.
In this dale of dolour dresse vp our dedes,
Holyest of halowes hyghe, the we preye,
Our speker & our spye, specialy now spede vs,
Turne towarde trespassours thin almesful eye.
And ihū that is gentel, bountiful & blessed,
the fruyt of oure feith & fode of þy wombe,
shewe vs his shinyng after þis exile wrecched,
Merciful maide, helpe vs wiþ thyn honde.
Mary, moder & mayden, cherissher of þi chirche,
euerlastyng gate of ioye and of eese,
refresshe vs wiþ þy refute, wel þat we may wirche,
the fader & thy fode graunte vs to plese.
Meke mayde & mylde, softe & right swete,
the praiers of thy peple gadere with thy grace,
the lust of oure leudenes lere vs to lete,
teche vs þe trewe way to take & to trace.
Oure sorwe & our siknes shewe to thy sone,
that pricked was & peyned & clenched on þe cros:


to dryue downe our deth his manhod he nome
that doolfully dyed and richely aroos.
After þe birthe verrely clene maiden þu were;
goddys moder, mary, haue mynde on our preiere.

26. An Expansion of Salve Regina


B.M. Addit. MS. 37049

Salve Regina
Hayl! oure patron & lady of erthe,
qwhene of heuen & emprys of helle,
Moder of al blis þu art, þe ferth,
Of mercy & grace þe secunde welle.
lyfe come of þe, as þe sownde of a bell
Swetnes, þu art both moder & mayde,
Oure hope with þe þat we may dwelle
Hayl! ful of grace as gabriel sayd.
To þe oure socour, our helpe, oure trust,
We crye, we pray, we make oure complaynt,
Exylde to pryson fro gostly lust.
þe childer of adam, þat so was ataynte
Of eue our moder, here, ar we dreynte.
To þe, þat byndes þe fendes whelpe,
We sighe, we grone; we wax al faynte
Wepyng for sorow, gode lady, now helpe!


Wepyng for syn & for oure payne,
In þis derknes oure tyme we spende;
Of teres þe comforth is a swete rayne,
In þe wayle of grace it will discende.
Hafe done, gode lady, grace is þi frende;
þerfore send vs sum of þi grace.
Oure aduocate, make vs a-fore our ende
Oure synnes to wesche whils we hafe space.
Þi mercyful eene & lufly loke
Cast opon vs for oure disporte.
And Ihū, þi babe, þat þi flesche toke,
So blyssed a lord, make vs supporte,
Þat fruyt of lyfe may vs comfort.
Of þi wome þe fruyt may suffyse
To vs, whorby we may resorte,
Aftyr þis exyle, to paradyse.
Exyle is greuos in þis derk werre;
Schewe vs þi lust, þe stronger to fyght.
Benygne lady & our se sterre,
O buxum lanterne, gyf vs þi lyght.
O meke, o chaste, o blistfull syght,
O swete, o kynde, o gentyll & fre,
Mary, with Ihū þat Ioyful knyght,
Hayle & fare wele! & þinke on me!


27. Regina Celi Letare, I


MS. Laud Miscell. 213 (Sum. Catal. No. 1045)

Quene of heuen, mak þu murth,
& prays god with all þi myght,
for of þe he tok hys burth,
þat is heele, lyf & lyght.
He rose fro deth so sayd he.
Save vs gode, in nede moste!
pray for vs þe trinite,
ffader & sone & holy gost.

28. Regina Celi Letare, II


Pepys MS. 1236 (Magdalene Coll. Cambridge)

[R]egina celi and Lady, letare,
Lemyng lely & in place of lyght,
Quia quem meruisti portare
Ve ben sett sempiterne in his syght.
Resurrexit as he sayde to the
By myracle of his grete myght.
Into heuyn ascendyd with humanyte,
Aboue the orders of Angelys bryght,


Gloryouse lady, gete vs that ryght
To thi ryall mansyon vnto be nome,
After the deth when we be dyght,
Maria virgo virginum.
O kynde curatrix, to thi caytif kyd,
To cure oure sore þou keptyst a corn.
With-in thy bowelys thow bare a bryd,
The blessedyst blossum þat euer was born,
Oure holy lorde on the was hydde.
By hyrying of a Angels horn,
A mansuete message was the amydde,
Godys moder to be callyd at euyn & morn.
Lykly, lady, we were to be lorn,
And cast in seruage all & sum;
Make vs be founde thy face beforn,
Maria virgo virginum.
O pia, precyous, pure princes,
Pynnacle of price of thre persones,
Too bemes of blysse is thy bryghtnes,
Y-blessyd be ye in blode & bones!
Thy louely lyppys of bryghtnes
Lappe me fro longyng, lady, ones;
As ye be mayde of all myldenes,
& ther-to ryght, agayn all mones.
Thy dwellyng is in worthy wonys,
Exaltyd into þat heye solum.
Good lady, gouerne us fro gronys,
Maria virgo virginum.
O clemens, castell of chastyte,
Coruna cristi, comely thyng,
Tabernakyll of the trynyte!
Full tendere was thy trewe louyng.


O Ioye, generosa of Iesse,
Ihū, thy Iewell, is oure Ioyyng.
O spes nostra, specyous to see,
Salue regina, to the we syng!
O mons, swete mary, when þat we myng,
The Fendys malyce hit doth ouercom.
Pray for vs to cryste, oure king,
Maria virgo virginum.
O dulcis diamounde, deyre damesell,
Domina mundi, thow delykat dame,
Tronus dei thow art to tell,
Intemerata, turtyll tame.
O speciosa, syttyng in selle,
Þou saue vs sothly fro Satanas is shame,
Crist for vs, þat Iewys didde kelle,
Þat kyndely of thy cloyster came,
That babe hath bought vs fro oure blame,
Hys eyre to be euer in eternum.
Godis moder, gare vs to haue heuynly game,
Maria virgo virginum.
O oryens splendryx, in syght specius,
As the splendaunt sonne sytth in space,
So shewyth your symylytude most glorius
To euery gost growyng in grace.
O prudent, puella precius,
The patron of heuyn pleyd in thi place.
O very Virgyn most vertuus,
& worshep ouer all wymmen þou hase,
Thyn humylyte exaltyd hase
Thy blod, þat wyll be to thy chylde bocsum,
Neuer to dwelle in hell duras,
Maria virgo virginum.


O sancta saluatryx, sett in saluacion,
Se to thy seruantys þat thei ben sure,
& put hem fro preuarycasion;
After ryȝtfullnys do not reddure.
Lett noȝt creaturys of thy chyldys creacyon
Be vnder the caytyuys of hell cure.
The well of mercy may make mediacyon,
Agayn all mysse that passyt mesure.
O quene, full queme to euery creature,
Pray that we may to the com,
To se thy trone & thy tresoure,
Maria virgo virginum.

29. Regina Celi Letare, III


Cambridge Univ. MS. Kk. I. 6

Regina celi, letare,
Where-thourgh the worde was wrought þan,
Whan Gabriell grete þe on his knee,
In whome fyrste þis worlde began.
‘Aue,’ he seyde to þe sertayne,
‘Gracia plena, god is with the,’
Where-thourgh þou conseyuedyste god & man,
Regina celi letare.
Quia quem meruisti portare
Kyng, Emperour of heuene & helle,
And þou, moder & mayden clene,
That neuer was ffyled in flesche ne ffele.
Thy pyte spryngeth, lady, as doth a welle,
Vn-to alle synfull þat serue the,
Where-fore, lady, to þe we melle,
Regina celi letare.


Resurexit sicut dixit,
That for vs lay dede in a stoone,
And resyd he was from deth to lyth,
And al to saue vs ffrome oure foone.
Than were þou, lady, wel be-goone,
Whan þat þy sone to Heuene gan flee,
Wher-fore þe Angeles Ioyede echoone,
Regina celi letare.
Ora pro nobis ad deum,
As ȝe are sche þat neygheth hym nere,
Vn-to þy blisse þat we may come,
What þat þou seyste he wyl þe here;
Wher-fore we pray þe, lady dere,
Oure Auoket þat þou wylte be,
As ȝe to-geder were bounden in fere,
Regina celi letare.
Here enduth regina celi.

30. The Five Joys of Our Lady


Cotton MS. Caligula A. ii

Quinque Gaudia


Heyl! gloryous virgyne, ground of all our grace,
Heyl! modere of crist in pure virginite,
Heyl! whom the son of god ches for his place,
Send from above down from the faders see.
Heyl! with thyne ere conceyvynge, send to the
The message be gabryell, in this wyse seynge,
‘Heyl! full of grace, oure lord ys with the.’
Heyl! with thyne humble hert to it obeying.



Heyl! that with god so priuy art and pleyne,
Among all wymmene blessed most þu be.
Heyl! that conceyved and bere with-outen peyne
The second person in the trynyte,
Heyl! chast lyly descended from Iesse,
Heyl! cristall clere, Heyl! closet of clennesse,
Heyl! blessed burioun, Heyl! blome of all beaute,
ffayrest of fayre, aye flowryng in fayrnesse.


Heyl! emperyse of heuen hyest of astate,
Heyl! mayden makelesse, heyl! moder of pyte,
Heyl! queene of counfort, of counfort desolate
When thou thy chylde sawe dying on a tre.
Heyl! whos vprisyng full shynyng was to þe,
Heyl! that oure mescheves old hast new redressed,
Heyl! be whos meene this lord hase made vs fre,
The fruyt of thy wombe, ay be he b[l]essed.


Heyl! stydfast sterre with stremys lemyng lyȝt,
Heyl! that beheld full clerely with thyne eye
Thy son ascendynge be his propre myght,
Peersyng the clowdes in-to heuen hye,
Wher it was sayde to hem of Galelye:
‘Why merveyl ye thus lokyng vp in veyne?
This lord þat thus Ascended myȝtylye,
Ryȝt as he stey, he shall come doun Ayeyn.’


Heyl! floure of vertu, whos feyrnesse may not fade,
Heyl! rose on ryse most holsom of odoure,
Heyl! whom the holy gost can Ioye, and glade
In the assumyng vp in-to his toure.
Heyl! comely queene, there crowned with honoure,
Heyl! mediatrice and mene for man-kynd,
Heyl! salue to seke vs synners send socoure,
These Ioyes fyve empryntynge in oure mynd.


31. The Five Joys of Our Lady, with Acrostic


MS. Bodley rolls 22 (Sum. Catal. No. 30445)

Sancta Maria
[M]yldyste of moode & mekyst of maydyns alle,
O modyrs mercyfullyst, most chast þat euer was wyfe,
Worschypfullyst of women þat were, ȝet be, or schalle,
Parfytst of a prayowre, þe best þat euyr bare lyue,
Whose salutacyon was fyrste Ioye of thy fyve,
Whan gabriel seyde ‘hayle mary ful of grace’—
wyth þe wheche worde þe holy gost as blyue
Wythyn þi chest hath chosyn a ioyful place.
[A] secunde Ioy hadyst þu whan cryst ihū
Of þe was borne & ȝet was þu a mayde;
ffor company of man thou nevyr knewe.
Chylde forth þu brynge, but wyth wordes þat wer sayde
Of þe aungel; whom of þu wher a-frayde
Tyll he seyde, ‘mary, loke þu drede nowte,
Plucke vp thyn herte and be no thyng dysmayde,
ffor thys hye werke almyghty god hath wrowte.’
[R]ysyn from dethe to lyf that ys eterne
ys thy swete son, ascend vp on hye
In-to a trone above the stremyng sterren,
Wher aungellys syng a-bowte þe chererchy,
Lovyng þat lorde wyth heuynly melody,
As kyng of kyngis, whose regne schal euer endure.
Lo! gracious lady and modyr of mercy,
Thys was thyrde ioy of thy blest auenture.


[I]n solempne wyse assumptyd wyth a songe
Of cherubyn, thy forthe ioy to atteyne,
was þi body and thy sowle aungellys amonge,
vnto thy son browte vp yn febus wayne,
wher personys three yn O god sytte certeyne.
Of whose presens ryght ioyful mayste thow be,
ffor, as scrypture in holy bokys sayn,
Thow conceyuydyst clene that holy trinite.
[A]nde they alle three of on affeccion
haue chosy the cheffe, the quene for to be
Of heyvyn and erthe, wos coronacione
wes thy fyffte ioy wyth grete solempnyte.
Now blyste lady, flowre of virginite,
Graunt vs thy grace oure lyvys to a-men[de],
That we may come here-aftyr vnto the,
Vnto þat ioye whyche nevyr schal haue ende.
[p]ryncese, pray to thy sone,
[i]n worschyp of þi salutacyon,
[p]erpetually þat we may wone
[w]yth hym, yn hys hy domynacione,
[e]uyr lastyng to lyue yn þat mancione.
[l]lady, graunt vs thys sayde supplycacione.

32. An Orison to Our Lady by the Seven Joys


Cambridge Univ. MS. Ff. 1. 6

Most glorius quene, Reynyng yn hevene,
Stere of the se, of all this worldell lady,
I be-seche you for all youre Ioyes Sevene,
In this grete nede sende cumforte and mersy.
And ther as mane can schape no remedy,


Schew ye youre myght, youre grace & your goodnesse
To youre sarvant that lythe in grete dystresse.
Preves I-now ther ben of youre pete,
ffor ye fayle none that can haue afeccyun
Vn-to youre grase; so larche is your bownte
That all the worlde by you hath consolacyun.
Youre blessed sone hyryth youre orysoun
And grantyth you all thyng ye woll hym pray;
What ȝe desyre, þat can he not gaynesay.
Hertes sorow and verry ynvarde drede
Maketh me fle to youre grace for socowre,
ffor ye neuer yit faylid none at nede—
your grete mercy so fre is euery owre.
Now swete lady, ryght as ȝe be the flowre
Of all womene, the chef helper in dystresse,
Torne all my woo into Ioy and gladnesse.

33. A Salutation by the Heavenly Joys


Royal MS. 17. A. xvi

Hayll be þu, qwen of gret honour!
our lord þi hert has fild wyth grace.
Of mede & ioy þu bers þo flour
þu pas all santis be-for gods face.
Haill be þu, spouse of gods chesyng!
Os son today in erth gifs lyght,
So my clernes gyfs lyghtynyng
Til all þo courte of heuen full bryght.
Hayll! wessell full of all godnes,
All heuenle courte dos þi byddyng
& worchyps þe wyth gret suetnes,
Os qwen of all wyth-oute irkyng.


Hayll be þu, may of hegh lifyng!
Whos will & godis ar ay both on,
Þer-for he grauntis þe þin askyng,
ffor whom þu prays he warns þe none.
Haill! oure comforth, alway at nede
after þi will þi seruand her,
our lord reward & gife þaim mede
in heuen & erth wyth santis seyr.
Haill! fair moder of criste Ihū,
Þat sitis nest god in trinite
Schinand in flech, of all vertu
is non þe like ne neuer sall be.
Haill be þu, flour of women all!
þu art sikyr þat þes ioes sewen
Sall neuer decres ne ȝhit doune fall
bot last in blis alway in heuene.
ffor þes sewene ioes, for hus þu pray,
moder of criste þat hus has boght,
Þat he hus kepe both nyght & day
& set in hym our luf & thoght.
Criste ihū, lord of maieste,
Þat has in heuen wyth gret lowyng
Worchipt & set þi moder fre
in ioy & blis of all likyng,
Þu graunte hus grace thorgh her prayer,
þi will to do all oure lifyng,
& kepe hus ay fro perels here,
& graunte scho be at our endyng
hus to defend fro our enmys,
& comforth hus wyth þi mercy,
So þat we may in paradice
Wyth þe & her duell endlesly.


34. The Seven Joys of the Virgin in Heaven, I


Henry E. Huntington Library, MS. HM. 127


Hit is y-founde and y-write þat oure lady apered to seint Thomas of caunterbury and badde him and tauȝt him to worschipe here for þe seuene ioyes durable and euerelastinge þat sche haþ now in heuene as wel as hede ede now for þe five temperal ioyes þat he hadde on erþe þe which beþ passed and þese beþ þe seuene þat folweþ.

Be glad, of al maydens flourre,
Þat hast in heuene swich honoure
To passe in hye blisse
Aungelys and oþur seintȝ also;
Þe ioye is nouȝt like þer-to
Of eny þat þer isse.
Be gladde, goddis spouse briȝt,
Þat ȝeuest þer gretter liȝt
To þe heuenli place
Þan euir dede sunne on erþe here
When hit was briȝtis and most clere
In þe midday space.
Be glad, of vertues vessel clene,
To whom obeiþ as riȝt quene
Þe court of heuen on hyȝe,
And worschipeþ wiþoute stynting
Þorwe þankinges and be blessing
And endeles melodie.
Be glad, moder of ihū dere,
Þat spedist alle way þi prayere
By-fore þe Trinite.


As god wil, suich is þi wille;
Þere may no wiȝt sinful spille
On whom þou hast pite.
Be glad, moder of heuene king,
Swich he wol, aftir plesing,
To þi seruaunt trewe
Graunt boþe mede and reward
Here and also aftirward
In Ioye þat euer is newe.
Be glad, mayden and moder swete,
Next þe sone þou hast a sete,
I-glorified blisfulli.
And þis we saddely beleue,
But how, openly descriue
Ne may no þing erþeli.
Be glad, of oure gladnesse welle,
Þat art seker ay to dwelle
In mirþe þat haþ non ende,
Which schal neuer were ne wast;
Þer-to bringe vs, moder chast,
When we hen wende.
Þus, þou blessed quene of heuene,
I worschipe þe wiþ ioyes seuene
In alle þat y may.
When y schal leue þis soreful lyf,
Be to me redy in þat strif,
Lady, y þe pray.
Lady, for þese ioyes seuene
And for þi gladnesse five,
Bringe me to þe blisse of heuene
Þorwe grace of clene lyfe.


35. The Seven Joys of the Virgin in Heaven, II


Henry E. Huntington Library, MS. HM. 142

Septem gaudia beate marie
Gaude, of uirgins þe freshest floure,
In maydenhede a launtern of odour,
In reuerence, worschippe and honour,
Transcendens splendiferum,
The princes of aungelis in Ierachie,
The beaute of blessed seyntes so hiȝe,
Passynge also by alle clergye
A dignitate munerum.
Gaude, spouse of god, so clere
As the lyȝt of þe day þat schynethe here,
By cours of þe planetis in the spere
Solis datur lumine.
So þou makest þat glorious cite
In pees Ioye by the syght of the,
Schinynge and schewynge in alle degre
Lucis plenitudine.
Gaude, uessel of alle uertu,
Schinynge as heuen in hyde and hewe,
At whos commaundynge hangeth ful trewe
Tota celi curia,
The blessediste and benigneste þat euer grewe,
Worthyeste and clenest þat euer man knewe,
Moder and norice of criste Ihū,
Veneratur in gloria.


Gaude be þe, bonde of ful good wille,
As loue to loue that neuer thouȝt ille
In parfyte charite and pite þer-tille
Iuncta sic altissimo,
That what so euer thi wille be
May don for man to make us fre
Aske and þou haste graunted the
A ihū dulcissimo.
Gaude, moder of wrecches wilde,
The fader of heuen þat gat þi childe
As a fre kynge to his douȝter mylde
Dabit te colentibus
A couenabel rewarde to his mede
And ordeyned so him þat he schal spede,
A sete for thy loue where is no drede
Regni in celestibus.
Gaude, mayden cristes moder,
Thow art oure voket and he oure broþer—
Oonly þou seruyd þis and noon oþer,
O virgo piissima,
Aboue alle creatures for to bee,
In sight, astate and dignite,
That thow art þe holy trinite
Sessione proxima.
Gaude, mayde and moder clene,
Siker and sure, fayre lady schene,
Be graunt of þe godhede—þis I mene,
Quod hec septem gaudia,
Thei schal neuer sclake, thei schal neuer sece,
Nor neuer fade ne neuer decrece,
But be freshe and dure and euer encrece
Per eterna secula.


36. The Seven Joys of the Virgin in Heaven, III


Harley MS. 372

Gaude flore virginali

Ioy, blissid lady, with pure virgynal floure!
And honoure special, transcendyng vp on hee
In-to the ioyful heuenly toure
Where prynces of aungels inhabite bee.
Above all seyntis there pight is thi see,
Thorowh dignyte of thi giftis, evire to dwell,
the which be so grete that tong none can tell.

Gaude sponsa cara dei

Ioy, derword spouse of god almyght!
for as the sonne the day lightyns with his beemys clere,
So plentevously, of peace thou givys the light
to thoo þat in this world bene leuyng heere.
Derknesse is noone where þu art neere,
O glorious lanterne, euyre shynyng bright;
thi sone to love and drede, optene vs will & myght.

Gaude splendens vas virtutum

Ioye, vessel pure of vertuous shynyng!
to whos bekenyng & call, both more & lesse,
al the heuenly court is euyre inclynyng,
the to honour & worship as weel worthi is.
The, ihū modire, wele & gladnesse
with laude & glory, euyre on the call
Angels archaungels & oþer seyntis all.

Gaude nexu voluntatis

Ioye with þe, bande of blissid wilfulnesse,
& with þe, bande of parfytt luf & charite!
So to that god ioyned þat most myghti isse


that þi askyng graunte euyre wil he.
Ihū þi sone, most of benygnyte,
ay to þi desyres wil accord & assent,
and hym euyre to please is þi will & entent.

Gaude mater miserorum

Ioye, pytevous moder of syners! þat one þe call
for releyse of þer synne & þer trespace:
for þi luf, þe fadur of þeise worldis all
graunte to theme pardone, mercy & grace,
& after in heuyne both seete & place
With him in blisse euyre to be.
thus synners be sauyd, lady, thorogh help of the.

Gaude virgo mater xpi

Ioye, blissid lady modire of crist Ihū!
for þu, most blissid virgyne, deseruyd hath alone
þat þi seete gloriously piyht shuld be nowe
all-ther next ioyned to þe holy trynytees trone;
Where þe seyntis of heuyne þe worschip euerychone,
With ympnes & canticles & organs emang,
& oþer melodies moo than mans hert think kane.

Gaude virgo mater pura

Ioye, blissid virgyne, cristis modire pure!
Euyre dwelling sure & in certante
Þat theis Ioies to þe schal euer stand sure,
& neuer more decrece ne neuer lessyned be,
but fresshly florissh & encrece in eternyte.
þus in endlesse blisse ay shal thow dwell,
queene of heuene, lady of erth, Emperice of hell.

O Sponsa dei electa

O, thou chosyne spouse of god, blissid moder also
of oure lord ihū crist þat vs ful dere hath boght,


Sett vs in þe right way, þat we may surely go
vp to eternal blisse, þer-of þat we fayle noght,
where peace is & glory newe dayly in broght.
And with þi pitevous eeris here vs whan we call,
And suffir vs neuer to þe fend to mak oure soulys thrall.

37. A Song of the Assumption


Cotton MS. Caligula A. ii

Veni Coronaberis
Surge mea sponsa, so swete in syȝte,
And se þy sone in sete full shene!
Thow shalte a-byde with þy babe so bryȝte
And in my glorye be, & be called a qwene.
Thy mamelles, modur, full well I mene,
I hadde to my mete, I myȝte not mysse.
Aboue all creatures, my modur clene,
Veni Coronaberis.
Cum, clene Crystall, to my cage.
Columba mea, I þe calle,
And se þy sone, in seruage
ffor mannus sowle was made þralle.
In þy place þat ys princypall
I playde pryuely wyth-owte mysse.
My herytage, modur, haue þu shall,
Veni coronaberis.
ffor macula, modur, was neuur in þe,
ffilia syon, þu arte þe flowre!
ffull swetely shalte þu sytte by me,
And were a crowne wyth me in towre;


And all myn angelles to þyn honowre
Shall þe worshyppe in heuen blysse.
Thow, blessed body þat bare in bowre,
Veni coronaberis.
Tota pulcra es to my plesynge,
My modur, princes of paradys!
A watur full swete of þe shall sprynge,
Thow shalte aȝeyn my ryȝtes ryse.
The welle of mercy, modur, in þe lyys
To brynge þy blessed body to blysse.
And all my sayntes shall do þe seruysse,
Veni [coronaberis].
Veni, electa mea, to myn an hyȝe,
Holy modur & mayden mylde,
On sege to sytte me bye,
That am þy kynge & þy chylde,
Holy modur, with me to bylde,
Wyth þy blessed babe þat ys in blysse—
That virgyn þat was neuur defylde,
Veni [coronaberis].
Vox tua to me was full swete
Whene þu me badde, ‘babe be stylle’.
ffull goodly gone oure lyppes mete,
Wyth bryȝte braunches, as blosme on hyll.
ffauus distillans þat wente wyth wylle
Oute of þy lyppes whene we dede kysse.
Therfore, modure, þys ys my skyll,
Veni [coronaberis].
Veni de libano, þu lylye in launche,
That lappes me louely wyth loulynge songe!
Thow shalte a-byde wyth þy blessed braunche
That so solemply of þe spronge.


Ego, flos campy, þy flowre, was fonge,
That on Calverye cryede to þe ywysse.
Moder, ȝe knowe hyt ys no wronge,
Veni [coronaberis].
Pulcra ut luna, þu bere þe lambe,
As soone þat shyneth moste clere.
Veni in ortum meum, þowȝty damme,
To smelle my spyces & erbes in fere.
My place ys pyȝte for þe plenere,
ffull of bryȝte braunches & blomes of blysse.
Cum now, modur, to þy derlynge dere,
Veni [coronaberis].
Que est ista so vertuus,
That is celestyall for oure mekenesse,
Aurora consurgens gracyous,
So benygne a lady of fyne bryȝtnesse,
That ys þe colour of kynde clennesse.
Regina celi, þat neuur shall mysse
Thus enþeth þys songe of gret swettenesse,
Veni coronaberis.

38. The Coronation of the Virgin, I


B.M. Addit. MS. 20059

The infinite power essenciall,
Me thoght I sawe verrement,
Procedyng from his trone celestiall
To a dere damsell that was gent.
Songes melodious was in their tent,
Of Angells synging with gret solemnyte
Before a quene whiche was present,
Ecce virgo Radix Iesse.


Tota pulcra, to the lille like,
She was set withe saphures celestiall;
The odour of hir mowthe aromatike
Dyd coumford the world vnyuersall,
Moche clerer she was then the cristall,
She is the flowre of all formosite,
Devoide of actes crymynall,
Ecce virgo Radix Iesse.
Oleum effusum, to languentes medsyne,
O maria by denominacioun,
Fulgent as the beame celestyne,
Called vnto hir coronacioun.
Phebus persplendent made his abdominacioun,
Devoidyng all in tenebrosite,
ffor gret love of hir exaltacioun,
Ecce virgo Radix Iesse.
Ryght diligent were the mynstrells divine,
Trones and dominaciones for to expresse,
Angells, Archangells dubbit in doctryne,
To mynystre to þat regall arayed in rychesse.
The prynce perpetuall spake to that pryncesse,
Smylyng in his suavyte,
‘Columba mea, the Cloystre of clandnesse
Ecce virgo Radix Iesse.’
‘Surge, true tabernacle of virginite,
Bothe mother and maiden inculpable,
Cum furthe of thy consanguinite
Vnto glorie incomparable.’
Then kneled this oryent & amyable
Before the pellicane of perpetuete,
And he crowned that Regyent venerable,
Ecce virgo Radix Iesse.


By the spectable splendure of hir fulgent face
My sprete was rauesched, & in my body sprent,
Inflamed was my hert with gret solace
Of the luciant corruscall resplendent,
Then this curious cumpany in-contynent
Withe the seraphynnes in their solemnyte,
Solemply sang this subsequent,
‘Ecce virgo Radix Iesse.’
O Deifere delicate and doghter dyuyne,
Mother of mercy and meyden melleffluus,
Devoide of dysseyte, dubbet in doctryne,
Trone of the trinite, treite thow for vs.
Vs defende from the dongeon dolorous,
And bring to abide in blisse withe the,
There to love our godd most glorious,
Ecce virgo Radix Iesse.
Dulcis amica dei, rosa vernans, stella decora,
Tu memor esto mei dum mortis venerit ora.
Spes nostra Iesus maria.

39. The Coronation of the Virgin, II


Harley MS. 2255

Vndir a park ful prudently pyght,
A perillous path men passyd by,
There herd I a melody of myght,
Scandaunt on skalys above the sky,
Aungellys exaltant, bothe lowde and hih,
Tenours, trebelys, many a meene ther was:
they sett ther song ful sapiently,
‘Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas.’


The Clowdys they cleeff, the sky to clere,
The day fro dirknesse made devisioun,
byrdis they buskyd fro breere to breere—
thus fyned the firmament at his avisioun.
The day-sterre, ellect froom alle illicioun,
to mynistre and meene his chaunte he chas:
Than Countryd the queer with this conclusyoun,
With ‘Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas’.
A melodious myrthe it was to me,
fful pure and precious be poyntes passaunt,
So shynyng vpward the excelcite,
With obediaunt beemys bryghtly abundaunt.
Angellys, Archangellys, froom vicis advertaunt,
Moore gloryous than euere was gleem or glas,
Thronys, Dominaciouns, thus Crist Collaudaunt,
With ‘Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas’.
Euere kneelyd and Clepyd on my Creature,
To haue knowlage of the glorye that glood;
So was I enspyred froom the speculat splendure,
That my spirit was ravysshed, my boody a-bood,
than sawh I my makere in his manhood,
Aboute the principatus that nevir shal pas,
The potestates presentis ther beatitudis abrood,
With ‘Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas’.
The Choys of the Cherubynnes, they were cherable
To synge with Seraphynnes in here suavite,
Vertuously devidyng ther voysis venerable,
The Ierarchyes Ioyed with greet Iocundite.
Than knelyd a queen of fair femyninnyte,
Seyng ful seyntly inter filias,
‘ffor Coronacioun of my sanguinite
Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas.’


‘Now, come on, my Colvir,’ than seid Oon Kyng,
‘And flour, of flours moost fortunat,
My tent, my troone, my tresour towchyng,
My merrour, my moodir inmaculat,
My shyning selecture not superat,
but above alle women that evir was.’
Than seid this turtyl, thus translat,
‘Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas.’
Thus was she sett Celestially
and Ioyned in Ioyes with Cryst Ihū
In a paall powdryd with clene perry,
With saphir, shynyng bryght and blew.
Ther-to full of pacience and of vertu,
fful pure in peerle hire Clothyng was.
All Ordrys of Aungellys singing new,
‘Benedicta sit sancta trinitas.’
Here face, moost splendaunt than the sonne,
hire Colour as Cleer as Cristal bryght—
Thus ordynatly, hire lyve is ovir-ronne,
that tyl hevene and erthe she may geve lyght,
Thus magnifyed is our moodir of myght,
by preposicioun that nevir shall pas,
And of the godhede to haue a sight,
With Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas.
Hire Oryent heer lay ovir the nekke
To counforte vs in our Capacite.
Alle Ordrys of Aungellys bowyd at a bekke,
And fyl to this flour of fair felicite.
Crownyd she is in hire benignyte;
A sceptre in hand seyntly she has,
Disposyng our deth daily be dignyte—
Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas.


40. Fresh Flower of Womanhood


Royal MS. 6. B. ix

Ryht godely, fressh flour of womanhode,
My lyues Ioy, myn hertes plesance,
Example of trouth and rote of godelyhode,
And verayly my lyues sustenance—
And, with al þe hool, feythful obeisance
That seruant can thenk or deuyse,
To you þat haue myn herte in gvuernance,
Me recemande in all my best wyse.
Quod H. Bowesper.

41. Mary, Be our Succour and Help


B.M. Addit. MS. 39574

Marye, goddis modir dere,
Socoure & helpe us while we ben here,
Gouerne, wisse and rede.
As þou art modir, mayden and wijf,
Clense us fro synne and graunte good lijf,
And helpe us in oure nede.

42. Keep Us a Place in Paradise


Harley MS. 1022

Quene of parage, paradyse repayred I-wysse,
lyth of linage, lere me of heuenly blysse,
ffor þat es wage þat lastet & neuer may misse.
lady Ioynge, reioyce vs Ioyles abydynge,
þat of al thynge comfort is & refreschynge.
Pray þou our kynge he kepe vs in heuen a wonynge.
Amen oremus.


Mary so milde,
ffor luf of þi childe
here þo wylde
þat prayen þe now.
Grace to vs hylde,
with blysse þou vs bylde,
ffro synne þou vs schilde—
Amen, for our prowe.

43. Our Lady and all the Angels, Pray for Me


MS. Rawlinson B. 408 (Sum. Catal. No. 11755)

I pray þe, lady, þe moder of crist,
Praieth ȝoure sone me for to spare,
With al angels and Iohn Baptist,
And al ȝoure company þat now ys thare,
Al holichurch, for my welfare.
Graunt me of ȝoure merites a participacion,
And praieth oure lorde for my saluacyon.

44. Mary, Remember Me at my Last Day


MS. Douce 1 (Sum. Catal. No. 21575)

Blessed mary, moder virginall,
Integrate mayden, sterre of the see,
Haue remembraunce at the day fynall
On thy poore seruaunt now prayng to the.


Myrroure without spot, rede rose of Ierico,
Close gardyn of grace, hope in disparage,
Whan my soule the body parte fro
Socoure it frome myn enmyes rage.

45. I Have now Set my Heart so High


Trinity College Camb. MS. 652

I Haue nowe sett myne herte so hye,
My luff alone is one oone lente
the whiche is fayre, fecunde and fre,
the myldeste may that euer was mente.
She hase myne herte in yche degre,
She is so generus and so gente,
And I hir chose for chastite
eternally trewluff to tente.
Hyr dulcede is indesinente
ffor she is rote of all recreaunce,
Hyr frute is indeficient
to luff wyth-owte varyaunce.
Tota pulcra and principall
of plente that is plenitude,
Castell of clennes, I hyr call,
that beldith in beatitude,
beyng as clene as clere crystall
Whose meuynge is mansuetude.
hyr sete is sett sempeternall
In excelsis so celsitude.
O pierles princes, thy pulcritude
Was so indewed wyth dalyaunce,
thy fortune was so felicitude
to luff wyth-owtyn varyaunce.


46. A Love Message to My Lady


MS. Douce 326 (Sum. Catal. No. 21900)

Goe, lytyll byll, & doe me recommende
Vn-to my lady with godely countynaunce,
ffor, trusty messanger, I the sende.
Pray her that sche make puruyaunce;
ffor my love, thurgh her sufferaunce,
In her Bosome desyreth to reste,
ssyth off all women I loue here beste.
sshe ys lylly off redolence,
Wych only may doe me plesure;
she is the rose off conffydence,
Most conffortyng to my nature.
Vn-to that lady I me assure,
I wyll hur loue and neuer mo—
Goe, lytyll byll, and sey hur so.
she restyd in my remembraunce,
Day other nyght wher-so I be;
It ys my specyall dalyaunce
for to remembyr hur bewte;
she is enprentyd in ych degre
With yftis of nature in-explycable,
And eke of grace incomparable.
The cause þerfor, yf she wyll wytt,
Wyll I presume on sych a flowre
ssay, off hyr, for yt ys I-wrytt,
she is þe feyrest paramour
And to man in ych langour


Most souerayne medyatryce.
Ther-ffor I loue þat flowre of pryce.
Her bewte holy to dyscryve
Who is she that may ssuffyce?
ffor-soth no clerk þat is on lyve,
ssyth she is only withowtyn vyce;
Her flauour excedith the fflowr-delyce.
Afore all flowris I haue hur chose
Enterely in myn herte to close.
Hyr I beseche, seth I not feyne
Butt only putt me in hur grace,
That off me she not dysdeyne,
Takyng regarde at old trespace;
seth myn entent in euery place
sshall be to doe hur obeysaunce
And hur to loue saunce varyaunce.

47. I will Serve my Lady until Death


MS. Bodley 939 (Sum. Catal. No. 27691)

[E]uery man delytyth hyly in hijs degree
Hym for to stand in hys ladyys grace,
And i am one off them—I say for me—
That wyll be besy in euery maner place
Her for to serue beningli & purchace
Her mercy, & ther-vppon a-byde
Unto deth me do sett a-syde.


[A]Nd vn-to yow, myn lady dere,
With humble hert & lowly obseruance
I yow besech & hyly yow requere
Me for to haue in your remembrance,
Wych may me wele preserue & auavnce
The rathyr throw thys prayer that i make,
And to yow, good lady, my body I do betake.
[W]Yth hertte trew whyl my body wyll indure
Truly in yowre seruyce I wyll a-byde,
B[e]sechyng yow of soch grace & vre
As yt lyk yow for me to prouyde,
ffor vn-to me þow be best gyde,
Reuerent lady, that euyr I dyd fynd,
And vnto me best lady and most kynd.
[A]Lso, good lady, one thyng i yow besech,
That thys prayer may be to yow acceptable,
And that þow be to me my soule leche,
ffor neuyr i fownd yow variable.
Now, gracyus good lady, mak me so able
That thys prayer may passe to yowr presence,
And mercy to haue for myne offence.
[I]N yow, good lady, soch affiance I fynd
That I yow chese to be souereyn off all
And me purpose yow ta have in mynde
Euery day & mercy to yow calle.
Now, gracius lady, with hartt, lyffe, lust & alle,
I yow besech in euery heuynesse
Me for to helppe & in euery distresse.


48. I Will Have No Other Spouse


Cotton MS. Caligula A. ii

Vpon a lady my loue ys lente,
With-owtene change of any chere,
That ys louely & contynent
And most at my desyre.
Thys lady ys yn my herte pyght;
Her to loue y haue gret haste.
With all my power & my myȝth,
To her y make myne herte stedfast.
Therfor wyll y non oþur spowse,
Ner none oþur loues, for to take;
But only to here y make my vowes,
And all oþur to forsake.
Thys lady ys gentyll & meke,
Moder she ys & well of all;
She ys neuur for to seke,
Noþur to grete ner to small.
Redy she ys nyght & day,
To man & wommon & chylde ynfere,
ȝyf þat þey wyll awȝt to here say,
Our prayeres mekely for to here.
To serue þys lady we all be bownde,
Both nyȝth & day yn euery place,
Where euur we be, yn felde or towne,
Or elles yn any oþur place.
Pray we to þys lady bryȝth,
In þe worshyp of þe trinite,
To brynge vs alle to heuen lyȝth—
Amen, say we, for charyte.