University of Virginia Library


122. An Orison to St. John the Baptist


B.M. Addit. MS. 39574 (The Wheatley MS.)

To Seynt Iohn
Seynt Iohn, for grace þou craue,
Þat of his mercy he wole us saue,
As þou nexst hym were boren beste.
And whanne we schulen fro hens weende,
Thou gete us grace to make good eende,
In heuene blis wiþ hym to reste.


123. The Martyrdom of St. Thomas


Caius Coll. Camb. MS. 383

A a.a.a. nunc gaudet ecclesia.
Herkenud lordyngus, grete & smale,
ych wole ȝow telle a wondur tale,
how holy churche was brout in bale
cum magna iniuria.
Knytus werone sent fro harry kyng,
Wyckede men wyt-out lesyng,
þere þey dedone a wondur þyng
ffrementes insania.
þe chef clerk of al þys lond,
of Kaunturbury ych vndur-stonde,
he was slay wyt wyckede hond
Demonis Potencia.
þey soutone þe byschop al aboute,
in hys paleys wyt-inne & wyt-oute;
Of ihū cryst þey haddone no doute
In sua Superbia.
Wyt her mouþus þey ȝendone wyde,
& seyde to hym wyt gret prude,
‘traytur, þu here schal a-byde
ferens mortis tedia.’
He ansuerede wyt mylde chere,
‘Ȝyf ych schal dye in þys manere,
lat hym go þat ys here
absque contumelia.’


turmenturus abouten hym gon sterte,
wyt wyckede wondis hey hyn herte;
þer he dyede, on hys modur churche,
Optans celi gaudia.
Clerk, mayde, wedede & wyf,
Werchepud thomas in al her lyf,
for fyftene tokenus of gret strif
Contra regis consilia.

124. Prayer to Mary and All Saints


MS. Bodley 939 (Sum. Catal. No. 27691)

[M]ary, moder of mercy & pyte,
And seynt Kateryn, pray for me
To the blyssidfull & ryghtwous iuge on hy,
That ihū on me haue mercy.
Seynt Michael & seynt gabryell,
And all good Angels als wele,
Praye for me to owr lady,
That ihū on me haue mercy.
Holy patriarchis & prophetis,
To yow I pray and besech,
Pray for me wyth owr lady,
That ihū on me haue mercy.
Petir & palle & postils alle,
To yow I cry & hartili calle,
Pray for me wyth owr lady,
That ihū on me haue mercy.


Seynt steuyn & seynt laurence,
All ma[r]terys that suffryd turment,
Pray for me wyth owr lady,
That ihū on me haue mercy.
Seynt marteyn & seynt nicholasse,
And alle good confessors þat euer wasse,
Pray for me wyth owr lady,
That ihū on me haue mercy.
Seynt Kateryne & sent margaret,
And alle virgynys good & swet,
Pray for me wyth owr lady,
That ihū on me haue mercy.
Alle the halowys, that euyr ware
Wyth ihū cryst both leff and dere,
Pray for me wyth owr lady,
That ihū on me haue mercy,
And for all quik and dede.
Pater noster Aue and Crede.

125. A Prayer of the Holy Name


Cambridge Univ. MS. Ff. 1. 6

O Cryste Ihū, mekely I pray to the,
To lete thy name, wedyr y ryde or gone,
In euery parell & in euery aduersite,
Be my defence a-ȝenste my mortall fone
To make them stonde styll as eny stone;
And that castene me falsly to werray,
Make thow here malyce to-to obey.


To thi name, & make hem stond a-backe,
Or thay haue poure to yoy here cruel myght;
And wicked spretus so oryble & blake
That besy bene to wayte me day & nyghte,
Let thi name dryue hem owte of syghte
And, in my fored when I ‘Ihū’ empresse,
Make me of grace theyre malyce to oppresse.
ffor to þi name hoolly y me commende,
Myn lyf, deth, my body, herte & all,
My sowle al-so when I hense wende,
O cryste Ihū, o lorde ynmortall!
Praying to the, whene thow me deme schall,
That thow me saue from eternall schame,
That haue full feght & hole truste in þi name.

126. Keep Me To-day from Shame and Sin


Sloane MS. 3160

[I]hū crist, I the be-seche
Thow here my prayere & myn speche,
And haue it in þi mynd,
As þu boghtis me with þi blod,
And raymett was one þe rod
ffor me and all man-kynd.
Derworthe god, I the pray
ffrom shame & shenship kepe me to-day,
All perrell put me fro.
lord, to þe I crye & call,
lett me to-day no myssechefe fall,
But fend me frome my fo.


Kepe me, lord, frome dedly syne,
þu lett me not fall þer-in
Thrughe þe fendis falsyng,
But gyf me grace wyll to sped,
In word, in wytt & thoght & dede,
As þu art heuen kyng.
I shryue me to the kynge of heuen,
Gylti in the synnys seuen,
lord, þu me amend!
Thow lene me grace to lyf with wyne,
Without dett and dedly syne,
When I shall make an end.
The .x. comaundementis I haue broken,
With body wroght, and mowthe spoken—
lord, I aske þe grace!
ffadur and sone and holy gost,
One god of myghtis most,
ffor-gif me my trespace!
Mare, goddis modur dere,
qwene of heuene, þu me here,
And kepe me to-daye,
lady, for þi Ioyus fyve.
As þu art modur & maydene & wyfe,
Thow socur me al-waye.
Al-myghty god and mare myld,
ffro syne & shame ȝe me shild!
Sent Myghell, I the be-seche,
Kepe & socur þu me send;
ffrome temptacione of þe fend
Thus day þu me safe & kepe.


127. An Evening Prayer, I


Harley MS. 541 (written as prose)

Vpon my Ryght syde y me leye,
blesid lady, to the y pray,
ffor the teres that ye lete
vpone yowr swete sonnys feete,
Sende me grace for to slepe
& good dremys for to mete,
Slepyng, wakyng, til morowe daye bee.
Owre lorde is the frwte, oure lady is the tree;
Blessid be the blossome that sprange, lady, of the!
In nomine patris & filij & spiritus sancti

128. An Evening Prayer, II


MS. Ashmole 61 (Sum. Catal. No. 6922)

Ihc lord, well of All godnes,
ffore thi grete pety i þe pray;
ffore-gyffe me All my wykidnes,
Where-with I haue greuyd þe to-dey.
Honour & praysing to þe be,
And thankyng four thi gyftis All,
That I þis dey reseyuid off the;
Now, curtas cryst, to þe I calle.
This nyght fro perell thou me kepe,
My bodely rest whyll þat I take;
And als longe as myne evyne sclepe,
Myn hert in thi seruys wake.


ffore feryng of þe fend owre fo,
ffro fowll dremys & fantasys,
Kepe þis nyght; from synne also
In clenes þat I may vp-ryse.
Saue my gode doers fro greuans,
And quyte them þat þei on me spend;
Kepe my enmys fro noyans,
And gyffe þem grace forto Amend.
Mercy, Ihū, & grante mercy
My body, my soule I þe be-kene,
In nomine patris & filij
& spiritus sancti, Amen.

129. A Morning Prayer


MS. Ashmole 61 (Sum. Catal. No. 6922)

Ihū, lord, blyssed þu be!
ffore all þis nyght þu hast me kepe
ffrome þe fend & his poste,
wheþer I wake or þat I slepe.
In grete deses & dedly synne
Many one þis nyght fallyn has,
That I my selue schuld haue fallyn In,
Hadyst þu not kepyd me with thi grace.
Lord, gyffe me grace to þi worschype
This dey to spend in þi plesanse,
And kepe me fro wyked felyschipe,
And frome þe fendis comb[er]ance.
Ihū, my tunge þu reule all so
That I not speke bot it be nede,
Hertly to pray fore frend & fo,
And herme no mane in word ne dede.


Cryste, gyffe me grace, off mete & drynke
This day to take mesurably,
In dedly synne þat I not synke,
Thorow out-rage off foule glotony.
Ihū my lord, Ihū my loue,
And all þat I ame bond vnto,
Thi blyssing send fro heuyn A-boue,
And gyffe þem grace wele to do.
My gode Angell, þat arte to me send
ffrome god to be my gouernour,
ffrome all euyll sprytis þu me defend,
And in my desesys to be my socoure.
Amen qd Rate.

130. Speed Our King on His Journey


Lambeth MS. 344

Kyryeleyson, Kpēleysone
Pater de celys, deus, to the we crye,
Goodyse sone that bought vs, the secund persone,
Spiritus sancte, deus, one vs haue mercy!
Holy trynyte as god, beleue we fully.
Spede oure kynge and [spare] thy servant fre,
Wyth contynuell grace hym mvltyplye.
Salvum fac regem domine.
Sancta maria, mylde medyatryce,
Avdi [nos] rogantes seruulos!
Dey genitryx, to thy flovyr de-lyce,
Pray for owre kyng where-so he goose.


O virgoo virginum, lete hym never loos
That hath the kepyng of thy doware fre,
But be port and prynce yn hys pvrpose.
Saluum fac regem domine.
Sancta Anna, genytryce of marye,
ffunde preces thy doughtur to praye,
That ys crystes moder of mercye,
To speed oure kyng yn hys yournay,
That he may well speed yn hys vaye,
And kepe ys ryght as yt shold be.
Moder and doughtter, as ye well may
Saluum fac regum domine.
Seynt mychaell, prynce, archangel and knyght,
And the .ix. ordres of angles alle,
And gabryel that glyded from good almyty
To owre blessyd lady that ys to calle,
Beth medyatours yn the heven halle
To oure gracyose lord yn mageste,
In enemyes fortune that he never falle.
Saluum fac regem domine.
Precussor dnī, seynt ihon bapttyst,
Patryarkes, prophetys, pray for our kynge
That god of hys goodnesse gyf hym hys lyste
Of power and strenght that ys to hys plesyng—
Abraham, ysaak and jacob reynyng
Patres, senyores o seynt moyse—
ffor owre lyege lord that ys lyvynge.
Saluum fac regem domine.


Seynt petre, prynceps Apostolorum,
Seynt poule, seynt andrew and yames by name,
Seynt iohne, crystes derelyng, sociusque vestrorum,
Seynt tomas and the lasse seynt yame,
Seynt phylyp, seynt barthelemewe ful tame,
Seynt matthew, synt symoun, and tadee
Seynt mathy, seynt barnbe, prayeth all yn same.
Saluum fac regem domine.
Seynt luke, seynt marke,—ewangelers
Enforced to the apostoles ye are—
Alle crystes dyscyples and hevenly feres,
Prayeth for owre spede and oure welfare.
Alle the holy nombre that passyone bare,
Innocentys for crystes natyuyte,
Defende oure kyng from hys enemyes snare!
Saluum fac regem domine.
Seynt stevyne that was wyth stones pynede,
Seynt oswalde kynge and martyr clene,
Seynt thomas, flovre of england shrynede,
Alle myghtful martyres on yow y mene!
Thorugh yow and the prayer of heven quene,
Send to owre kynge humanyte,
Beth hys tvtors yn travayle and tene.
Saluum fac regem domine.
Seynt george, oure ladyes knight
On whom alle englond hath byleve,
Shew vs thy helpe to god almyght,
And kepe oure kyng from all myscheve.
Thu art oure patronesse knyght y-preve
To defend wyth fyght oure ladyes fe,
Seynt george, by oure helpe yn all oure greve,
Saluum fac regem domine.


Thu precyose pastour, seynt erkenwalde,
Helpe and here thy nacyoun,
Seynt edward, kyng and confessor called,
ffor thy provynce put orysoun.
Alle confessours and the congregacyoun
Of monkes and heremytes yn alle degre
ffor oure ryght make supplycacyoun.
Saluum fac regem domine.
Thu blessyd womman, marye magdaleyne,
The better part to the thu chees,
Seynt kateryn and seynt eleyne
And all the virgynes yn hevenly prees,
Prayeth ye to cryst to send vs pees.
Omnes scī et scē orate,
That grace wyth vs may ever encresse.
Saluum fac regem domine.
Propicius esto et parce nobis,
Ihū, lord god of myght and grace,
Alle-though we erre and do amysse,
Mercy we crye for owre trespace!
As penytentes we wyle purchace
The precyose yndulgence and thy pyte,
To saue thy peple yn every place.
Saluum fac regem domine.
Swete seynt george, take to oure kyng heed,
To hys lynage and to other lordes all yn fere,
They mowe haue grace well to speed
And couere hem alle vnder thy banere.


To that gloryose gemme that shyneth so clere,
Gooddes moder and mayd of pyte,
Devoutly seyth all that bene here,
Saluum fac regem domine.

131. Mary, Take in Your Hand this Dread Voyage


Arundel MS. 249

Mercyful quene, as ye best kan and may
after your sone, of wreches take pyte,
send your confort nowe on your blessed day
to sory folke in gret aduersite.
Make me to fele your swete benyngnyte,
Sterre of þe see, as botefull ys your name!
Behold me now in your hye mageste,
Most swete lady, an deffend me fro schame.
Moder of god, virgine most meke and pure,
With entier hert y pray you deuoutly,
Take in your hond and in your blessed cure
This dradd voyage, so as your grete mercy
ffor oure pourpose may schape the remedy.
And, as ye know I mene the comone wele
Bothe of my frend and of myn enemy,
Graunt my request party or euerydele.
And al worschip that schal come by your grace
To god mote tourne with you his moder dere
Besechyng hym for-geue myn olde trespasse
Graunt me gode, spede for your most swete prayere


And you .I. pray in most humble manere,
Quene of heuen, wel of myserycord,
As ye be sterre most feyre schynyng and clere
Wyth my desyre your grace ye wel accord.
Prouost of heuen, Archangel Michael,
Deffend me now be powayr most mythye
Of god the fader, and holy gabriel
Geue me counsayl of the sone most wyttye,
And raphael, guyde vnto thobye,
Be my confort and lede me to gode cost,
By the uertu of blessed holy gost.
Dere spouse of god, holy seynte Kateryne,
Whose stedfast loue myght chaunge for no tourment
Nor feyre promes, martyre and pure uirgyne,
I beseche you to faueur myn entent;
And lyke as mylke oute of your feyre nek went
In stede of blode vppon your dying day,
Here my prayer and be with me al-wey.
Prynce of knythode throwoute the grete breteyne,
Noble of blode, large of hospitalyte,
Holy seynt Albon, thou settest but in veyne
Al worldly pomp for hym that died for the;
Now in my nede, gode lorde, remembre me,
As of martyres thou hast begone oure daunce,
ffirst in oure lond oure bonechief to auaunce.
Blessed seynt Gorge, most in oure remembrance,
A-geynyst oure fone haue us alwey in mynde;
Pray for oure grace, oure spede, and oure gode chaunce,
As to englond thou hast be euer kynde.
And, þow fortune hath cast vs late be-hynde,
Yet fayle vs nat whan þat we crye thi name,
ffor with thyn helpe we hope recure gode fame.


Holy marye, O blessed magdeleyn,
Ye with oure lord fonde gret loue and mercy
ffor that tourment, rygthe gret longynge and peyn
Þat your hert felt after ye saw hym dye,
And for þat Ioy and confort bodylye
That he gaue you with his first apparence,
Geyn al euel be ye my sure deffence.
Derest Lady and moder gracyouse,
Blesse me this tyme with þat uertu dyuyne
To you geuen, for me most desyrousse
To obey you vntyl my lengest fyne.
Pray ye oure lord with his moder virgyne
That my werkes may tourne to thy preysyng,
And I schal pray the botefull kateryne
To pray for youre and myn Ioyfull metynge.