University of Virginia Library



49. God in Trinity, Give Me Grace


Cambridge Univ. MS. Ii. 6. 43

[L]orde, þat art of myȝtis moost,
ffadir & sone & holy goost,
God in trynyte,
Thou ȝeue me grace daye & nyȝt
The to serue with all my myȝt,
lord, y be-seke þee.
And out of synne my lyf to lede,
That y þe fende mow not drede
Whan y schall hennys wende.
In heuen blys þou ȝeue me grace
The to see face to face,
Worlde withouten ende.

50. A Petition to Father and Son and Holy Ghost


Harley MS. 2406

Almyghty god, fadir of heuene,
ffor cristis loue þat dyde on rode,
I praye þe, lorde, þou here my steuene,
And fulfill my will in gode.
Crist, thi fader for me praye,
ffor hir loue þou lighted inne,
He yeue me myght, or þat I dye,
Me to amende of all my synne.
The holy gost, þou graunte me grace,
Wiþ such werkes my lif to lede,
That I may se god in his face
On domys day wiþouten drede.


Marie, þi sone for me þou praye,
He yeue me grace, or þat I wende,
Þat I haue after I dye
þe blisse of heuene wiþouten ende.
ffader and sone and holy gost,
All one god and personys .iij.,
Almyghty god of myghtes most,
Lord, þou haue mercy on me.
And on alle that mercy nede for charite.
Amen par amore Amen.

51. A Prayer to the Three Persons in the Trinity


B.M. Addit. MS. 20059

O radiant luminar of light eterminable,
Celestiall father, potenciall god of myght,
Of heyven & erthe, o lorde incomparable,
Of all perfeccions essenciall most parfight!
O maker of mankynd thow formed day & nyȝt,
Whose power imperiall comprehendithe every place;
My hert, my mynde & all my holl delite
Ys, after this lyf, to se thy glorious face,
Whose magnificens is incomprehensible—
All argumentes of reason truly hit dothe excede—
Whose deite dowteles ys indiuisible,
ffrom whome all grace & godenesse dothe procede.
Of his support all cryatures haue nede;
Assist me, gode lorde, & graunte me thy grace
To lyve to thy pleasure in worde, thoȝt & dede,
And, after this lyff, to se thy glorious face.


O benygne Ihū, my soveraigne lord & kyng,
The onely son of God by filiacion,
The secunde person without begynnyng,
Bothe god and man, our faithe makith playne relacion—
Mary, thy moder by wey of incarnacion—
Whose glorious passion our soles dothe revyue,
Agaynest all bodely & gostly tribulacion.
Defende me, withe thy petious woundes fyve.
O pereles prince, peyned unto the dethe,
Rufully rent, thy body wan & blowe
ffor our redempcion gave vp thy vitall brethe—
Was neuer sorow like to thy dedly woo.
Graunt me, out of this world when I shall goo,
Thy endles mercy, my chefe preseruatyve.
Agaynst the world, the flesshe and the devyll also
Defend me with thy petious woundes fyve.
O fyre vervens, enflammed with all grace,
Enkyndlyng hertes with brondes most charitable,
The endles reward of pleasure & solace,
To the fader & the son thow art coniunctable
In vnitate whiche is inseparable.
O water of lyfe, O well of consolacion,
Agaynst all suggestions dedly & damnable
Rescow me, gode lord, by thy preseruacion.
To whome is approched, the holy gost by name,
The thrid person, one god in trinite,
Of parfite loue thow art the gostly flame.
Emperour of mekenes, pease & tranquyllite,
My coumford, my counsell, my parfite charite,
O water of life, O well of consolacion,
Agaynst all stormes of hard aduersite
Rescow me, gode lord, by thy preseruacion.


52. In One is All


Harley MS. 1022


Thurgh grace growand, in god almyght
Mekle maked for to spring,
A song ful soth & ful of lyght
our conscience consels for to syng.
ffolk þat is faythful, & loth for to fayle,
þei fall to þis song both grete & small;
ffor þaim think it wil a-vayle
þei sayn oft-syth, In one is alle.


Off one I syng, & wil not spare,
þat made al thynges both lest & most;
ffor of oure bales he makus vs bare,
fadur & son & holy gost.
In hym es alle & alle he is,
god & man he es to be calle;
Wyse men, thynken ful wele of þis
& euermore sayn, In one es alle.


Almyghty god, almyghty sone,
Almyghty are þo persones thre,
With-oute begynning, o god in trone,
With-outen qwam no thyng may be.
He come doun to mary, þat may,
& made vs fre þer we were thralle,
To suffur pyne os I þe say
& þus we profe, In one is alle.


And sythen he hang apon þe rode
With wondus wyde, wondur ffelle,


þat gart hym [gyld] þo gost so gode—
þo passioun vs profers for to telle—
And suffred more þan I may say,
for we suld stande & noght falle,
& be his seruandus both nyght & day,
& þus vs thinke, In one es alle.


Trayst in þo trinite þat al thyng can,
& noght in golde, for þat wil wayst;
ffor gold makus many a man
In gode or euel to haue no tast.
Trayst not trewle bot in one,
qwen al is gone he abide schalle
þat al thyng made, os seyt sent Ione:
qwar for me thynk, In one is alle.


Helle is hedus on to se,
& vgle to neuen to any wyght;
þarfor pray we þo trinite
þat we be neuur þedir dyght,
ffor þat had bene our ful ryght,—
qware pyne is bittur os is þe galle—
Nad ihū died, þat comele knyght,
& þus we profe, In one is alle.


If we wele do wele schal vs be,
os holy men vs has kende;
loue we þen þo trinite
þat made þo blysse þat neuer sal ende.
he bring vs vnto hys blysse
& hery vs hye in-to hys halle,
þo hole trinite he graunt þisse
& alle þat trowes, In one is alle.